# 01-scratch.t 
# Copyright (c) 2006 Jonathan Rockway <jrockway@cpan.org>

use Test::More tests => 19;
use Directory::Scratch;

my $temp = Directory::Scratch->new;
my $base = $temp->base;

# create (4)
ok(-e $base, 'tempdir exists');
ok(-d _, 'tempdir is a directory');
ok(-w _, 'tempdir is writable');

# mkdir (3)
my $dir = $temp->mkdir('foo/bar/baz');
ok($dir =~ m{foo.?bar.?baz.?$}, 'dir has a reasonable name');
ok(-e $dir, 'dir exists');
ok(-d $dir, 'dir is a directory');

# openfile (5)
ok(my $fh = $temp->openfile('baaa'), "openfile" );
ok(fileno($fh), "openfile() returned a filehandle" );
ok($temp->exists('baaa'), 'the file exists');
ok(print {$fh} "hello\n");
ok(close($fh), "can close the opened filehandle");

# touch (2)
my $file = $temp->touch('foo/bar/baz/bat', qw{Here are some lines});
ok(-e $file, 'file exists');
ok(-r $file, 'file readable');

# touch with lines (2)
my $lfile = $temp->touch('baa', "This is a single line");
open($fh, '<', $lfile);
my @lines = <$fh>;
is($lines[0], "This is a single line\n");
is($lines[1], undef);
close $fh;

$lfile = $temp->touch('baaa', qw{There is more than one line});
open($fh, '<', $lfile);
@lines = <$fh>;
chomp @lines;
is_deeply(\@lines, [qw{There is more than one line}]);
close $fh;

# delete (2)
ok(!-e $file, 'file went away');
ok(!-e $dir, 'dir went away');