Revision history for Crypt-Random-Source

0.09      2014-08-30 17:07:04Z
          - bump prereq on namespace::clean (RT#65244) and IO::File (RT#68873)

0.08      2014-08-05 00:03:21Z
          - fix use of deprecated Any::Moose::load_class (RT#93163, David Pottage)

0.07      2011-01-05
          - Switch to using Capture::Tiny for, for Windows
          - Prevent a warning from during global destruction.
          - Make Crypt::Random::Source work properly in taint mode.

0.06      2010-12-23
          - Use Any::Moose to allow either Moose or Mouse.
          - Switch to dzil.

0.05      2009-11-25
          - dep on Moose instead of Mouse

0.04      2009-11-25
          - zap Squirrel

0.03      2008-06-17
          - Fucking manifest... we hates it

0.02      2008-06-17
          - Missing deps

0.01      2008-06-17
          - Added factory and sugary version

0.01_01   2008-06-17
          - Preview release, missing functionality