0.31 17 November 2003
Added method "result_any" to fetch _any_ result, optionally setting
the jobid as well. After a suggestion by Matthew Kirkwood.
0.30 9 November 2003
Increased dependency on Thread::Conveyor to 0.15 because of problem
fix for 5.8.2.
3 October 2003
Found still one reference to original name threads::farm in the POD.
Now removed.
0.29 11 August 2003
Cleaned Makefile.PL and upgraded dependencies and copyright.
Fixed test-suite so it runs cleanly under warnings. Added special
__WARN__ handler to tell where any warning came from. Fixed a problem
in Thread::Pool->new with an undefined "maxjobs" setting.
0.28 30 September 2002
Use "load.pm" instead of AutoLoader. Increased dependency on
Thread::Conveyor and T::C::Monitored, which also use "load.pm" now.
Removed "our" from $VERSION, should shave off some bytes in
memory usage, as found from testing with Benchmark::Thread::Size.
22 September 2002
Removed some blurb about Thread::Tie. Made internal use of
Thread::Tie unconditional, as Thread::Tie will always be loaded
because of Thread::Conveyor. Spotted by Chris Rosebrugh.
0.27 1 September 2002
Increased dependency on Thread::Conveyor to 0.10, to ensure we have
the latest and the best.
Adapted test-suite to account correctly for the extra thread that is
created by the new dependency of Thread::Conveyor on Thread::Tie.
0.26 30 August 2002
Changed all modules to use AutoLoader to defer loading of necessary
subroutines to when they are actually needed. This should save
memory and CPU for larger programs, or with large numbers of threads.
The test-suite only marginally takes more memory and uses 10% less CPU:
overhead of compiling is levelled out with the overhead of cloning
pre-compiled routines.
0.25 27 August 2002
Added support for checkpointing on the monitor thread + documentation
+ adaptation of the test-suite.
Raised dependency on Thread::Conveyor::Monitored to take advantage of
the new checkpointing feature.
0.24 14 August 2002
Raised dependency on Thread::Conveyor again to take advantage of
possible problem fix.
13 August 2002
Reduced number of tests in test-suite for the hammering bits: it
was taking about 30 minutes on my development machine, which is
really too much.
Now uses Thread::Serialize::(freeze|thaw) for serialization of
data structures between threads. Raised dependency on
Thread::Conveyor to make sure this always works.
Added support for Thread::Tie: the workers array will use the
Thread::Tie implementation if it is available. This to avoid the
memory leak with shared arrays.
0.23 7 August 2002
Added documentation for the "optimize" field (in "new") and method.
Thread::Pool now has its own default setting for optimization.
Adapted writeup of "abort", it now is _the_ way of temporarily
shutting down a pool from which it is possible to recover later
by adding workers again.
Finally migrated the complete test-suite: now 1230 tests which take
almost 30 minutes on my development box.
6 August 2002
Continued with migration. Unfortunately, it has become impossible
to recover from a shutdown. Documentation has been adapted to
reflect this change, as well as the test-suite. This also fixed
some problems that may have occurred in the test-suite on faster
5 August 2002
Started with migration to new Thread::Conveyor functionality.
Adapted requirements in Makefile.PL. On towards a Thread::Pool and
Thread::Pool::Resolve that doesn't eat memory like crazy.
0.22 1 August 2002
Fixed problem in random access test-suite that would fail only on
faster machines.
Increased Makefile.PL dependencies for Thread::Conveyor and
Added support for throttling Conveyor belts. Removed local
throttling support, as it now uses the throttling support of
Thread::Conveyor. This means that now monitoring belts will
be throttled the same way as the job belt (they were not throttled
0.21 29 July 2002
Hopefully fixed the last deadlock issues with regards to job
throttling. Thread::Pool::Resolve finally gets through its test-suite
0.20 26 July 2002
Fixed some documentation nits.
Removed autoshutdown resetting hack in dispatcher routines: not needed
anymore because of the CLONE check.
25 July 2002
Added "maxjobs" and "minjobs" methods, so that job throttling can be
adapted on the fly. Added documentation and adapted test-suite.
Added support for the "pre_post_monitor_only" field, which allows the
"pre" and "post" routine to only be executed for the "monitor" routine.
Added tests and documentation for it also.
Removed conditional Thread::Conveyor::Monitored loading code. Since
Thread::Conveyor::Monitored is a prerequisite now, it was not necessary
0.19 25 July 2002
Made $VERSION have the : unique attribute to save memory.
Removed stray "use Carp" that was left behind from some debugging.
Rearranged -use-s to minimize what is really needed exactly. Adapted
Makefile.PL to now also depend on Thread::Conveyor::Monitored.
Fixed problem in "shutdown" which would sometimes put too many stop
requests on the job belt. With the new belt->peek_dontwait method
any remaining stop requests are removed from the belt. This should
fix test-suite errors that occurred only on some systems.
Now depends on both Thread::Conveyor and Thread::Conveyor::Monitored
instead of Thread::Queue::Any and Thread::Queue::Any::Monitored.
Changed metaphor from queue to belt in the documentation and the
24 July 2002
Added a more elaborate example for log resolving, which is the base
code for the new Thread::Pool::Resolve module.
0.18 23 July 2002
Finally (hopefully) fixed problems with deadlocking. It seems that
accessing unlocked shared arrays and hashes may cause deadlocking
issues also because locks are happening at the C-level. Will
investigate later. Job throttling now considered beta.
0.17 22 July 2002
Added support for job throttling by the "maxjobs" and "minjobs" field
in the "new" method. Adapted the "_random" and "_stream" dispatchers
as well as the "job" method. Added test-suite for this as well.
This code is really still alpha, it does not seem to get through the
test always, so there could still be some deadlocking issues here.
Added method "results". Returns the job IDs of which there are still
results ready to be fetched. Returns the number of results in scalar
Added class method "monitor" that returns the
Thread::Queue::Any::Monitored object associated with the pool in the
"do", "pre" and "post" routine if monitoring.
Changed rogue DESTROY hack to use UNIVERSAL::isa(). Suggested by
Ken Williams.
Added the first full blown example: a simple log resolving filter.
Removed some "originatingthreadid" cruft that was left behind. Also
removed some "destroyed" cruft.
Simplified the rogue DESTROY test hack.
0.16 21 July 2002
Added test-case for testing all of the methods that can be called.
Completed the multi-thread job submission test.
Changed DESTROY to only do something when in the originating thread.
Found bug in 5.8.0 that is calling DESTROY just too many times. Found
a way around that by using the CLONE subroutine. This fixes the
segfaults that I have been seeing, that I realize now, were caused
by the extra DESTROYs.
20 July 2002
Started the multi-thread job-submitter test-suite. Ran into
segfaults. Trying to reproduce them in a simpler example now.
0.15 19 July 2002
Also fixed "abort" functionality in case there weren't any jobs to
do anymore: the worker threads would be blocked on reading the job
queue and not see the abort flag. Now, the remaining threads are
signalled to stop the ordinary way.
Added test-suite for "abort" functionality. Added internal routine
"_first_todo_jobid" which allows "shutdown" to only stream results
of jobs actually done, rather then to try to stream results that
weren't created yet. This should fix the "abort" functionality.
Renamed internal routine "_freeze" to "set_result" and exposed it to
the world as part of the "jobid" and "dont_set_result" combo. This
should now allow the development of the completely asynchronous log
resolve module I was thinking about, where lookups on the same IP
number will be handled by a single thread rather than by any thread
that just happens to get the IP-number.
Removed internal routine "_thaw": all thawing internally is done by
calling Storable directly for speed, so it was dead wood.
Added "jobid" and "dont_set_result" methods to allow "do" subroutines
to have other threads create the result of the current thread. Adapted
the _random and _stream dispatcher to honour these new methods.
Simplified the "remove_me" functionality by a simple lexical flag
rather than having to use the object. This now also makes it a
class method.
Fixed several minor pod nits. Removed some Carp cruft from the
0.14 18 July 2002
Fixed problem with monitoring a thread that was't finished when
shutdown time was encountered.
Added support for the new "post" routine in
Thread::Queue::Any::Monitored in "new" and "add". Needed so that
e.g. file handles are closed and buffers flushed.
Small performance improvement in "add" if more than one thread is
added: original input parameters are only thawed once.
Moved shutting down of monitoring thread from DESTROY back to
"shutdown". This makes more sense. Added code to restart the
monitoring thread if necessary in "add".
Found one problem remaining in shutdown that caused the errors I
was seeing yesterday. I guess 13 _was_ an unlucky number.
Re-instated the full test-suite now.
0.13 17 July 2002
Testing on large numbers of threads and/or jobs keeps failing
indeterminately. Lowered the number of tests to be able to get
the module out there for testing on other machines.
No longer passes the Thread::Pool object to the "do", "pre" and
"post" routine. This to conform to the way Thread::Queue::Monitored
works. If the object is needed, the "self" class method should be
called. This change should also speed up things a bit.
Added class method "self" for use within the "pre", "do", "post",
"stream" or "monitor" routine. It returns the object they're
working for.
The same "pre" routine is now also passed to the internal "monitor"
object. If you really want to have a different "pre" routine, then
you can create a seperate Thread::Queue::Any::Monitored object and
use a "stream" routine to fill that monitored queue.
Changed the functionality of the "pre" routine to not save any
of the returned values. It makes much more sense for the "pre"
routine to set either lexical or global variables that would be
automatically accessible to the "do" and "post" routine by virtue
of the fact that they have their own memory space to play with.
Adapted the test-suite accordingly.
Added support for "monitor" keyword in "new" method. Allows you to
specify a streaming mode in which the stream is handled by a single
monitoring thread rather than by each thread themselves. Courtesy
of the new Thread::Queue::Any::Monitored module.
Fixed problem with warning being issued when starting the object.
Caused by the originating thread id value not being set for the
originating thread itself.
0.12 16 July 2002
Added method "waitfor" as a shortcut for using "job" and "result".
Moved checks for originating thread to new internal method
Added method "abort" to have all the worker threads stop after they're
finished with their current job. Adapted new, _random and _stream
for this new feature.
0.11 15 July 2002
Bumped up version to 0.11 to be higher than Malcolm Beattie's original
Thread::Pool module on CPAN. No other changes were made.
0.04 15 July 2002
Hopefully fixed problem in streaming caused by some stupid thread
inertia problem. Problem was caused by the dispatcher assigning the
jobid rather than the "job" method. Things could get out of sync
before the dispatcher was reached.
Added "join" method to allow intermediate cleanup of removed worker
threads. Fixed up "shutdown" to call "join".
Internally changed dispatcher system: there are now different
dispatchers for streaming and random access mode.
Method "done" now only counts jobs by removed threads. Job counts
are now kept in local thread space and only made shared when the
worker thread is removed.
Gone back to not detaching threads. Detached threads cannot be
waited for, which is a major PITA.
0.03 14 July 2002
Made sure that once the pool is shut down, calling method "shutdown"
again will not do anything. At least not until method "add" is
called. This should fix the situation where the pool is specifically
shut down, and again shut down when the object is destroyed.
Added method "notused" which returns the number of threads that
were removed before they got a chance to do anything. Can be used
to give you a heuristic of how many threads you actually need for a
specific application.
Added functionality for streaming results. This allows you to
specify a "stream" subroutine that allows you to handle the result
of the asynchronously executed "do" subroutines in the order in
which the jobs were submitted (rather than in the order in which the
results were obtained).
Added "remove_me" functionality, which allows a "do" routine to tell
its dispatcher that the worker thread should be removed.
Added Perl version requirement to README and pod, per suggestion of
mrbbking. Added -use threads- to Makefile.PL to cause breakage of
the install process if threads are not available.
Added specific check for named subroutine reference. The old
Thread::Pool module from CPAN also allowed this.
0.02 13 July 2002
Added initial version of test-suite.
Added initial version of the documentation.
Added copyright info to pod.
Name change threads::shared:: -> Thread:: caused this module to be
renamed to the Thread:: namespace. Per Dan Sugalski's suggestion,
the name became Thread::Pool.
Dave Rolsky suggested that "hire" and "fire" were too cutesy. And I
figured that "fire" could be misinterpreted as "fire up a thread"
rather than retire. Therefore the following changes were made:
hire -> add
fire -> remove
fired -> removed
hired (deleted, moved functionality to "workers")
I also changed "result_nb" to "result_dontwait", as that is a better
description of what it does (who knows that "nb" stands for
"non-blocking" and then knows what it means?).
0.01 12 July 2002
First version as threads::farm.