1.10 3 October 2003
Apparently newer Linux systems don't have pid's for threads anymore
either. Added compile time check for this behaviour: nown fails to
compile if it doesn't work. Adapted test-suite accordingly.
1.09 23 August 2003
Version 1.08 somewhore fell into a black hole because of the problems
that PAUSE had the past days. Upping the version number seemed to be
the only way to fix this.
1.08 21 August 2003
Fixed problem with undefined string in split whenever used from
another module at compile time. This particularly occurred when
doing a perl -wc on a script. Also fixed a type on _allowed: now
how did that ever get by use strict?
Fixed some internal documentation.
Removed references to "AutoLoader" from the documentation: the
infamous "load" module is now used.
1.07 12 August 2003
Adapted test-suite to better check and notify user when Thread::Signal
will not work on the platform. Cleaned up Makefile.PL and adapted
copyright notice.
Added "SYSTEMS IT DOESN'T WORK ON" section to the pod.
Still wasn't able to silence strange warnings in the test-suite ;-(.
Added message that this shouldn't happen in real world situations,
or else! ;-)
1.06 30 September 2002
Use "load.pm" instead of AutoLoader. Added dependency on load.pm
in Makefile.PL.
Removed "our" from $VERSION, should shave off some bytes in
memory usage, as found from testing with Benchmark::Thread::Size.
1.05 17 September 2002
Found that there is a better way to set signals on p5p (thanks Tels!),
using POSIX's sigaction(). Instead of just setting %SIG, we now use
sigaction(). Added internal methods _set and _ignore to aid in this.
This should allow signals to come through in threads::shared::cond_wait
and system calls such as "gethostbyaddr".
Fixed some documentation nits.
1.04 9 September 2002
Added some internal stuff so that Thread::Status can do its job more
6 September 2002
Fixed problem with redefine warnings when running with -w.
1.03 6 September 2002
Added special meaning "-2" to signify all threads that have signal
activated _except_ the current thread.
Added class methods "tids" and "othertids" for returning the thread
ID's that have a specific signal activated.
1.02 4 September 2002
Found the trick for automatically registering signals. Completely
reworked the inside to allow automatic registration. Added methods
"automatic" and "unautomatic" and added some more tests.
3 September 2002
Removed : unique attribute from VERSION: this doesn't work with
AutoLoader apparently (still need to verify that, though)
Fixed some documentation nits.
1.01 2 September 2002
First version of Thread::Signal. Starts with version 1.01 to prevent
problems with old 5.005 threads Thread::Signal on CPAN.