#!/usr/bin/perl # write.t # Copyright (c) 2006 Jonathan Rockway <jrockway@cpan.org> use Test::More tests => 6; use Directory::Scratch; use strict; use warnings; my $tmp = Directory::Scratch->new; ok($tmp, 'created $tmp'); # this tests touch a bit too, sorry. ok($tmp->touch('foo', qw(Foo bar baz quux)), 'created foo'); my @lines = $tmp->read('foo'); is(scalar @lines, 4, 'read 4 lines'); is_deeply(\@lines, [qw(Foo bar baz quux)]); $tmp->write('foo', qw(Now the lines are different)); @lines = $tmp->read('foo'); is(scalar @lines, 5, 'read the 5 new lines'); is_deeply(\@lines, [qw(Now the lines are different)]);