Revision history for Perl extension Net::OAI::Harvester

0.86 Wed Nov 26 14:01:21 2003
	- fixed 5/002.error to not skip ALL THE TIME!

0.85 Wed Nov 26 13:45:23 2003
	- added note to to indicate the 
	  return values in list and scalar contexts. Thanks Jose
	  Barrueco @ University of Valencia.
	- beefed up docs in Net::OAI::Identify
	- modified t/002.error to check parser so that test doesn't fail 
	  under XML::LibXML
	- added output message to Makefile.PL encouraging folks to 
	  use libxml2 parser for increased speed.

0.82 Sat Nov 01 07:40:53 2003
	- require at least 5.8.0 for installation since this is the recommended
	  baseline for processing unicode. 

0.81 Fri Oct 24 01:51:03 2003
	- fixed passing of empty metadataFormat name/value pair when 
	  listRecords() and listIdentifiers() use a resumption token.
	  Thanks Patrick Hochstenbach @ LANL.

0.8  Fri Oct 24 09:16:12 2003
	- better catching of XML errors
	- added debug() method
	- added --debug switch to oai-listrecords

0.75 Wed Oct 22 21:51:08 2003
	- wrapped XML parsing in eval block to trap fatal errors.

0.7  Wed Oct 22 09:58:55 2003
	- more doc fixes (thanks Martin)
	- resumptionToken() now returns undef when no resumption token 
	  was present in the response.
	- modified bin/oai-listrecords to take advantage of the new return 
	  convention of resumptionToken().
	- fixed custom userAgent getting/setting (thanks Martin). 

0.6  Tue Oct 21 17:12:31 2003
	- fixed several doc errors (thanks Martin Emmerich)
	- modified list verbs to work with resumption tokens
	- modified oai-listrecords utility to automatically fetch all 
	  records using resumption tokens.

0.5  Wed Aug 28 16:57:03 2003
	- more doc fixes

0.4  Thu Aug 07 17:22:12 2003
	- fixed doc error (thanks Tajoli Zeno)
	- fixed warnings that run under new Test::Harness.
	- explicitly use IO::File

0.3  Mon Jul 28 11:35:37 2003
	- added asString() method to Net::OAI::Record::OAI_DC
	- added oai-listrecords utility
	- modified Makefile.PL to put oai-listsets and oai-listrecords in bin

0.2  Tue Jul 08 09:59:34 2003
	- updated docs

0.1  Thu May 15 22:37:02 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-X -P