package Net::XMPP2::Util;
use strict;
no warnings;
use Encode;
use Net::LibIDN qw/idn_prep_name idn_prep_resource idn_prep_node/;
use Net::XMPP2::Namespaces qw/xmpp_ns_maybe/;
require Exporter;
our @EXPORT_OK = qw/resourceprep nodeprep prep_join_jid join_jid
                    split_jid stringprep_jid prep_bare_jid bare_jid
                    is_bare_jid simxml dump_twig_xml install_default_debug_dump
                    node_jid domain_jid res_jid
                    prep_node_jid prep_domain_jid prep_res_jid
                    from_xmpp_datetime to_xmpp_datetime to_xmpp_time
                    filter_xml_chars filter_xml_attr_hash_chars
our @ISA = qw/Exporter/;

=head1 NAME

Net::XMPP2::Util - Utility functions for Net::XMPP2


   use Net::XMPP2::Util qw/split_jid/;


These functions can be exported if you want:

=over 4

=item B<resourceprep ($string)>

This function applies the stringprep profile for resources to C<$string>
and returns the result.


sub resourceprep {
   my ($str) = @_;
   decode_utf8 (idn_prep_resource (encode_utf8 ($str), 'UTF-8'))

=item B<nodeprep ($string)>

This function applies the stringprep profile for nodes to C<$string>
and returns the result.


sub nodeprep {
   my ($str) = @_;
   decode_utf8 (idn_prep_node (encode_utf8 ($str), 'UTF-8'))

=item B<prep_join_jid ($node, $domain, $resource)>

This function joins the parts C<$node>, C<$domain> and C<$resource>
to a full jid and applies stringprep profiles. If the profiles couldn't
be applied undef will be returned.


sub prep_join_jid {
   my ($node, $domain, $resource) = @_;
   my $jid = "";

   if ($node ne '') {
      $node = nodeprep ($node);
      return undef unless defined $node;
      $jid .= "$node\@";

   $domain = $domain; # TODO: apply IDNA!
   $jid .= $domain;

   if ($resource ne '') {
      $resource = resourceprep ($resource);
      return undef unless defined $resource;
      $jid .= "/$resource";


=item B<join_jid ($user, $domain, $resource)>

This is a plain concatenation of C<$user>, C<$domain> and C<$resource>
without stringprep.

See also L<prep_join_jid>


sub join_jid {
   my ($node, $domain, $resource) = @_;
   my $jid = "";
   $jid .= "$node\@" if $node ne '';
   $jid .= $domain;
   $jid .= "/$resource" if $resource ne '';

=item B<split_jid ($jid)>

This function splits up the C<$jid> into user/node, domain and resource
part and will return them as list.

   my ($user, $host, $res) = split_jid ($jid);


sub split_jid {
   my ($jid) = @_;
   if ($jid =~ /^([^@]*)@?([^\/]+)\/?(.*)$/) {
      return ($1 eq '' ? undef : $1, $2, $3 eq '' ? undef : $3);
   } else {
      return (undef, undef, undef);

=item B<node_jid ($jid)>

See C<prep_res_jid> below.

=item B<domain_jid ($jid)>

See C<prep_res_jid> below.

=item B<res_jid ($jid)>

See C<prep_res_jid> below.

=item B<prep_node_jid ($jid)>

See C<prep_res_jid> below.

=item B<prep_domain_jid ($jid)>

See C<prep_res_jid> below.

=item B<prep_res_jid ($jid)>

These functions return the corresponding parts of a JID.
The C<prep_> prefixed JIDs return the stringprep'ed versions.


sub node_jid   { (split_jid ($_[0]))[0] }
sub domain_jid { (split_jid ($_[0]))[1] }
sub res_jid    { (split_jid ($_[0]))[2] }

sub prep_node_jid   { nodeprep     (node_jid   ($_[0])) }
sub prep_domain_jid {              (domain_jid ($_[0])) }
sub prep_res_jid    { resourceprep (res_jid    ($_[0])) }

=item B<stringprep_jid ($jid)>

This applies stringprep to all parts of the jid according to the RFC 3920.
Use this if you want to compare two jids like this:

   stringprep_jid ($jid_a) eq stringprep_jid ($jid_b)

This function returns undef if the C<$jid> couldn't successfully be parsed
and the preparations done.


sub stringprep_jid {
   my ($jid) = @_;
   my ($user, $host, $res) = split_jid ($jid);
   return undef unless defined ($user) || defined ($host) || defined ($res);
   return prep_join_jid ($user, $host, $res);

=item B<cmp_jid ($jid1, $jid2)>

This function compares two jids C<$jid1> and C<$jid2>
whether they are equal.


sub cmp_jid {
   my ($jid1, $jid2) = @_;
   stringprep_jid ($jid1) eq stringprep_jid ($jid2)

=item B<prep_bare_jid ($jid)>

This function makes the jid C<$jid> a bare jid, meaning:
it will strip off the resource part. With stringprep.


sub prep_bare_jid {
   my ($jid) = @_;
   my ($user, $host, $res) = split_jid ($jid);
   prep_join_jid ($user, $host)

=item B<bare_jid ($jid)>

This function makes the jid C<$jid> a bare jid, meaning:
it will strip off the resource part. But without stringprep.


sub bare_jid {
   my ($jid) = @_;
   my ($user, $host, $res) = split_jid ($jid);
   join_jid ($user, $host)

=item B<is_bare_jid ($jid)>

This method returns a boolean which indicates whether C<$jid> is a 
bare JID.


sub is_bare_jid {
   my ($jid) = @_;
   my ($user, $host, $res) = split_jid ($jid);
   not defined $res

=item B<filter_xml_chars ($string)>

This function removes all characters from C<$string> which
are not allowed in XML and returns the new string.


sub filter_xml_chars($) {
   my ($string) = @_;
   $string =~ s/[^\x{9}\x{A}\x{D}\x{20}-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFFFF}]+//g;

=item B<filter_xml_attr_hash_chars ($hashref)>

This runs all values of the C<$hashref> through C<filter_xml_chars> (see above)
and changes them in-place!


sub filter_xml_attr_hash_chars {
   my ($hash) = @_;
   $hash->{$_} = filter_xml_chars $hash->{$_} for keys %$hash

=item B<simxml ($w, %xmlstruct)>

This function takes a L<XML::Writer> as first argument (C<$w>) and the
rest key value pairs:

   simxml ($w,
      defns    => '<xmlnamespace>',
      node     => <node>,
      prefixes => { prefix => namespace, ... },

Where node is:

   <node> := {
                ns => '<xmlnamespace>',
                name => 'tagname',
                attrs => [ ['name', 'value'], ... ],
                childs => [ <node>, ... ]
           | {
                dns => '<xmlnamespace>',  # this will set that namespace to
                                          # the default namespace before using it.
                name => 'tagname',
                attrs => [ ['name', 'value'], ... ],
                childs => [ <node>, ... ]
           | "textnode"

Please note: C<childs> stands for C<child sequence> :-)

Also note that if you omit the C<ns> key for nodes there is a fallback
to the namespace of the parent element or the last default namespace.
This makes it easier to write things like this:

      defns => 'muc_owner,
      node => { name => 'query' }

(Without having to include C<ns> in the node.)

Please note that all attribute values and character data will be filtered
by C<filter_xml_chars>.


sub simxml {
   my ($w, %desc) = @_;

   if (my $n = $desc{defns}) {
      $w->addPrefix (xmpp_ns_maybe ($n), '');
   unless (exists $desc{fb_ns}) {
      $desc{fb_ns} = $desc{defns};

   if (my $p = $desc{prefixes}) {
      for (keys %{$p || {}}) {
         $w->addPrefix (xmpp_ns_maybe ($_), $p->{$_});

   my $node = $desc{node};

   if (not defined $node) {

   } elsif (ref ($node)) {
      my $ns = $node->{dns} ? $node->{dns} : $node->{ns};
      $ns    = $ns          ? $ns          : $desc{fb_ns};
      $ns    = xmpp_ns_maybe ($ns);

      my $tag = $ns ? [$ns, $node->{name}] : $node->{name};

      my %attrs = @{$node->{attrs} || []};
      filter_xml_attr_hash_chars \%attrs;

      if (@{$node->{childs} || []}) {

         $w->startTag ($tag, %attrs);

         my (@args);
         if ($node->{defns}) { @args = (defns => $node->{defns}) }

         for (@{$node->{childs}}) {
            if (ref ($_) && $_->{dns}) { push @args, (defns => $_->{dns}) }
            if (ref ($_) && $_->{ns})  {
               push @args, (fb_ns => $_->{ns})
            } else {
               push @args, (fb_ns => $desc{fb_ns})
            simxml ($w, node => $_, @args)


      } else {
         $w->emptyTag ($tag, %attrs);
   } else {
      $w->characters (filter_xml_chars $node);

=item B<to_xmpp_time ($sec, $min, $hour, $tz, $secfrac)>

This function transforms a time to the XMPP date time format.
The meanings and value ranges of C<$sec>, ..., C<$hour> are explained
in the perldoc of Perl's builtin C<localtime>.

C<$tz> has to be either C<"UTC"> or of the form C<[+-]hh:mm>, it can be undefined
and wont occur in the time string then.

C<$secfrac> are optional and can be the fractions of the second.

See also XEP-0082.


sub to_xmpp_time {
   my ($sec, $min, $hour, $tz, $secfrac) = @_;
   my $frac = sprintf "%.3f", $secfrac;
   substr $frac, 0, 1, '';
   sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d%s%s",
      $hour, $min, $sec,
      (defined $secfrac ? $frac : ""),
      (defined $tz ? $tz : "")

=item B<to_xmpp_datetime ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$tz, $secfrac)>

This function transforms a time to the XMPP date time format.
The meanings of C<$sec>, ..., C<$year> are explained in the perldoc
of Perl's C<localtime> builtin and have the same value ranges.

C<$tz> has to be either C<"UTC"> or of the form C<[+-]hh:mm>, if it is
undefined "UTC" will be used.

C<$secfrac> are optional and can be the fractions of the second.

See also XEP-0082.


sub to_xmpp_datetime {
   my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $tz, $secfrac) = @_;
   my $time = to_xmpp_time ($sec, $min, $hour, (defined $tz ? $tz : 'UTC'), $secfrac);
   sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%s", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday, $time;

=item B<from_xmpp_datetime ($string)>

This function transforms the C<$string> which is either a time or datetime in XMPP
format. If the string was not in the right format an empty list is returned.
Otherwise this is returned:

   my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $tz, $secfrac)
      = from_xmpp_datetime ($string);

For the value ranges and semantics of C<$sec>, ..., C<$srcfrac> please look at the
documentation for C<to_xmpp_datetime>.

C<$tz> and C<$secfrac> might be undefined.

If C<$string> contained just a time C<$mday>, C<$mon> and C<$year> will be undefined.

See also XEP-0082.


sub from_xmpp_datetime {
   my ($string) = @_;
   if ($string !~
      return ()
   ($6, $5, $4,
      ($3 ne '' ? $3        : undef),
      ($2 ne '' ? $2 - 1    : undef),
      ($1 ne '' ? $1 - 1900 : undef),
      ($8 ne '' ? $8        : undef),
      ($7 ne '' ? $7        : undef))

sub dump_twig_xml {
   my $data = shift;
   require XML::Twig;
   my $t = XML::Twig->new;
   if ($t->safe_parse ("<deb>$data</deb>")) {
      $t->set_pretty_print ('indented');
      return ($t->sprint . "\n");
   } else {
      return "$data\n";

sub install_default_debug_dump {
   my ($con) = @_;
   $con->reg_cb (
      debug_recv => sub {
         my ($con, $data) = @_;
         printf "recv>> %s:%d\n%s", $con->{host}, $con->{port}, dump_twig_xml ($data)
      debug_send => sub {
         my ($con, $data) = @_;
         printf "send<< %s:%d\n%s", $con->{host}, $con->{port}, dump_twig_xml ($data)


=head1 AUTHOR

Robin Redeker, C<< <elmex at> >>, JID: C<< <elmex at> >>


Copyright 2007 Robin Redeker, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


1; # End of Net::XMPP2