Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RewriteVersion-Transitional
0.009 2018-02-02 02:44:58Z
- now providing a more helpful message when
fallback_version_provider is needed, but missing (sorry, Olaf!)
0.008 2017-06-25 01:49:45Z
- re-enable a test that will pass again after
[BumpVersionAfterRelease] added the 'add_tarball_name' option
0.007 2015-07-16 18:58:00Z
- work around (hopefully temporary) breakage with the addition of
extra comments after $VERSION declarations by [RewriteVersion]
0.006 2015-06-28 06:05:57Z
- add documentation amendment about the handling of multiple
packages in a file, where not all of them have $VERSIONs.
- warn when underscore versions are used -- no sanitization is
added, so the runtime $VERSION will not be numeric
0.005 2015-05-20 02:32:40Z
- now logging the number of version statements that were replaced
- fix the name of the fallback version provider plugin used in
[BumpVersionAfterRelease::Transitional] (shows up in log messages)
- removed addition of # TRIAL suffix to the repository files after release
0.004 2015-01-19 03:49:55Z
- avoid dying if [OurPkgVersion] is not installed
- accomodate older [RewriteVersion], before skip_version_provider
was added
- accomodate the use of all [RewriteVersion] configuration options
0.003 2015-01-17 03:55:55Z
- include the configs for the fallback_version_provider,
[PkgVersion] and/or [OurPkgVersion], when used, in dumped
- avoid misleading log messages when nothing was actually modified
in the file
0.002 2015-01-13 06:06:52Z
- first working version
0.001 2014-12-31 20:55:07Z (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Initial release.