Revision history for Perl extension Hook::Filter
0.01 2006-03-09
- first working version
0.02 2006-05-23
- adding some tests
0.03 2007-05-16
- moved repository to sourceforge (
- removed the tests from_pkg(), from_sub() and is_sub(), hence
breaking the backward compatibility of filtering rules
- added the tests from(), arg() and subname()
- allowed injection of new rules during runtime
- updated POD
0.04 2007-05-22
- more POD
- using a rule file is now optional
0.05 2007-05-23
- allow multiple use of 'rules' if the file stays the same
0.06 2007-05-23
- POD updates
0.07 2007-05-25
- refactored to avoid 'Too late to run INIT' block message when used from eval/require
- Hook::Filter now *must* be used with parameter 'hook =>'