Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-EnsureLatestPerl

0.008     2018-06-19 23:05:30Z
          - soften Module::CoreList requirement to allow a 3 month delay
            between releases, rather than 2 months (RT#125632)

0.007     2018-03-04 22:24:12Z
          - improved wording in error message

0.006     2017-08-05 01:17:00Z
          - handle additional formats of $Module::CoreList::VERSION

0.005     2017-05-24 02:00:40Z
          - fix tests on older perls: preload some modules before $] is altered

0.004     2017-05-21 01:39:40Z
          - (hopefully) fix tests on MSWin32, by avoiding epoch times larger
            than 32 bits

0.003     2017-05-13 13:39:54Z
          - fix prereq on Module::CoreList to get the user into an initial
            working state (and ensures that tests pass)

0.002     2017-05-13 09:24:06Z
          - actually support DZIL_ANY_PERL override variable

0.001     2017-05-12 08:25:52Z
          - Initial release.