Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-PodSpelling

2.007005  2017-12-17 19:08:45Z
          - remove the use of Test::Script in tests

2.007004  2016-10-27 02:00:39Z
          - fix tests to not rely on . in @INC (Graham Knop)

2.007003  2016-09-17 01:13:11Z
          - only add 'bin', 'lib' to directories list if a custom list was not
            passed. This also prevents a directory from being tested twice.
          - keep the stopwords list in the __DATA__ section sorted, for
            smaller diffs

2.007002  2016-05-29 04:09:13Z
          - fix broken test in MSWin32

2.007001  2016-05-27 22:59:31Z
          - remove uses of Path::Class API, to fix warnings when used with
            Dist::Zilla 6.000

2.007000  2015-10-25 01:29:05Z
          - documented the minimum timeline for removal of [PodSpellingTests]
          - include config values in metadata when [MetaConfig] is used
          - add 'directory' and 'stopword' config options as aliases for
            'directories', 'stopwords'

2.006009  2015-05-04 03:08:46Z
          - first release under new management
          - minimum supported version lowered to 5.008
          - mark Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodSpellingTests as deprecated in metadata
          - use the 'deprecated' warning category in [PodSpellingTests]

2.006008  2014-06-17
          - register Test::Spelling as a development dependency ( haarg )

2.006007  2014-03-05
          - munge the file properly even if [ExtraTests] has already moved it

2.006006  2014-02-27
          - require Dist::Zilla 5
            Unicode Changes + 2.6.3 changes means tests only work on dzil 5+

2.006005  2014-02-23
          - Document ExtraTests problem

2.006004  2014-02-23
          - remove dependency on Path::Class in favor of Path::Tiny

2.006003  2014-02-23
        - prevent distmeta from being populated too early by postponing
          calling it until the file munging phase

2.006002  2013-12-19
          - fix problem with compile tests stalling on windows (chorny) GH #20

2.006001  2013-09-07
          - stop depending on hanekomu word list. Pod::Wordlist is maintained,
            please request words to be added there
          - remove hack to prevent dzil from adding generated test deps to your dist
            that consumes this.

2.006000  2013-05-01
          - add contributers to the stopwords list

2.004004  2013-04-29
          - fix tests broken by Test::Spelling 0.18 which changed Test::Builder

2.004003  2013-03-04
          - fix ::PodSpellingTests version metadata being wrong

2.004002  2013-03-01
          - checked.t should now work on windows if Test::Spelling 0.17+ installed

2.004001  2013-02-14
          - Add documentation for directories feature

2.004000  2013-02-14
          - Add support for customizable search directories GH #8
          - fix bug where unicode names weren't being added properly as stopwords
            GH #9

2.002006  2012-12-29
          - FIXME: skip checked.t for windows, it hangs see Github issue #7

2.002005  2012-06-27
          - fix test for perls < 5.10 where qr//m did not work properly

2.002004  2012-04-04
          - appears that I forgot to merge 2.002002 before releasing 2.002003

2.002003  2012-04-04
          - make tests required for authors but no one else

2.002002  2012-03-07
          - fix issue with a dash in the copyrigh holder GH #5
          - use Test::Requires over eval

2.002001  2012-01-10
          - fix copyright year

2.002000  2012-01-10
          - Generate stopwords based on the file names in the distribution

2.001004  2011-12-13
          - Fix tests so that spell check passes ( rwstauner )
          - Test test contents ( rwstauner )

2.001003  2011-12-10
          - skip checked if OS is BSD, no idea why the tests fail predominantly on

2.001002  2011-11-27
          - remove issue where duplicate stopwords could be created
          - attempt to fix issue with spellchecking engines not working

2.001001  2011-10-26
          - skip test if no spellchecking engine found ( rwstauner )

2.1.0     2011-10-08
          - now checks your bin/ scripts for pod spelling errors
          - added tests

v2.0.0    2011-08-06
          - automatically add copyright owner to stopwords
          - now an author test
          - use semantic versioning
          - use of PodSpellingTests Plugin, use Test::PodSpelling instead.
          - ownership passes to xenoterracide
          - Dist Name changed with Module name

1.111520  2011-06-01
          - Require Test::Spelling 0.12 in the injected test (thanks doherty for the

1.111480  2011-05-28
          - automatically add author names from dist.ini to stopwords (thanks
            xenoterracide for the suggestion)

1.103491  2010-12-15

1.103490  2010-12-15
          - added configuration (wordlist, spell_cmd, stopwords) to this plugin
            (thanks harleypig)

1.101420  2010-05-22
          - removed weaver.ini since that's handled in Dist::Zilla's [@MARCEL] now
          - list Test::Spelling in dist.ini so we don't use() it anymore

1.100690  2010-03-10
          - original version