0.06 28 December 2003
Added automatic required modules update using Devel::Required.
Added dependency on load.pm, it was missing!
0.05 12 August 2003
Cleaned up Makefile.PL and updated copyright. Fixed some warnings
in the test-suite. Increased dependency of Thread::Tie to 0.09.
0.04 29 September 2002
Use "load.pm" instead of AutoLoader. Increased dependency on
Thread::Tie to 0.08 in Makefile.PL.
Removed "our" from $VERSION, should shave off some bytes in
memory usage, as found from testing with Benchmark::Thread::Size.
0.03 6 September 2002
Added alternate solution to the documentation to circumvent the rand()
problem with threads. Suggested by Benjamin Goldberg.
0.02 5 September 2002
Added class method "global" to hijack the rand() and srand() functions
globally. This to circumvent the bug in rand() and threads I found
today. Added documentation and test-suite for this.
Added support for AutoLoader.
2 September 2002
Fixed tiny nit/optimization in sub and().
0.01 1 September 2002
First version of Thread::Rand.