0.04	21 July 2002
	Added "can_ok" check to the test-suite.

	Renamed "dequeue_nb" to "dequeue_dontwait" to be more in line with
	Thread::Pool.  Added "dequeue_nb" as synonym to remain compatible
	with Thread::Queue.

	Fixed several documentation nits.

0.03	14 July 2002
	Added -use threads- to Makefile.PL to cause breakage if attempting
	to install on a system without threads.

	Added Perl version requirement to README and pod per suggestion of

0.02	13 July 2002
	Added copyright info to pod.

	Name change threads::shared:: -> Thread:: caused this module to be
	renamed to Thread::Queue::Any.  And all the other changes that were

0.01	10 July 2002
	First version of threads::shared::queue::any.