Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-ETHER
0.010 2013-06-28 11:28:01 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- t/00-check-deps.t test now has TODO tests for 'recommends' and
'suggests' prereqs
- release test for unused variables reinstated
0.009 2013-06-20 10:18:12 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- 'installer' now defaults to ModuleBuildTiny
- (experimental) namespaces-are-clean release test added to minting
profile, although this won't pass for many types of dists as many
things are sloppy about modifying the package stash
0.008 2013-06-11 15:59:23 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- fix bad templating in minted module
- during minting, push the initial commit to github after creating
the remote
0.007 2013-05-29 18:48:34 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- minting profile updates:
- extra kwalitee tests enabled by default
- test now has 'use <main module>;', prefers done_testing,
and now fails, rather than not compiling
- main module now avoids the list transformer where it breaks pod
coverage tests; includes more template pod
- config option added for changing the installer backend (still
defaults to MakeMaker, for now)
0.006 2013-05-10 17:06:41 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- support dropped for directly passing stopwords via a mvp argument
-- it's easier to just use a directive right in pod (and they can
be added via ConfigSlicer too, if needed)
- minting process now prompts to create a repository on github
- alter max_target_perl setting for *this dist itself only* to
commit to run on 5.16.3+, not 5.8.8+
- the version of Dist::Zilla used to build this distribution is
injected as a develop prerequisite for users of the plugin bundle
- the version of this bundle used to mint a dist is set as the
minimum version for subsequent builds of the dist
- after release, the github repository is updated with the
distribution's abstract as its description, and the metacpan page
as its homepage.
0.005 2013-04-28 08:47:40 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- bump version for [Test::Compile] and [Test::CheckDeps] (RT#84900,
RT#84904, RT#84905)
0.004 2013-04-26 20:56:11 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- fix missing .gitignore in minted dists
- [-Encoding] podweaver plugin added to this distribution and
minted dists
- extra stopwords added, after disabling my local aspell dictionary
- Pod::Weaver plugins used in this bundle are added as runtime
0.003 2013-04-21 10:22:48 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- now building ourself with ourselves, [@Author::ETHER].
- [Test::UnusedVars] added
- RT mail link cleaned up
- bump prereqs for Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::PluginRemover,
- document the multiple mechanisms for adding stopwords (and add the
[-Stopwords] weaver plugin, which seems to be needed sometimes)
0.002 2013-04-14 15:40:08 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- do not index our profiles/, to avoid its contents from showing up
under "Documentation" on metacpan
- users of [@Author::ETHER] can now -remove plugins
0.001 2013-04-14 13:52:50 PDT-0700 (Karen Etheridge)
- Initial release.