package Net::XMPP2::Node; use strict; use Net::XMPP2::Namespaces qw/xmpp_ns/; use constant { NS => 0, NAME => 1, ATTRS => 2, TEXT => 3, NODES => 4, PARSER => 5, RAW => 6 }; use constant { NNODE => 0, NTEXT => 1, NRAW => 2, }; =head1 NAME Net::XMPP2::Node - XML node tree helper for the parser. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Net::XMPP2::Node; ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This class represens a XML node. L<Net::XMPP2> should usually not require messing with the parse tree, but sometimes it is neccessary. If you experience any need for messing with these and feel L<Net::XMPP2> should rather take care of it drop me a mail, feature request or most preferably a patch! Every L<Net::XMPP2::Node> has a namespace, attributes, text and child nodes. You can access these with the following methods: =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item B<new ($ns, $el, $attrs, $parser)> Creates a new Net::XMPP2::Node object with the node tag name C<$el> in the namespace URI C<$ns> and the attributes C<$attrs>. The C<$parser> must be the instance of C<Net::XMPP2::Parser> which generated this node. =cut sub new { my $this = shift; my $class = ref($this) || $this; my $self = []; $self->[0] = $_[0]; $self->[1] = $_[1]; $self->[2] = $_[2]; $self->[5] = $_[3]; $self->[6] = ''; bless $self, $class; return $self } =item B<name> The tag name of this node. =cut sub name { $_[0]->[NAME] } =item B<namespace> Returns the namespace URI of this node. =cut sub namespace { $_[0]->[NS] } =item B<eq ($namespace_or_alias, $name) or eq ($node)> Returns true whether the current element matches the tag name C<$name> in the namespaces pointed at by C<$namespace_or_alias>. You can either pass an alias that was defined in L<Net::XMPP2::Namespaces> or pass an namespace URI in C<$namespace_or_alias>. If no alias with the name C<$namespace_or_alias> was found in L<Net::XMPP2::Namespaces> it will be interpreted as namespace URI. The first argument to eq can also be another L<Net::XMPP2::Node> instance. =cut sub eq { my ($self, $n, $name) = @_; if (ref $n) { return $self->[PARSER]->nseq ($n->namespace, $n->name, $self->name); } else { my $ns = xmpp_ns ($n); return $self->[PARSER]->nseq (($ns ? $ns : $n), $name, $self->name); } } =item B<eq_ns ($namespace_or_alias) or eq_ns ($node)> This method return true if the namespace of this instance of L<Net::XMPP2::Node> matches the namespace described by C<$namespace_or_alias> or the namespace of the C<$node> which has to be another L<Net::XMPP2::Node> instance. See C<eq> for the meaning of C<$namespace_or_alias>. =cut sub eq_ns { my ($self, $n) = @_; if (ref $n) { return ($n->namespace eq $self->namespace); } else { my $ns = xmpp_ns ($n); $ns ||= $n; return ($ns eq $self->namespace); } } =item B<attr ($name)> Returns the contents of the C<$name> attribute. =cut sub attr { $_[0]->[ATTRS]->{$_[1]}; } =item B<add_node ($node)> Adds a sub-node to the current node. =cut sub add_node { my ($self, $node) = @_; push @{$self->[NODES]}, [NNODE, $node]; } =item B<nodes> Returns a list of sub nodes. =cut sub nodes { map { $_->[1] } grep { $_->[0] == NNODE } @{$_[0]->[NODES] || []}; } =item B<add_text ($string)> Adds character data to the current node. =cut sub add_text { my ($self, $text) = @_; push @{$self->[NODES]}, [NTEXT, $text]; } =item B<text> Returns the text for this node. =cut sub text { join '', map $_->[1], grep { $_->[0] == NTEXT } @{$_[0]->[NODES] || []} } =item B<find_all (@path)> This method does a recursive descent through the sub-nodes and fetches all nodes that match the last element of C<@path>. The elements of C<@path> consist of a array reference to an array with two elements: the namespace key known by the C<$parser> and the tagname we search for. =cut sub find_all { my ($self, @path) = @_; my $cur = shift @path; my @ret; for my $n ($self->nodes) { if ($n->eq (@$cur)) { if (@path) { push @ret, $n->find_all (@path); } else { push @ret, $n; } } } @ret } =item B<write_on ($writer)> This writes the current node out to the L<Net::XMPP2::Writer> object in C<$writer>. =cut sub write_on { my ($self, $w) = @_; $w->raw ($self->as_string); } =item B<as_string ()> This method returns the original character representation of this XML element (and it's children nodes). Please note that the string is a unicode string, meaning: to get octets use: my $octets = encode ('UTF-8', $node->as_string); Now you can roll stunts like this: my $libxml = XML::LibXML->new; my $doc = $libxml->parse_string (encode ('UTF-8', $node->as_string ())); (You can use your favorite XML parser :) =cut sub as_string { my ($self) = @_; join '', map { $_->[0] == NRAW ? $_->[1] : $_->[1]->as_string } grep { $_->[0] != NTEXT } @{$self->[NODES] || []}; } =item B<append_raw ($string)> This method is called by the parser to store original strings of this element. =cut sub append_raw { my ($self, $str) = @_; push @{$self->[NODES]}, [NRAW, $str]; } =item B<to_sax_events ($handler)> This method takes anything that can receive SAX events. See also L<XML::GDOME::SAX::Builder> or L<XML::Handler::BuildDOM> or L<XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder>. With this you can convert this node to any DOM level 2 structure you want: my $builder = XML::LibXML::SAX::Builder->new; $node->to_sax_events ($builder); my $dom = $builder->result; print "Canonized: " . $dom->toStringC14N . "\n"; =cut sub to_sax_events { my ($self, $handler) = @_; my $doc = { Parent => undef }; $handler->start_document ($doc); $self->_to_sax_events ($handler); $handler->end_document ($doc); } sub _to_sax_events { my ($self, $handler) = @_; $handler->start_element ({ NamespaceURI => $self->namespace, Name => $self->name, Attributes => { map { ($_ => { Name => $_, Value => $self->[ATTRS]->{$_} }) } keys %{$self->[ATTRS]} } }); for (@{$self->[NODES]}) { if ($_->[0] == NTEXT) { $handler->characters ($_->[1]); } elsif ($_->[0] == NNODE) { $_->[1]->_to_sax_events ($handler); } } $handler->end_element ({ NamespaceURI => $self->namespace, Name => $self->name, }); } =back =head1 AUTHOR Robin Redeker, C<< <elmex at> >>, JID: C<< <elmex at> >> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2007 Robin Redeker, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # End of Net::XMPP2