Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-ETHER

0.051     2014-02-23 01:10:45Z
          - fix argument passed to [Git::Commit] that no longer works now that
            it uses Path::Tiny instead of Path::Class
          - new "surgical_podweaver" configuration option
          - minimum perl version softened to 5.010, except for when minting
            distributions (still at 5.013002)

0.050     2014-02-13 17:39:49Z
          - adjusted CONTRIBUTING content for XS-based dists - I promise to
            include a token Makefile.PL to allow development without dzil.

0.049     2014-01-29 02:56:31Z
          - fixed tests that can fail on systems with no spelling dictionaries

0.048     2014-01-21 04:07:40Z
          - removed [PruneCruft], which does nothing useful with
          - removed [ManifestSkip] which does nothing useful when there is no
            MANIFEST.SKIP file
          - add an option for what files to copy from the release, for easier
          - added a dummy option for [Git::Check], to work around an issue in

0.047     2014-01-14 05:34:39Z
          - adjusted plugin order so [PkgVersion] gets a chance to insert into
            the first blank line of the package (new in 5.010) before other
            modules insert their code lines
          - pod removed from in the middle of source is now replaced with a
            commented-out version of itself, to avoid altering line numbers

0.046     2014-01-11 19:23:31Z
          - ensure that .pod files are also eligible for indexing
          - minting profile switched to using a dist sharedir to store
            profiles, so we can now ship using Module::Build::Tiny

0.045     2014-01-06 18:32:05Z
          - fixed transposed link text in documentation (thanks, rwstauner!)
          - fixed new tests that fail when run outside a git repository

0.044     2014-01-04 18:46:04Z
          - adjust airplane mode so it performs all (non-network) pre-release
            checks first, before aborting the release
          - minor tweaks to CONTRIBUTING text

0.043     2013-12-14 17:34:14Z
          - stale [@Git] modules now being checked for again

0.042     2013-12-08 00:24:09Z
          - drop use of [-Encoding] Pod::Weaver plugin - no longer needed with
            Pod::Weaver 4
          - update generated CONTRIBUTING file to filter out local plugins
            when running 'dzil authordeps --missing', and to mention the irc
            channel when available
          - new "airplane" mode, to faciliate development while the network is
            not available

0.041     2013-11-29 06:02:08Z
          - add explicit dep on Pod::Markdown, to get the version that creates
            metacpan hyperlinks
          - add [Test::Portability]
          - no longer prompting about stale [@Git] modules

0.040     2013-11-12 17:50:39Z
          - [Git::CheckFor::MergeConflicts] is working again
          - work around failure of minting test where a development release of
            a plugin is required to generate all expected files

0.039     2013-11-11 02:30:24Z
          - fix config for [Git::Commit], to properly commit files that were
            newly added to the dist
          - now generating full starting content for CONTRIBUTING,,
            LICENSE when minting a new distribution

0.038     2013-11-09 22:46:12Z
          - fixed typo in CONTRIBUTING file (thanks, Сергей Романов!)
          - added use of [Prereqs::AuthorDeps], for more entries in develop

0.037     2013-11-02 20:58:18Z
          - fix regexp error while creating CONTRIBUTING file

0.036     2013-11-02 20:54:09Z
          - version format in Changes file altered from appending -TRIAL to
            the version (which violates CPAN::Meta::Spec) to adding
            ' (TRIAL RELEASE)' after the timestamp
          - temporarily (?) disable broken [Git::CheckFor::MergeConflicts]
          - more tweaks to CONTRIBUTING text
          - plugins which are only used in certain conditions are now also
            declared as runtime requirements, to make it easier for
            contributors (requested by haarg)

0.035     2013-10-31 05:50:52Z
          - drop the ego tag in Changes on every release

0.034     2013-10-31 02:05:20Z
          - more tweaks to CONTRIBUTING text

0.033     2013-10-24 01:47:28Z
          - now only generating, LICENSE and CONTRIBUTING in the
            build directory, and copying back to the repository (and
            committing) only at release time

0.032     2013-10-17 02:26:03Z
          - fix some bad templates for files used in the minting profile
          - added [CheckSelfDependency]
          - all prereqs that are used based on config settings are now
            (guaranteed to be) included in the pluginbundle as runtime
            recommendations, as well as injected into the built dist as
            develop requirements (RT#89530)
          - more tweaks to CONTRIBUTING text

0.031     2013-10-13 17:43:37Z
          - fix discrepancy for [Test::Compile] between prereq versions in
            metadata, and runtime required version (RT#89429)

0.030     2013-10-12 22:09:46Z
          - xt_mode must be used in [Test::Compile] when xt/ tests run before
            t/ (because 'make'/'Build' has not been run yet)
          - fixed broken gathering of sharedir

0.029     2013-10-12 21:27:40Z
          --- a.k.a. "the ribasushi release"
          - dropped [Test::CheckDeps]
          - xt/ tests are now run before t/
          - compile test now generated as xt/author/00-compile.t
          - prereqs are noisly, but non-fatally, verified in
          - now generating a custom CONTRIBUTING file

0.028     2013-10-06 06:17:12Z
          - injected t/00-check-deps.t no longer bails out when failures are
          - the shell command used to update the local .ackrc is now POSIX
            shell compatible
          - fix unit tests that broke when Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InstallGuide
            1.200001 was released (which retroactively broke the 0.027

0.027     2013-09-27 03:50:26Z
          - minted dists once again use the default 'installer' value (now
            [MakeMaker::Fallback] and [ModuleBuildTiny], since 0.025)
          - added missing required prereqs, and now properly skipping relevant
            tests when optional dependencies are not installed (with guard
            tests to verify that all prereqs are properly declared) (RT#88977)

0.026     2013-09-25 02:00:04Z
          - skip relevant tests when optional dependencies are not installed

0.025     2013-09-22 22:04:46Z
          - added missing dependency on [MojibakeTests] (RT#88807)
          - fixed bad dependency for NoTabs tester that changed names
          - make tests run without git again (broken in 0.024) by removing all
            git-based plugins for testing
          - now generating a t/00-report-prereqs.t
          - 'installer' option can now be specified more than once, for
            stacking plugins
          - new installer default: MakeMaker::Fallback and ModuleBuildTiny

0.024     2013-09-19 02:29:14Z
          - now also support the server = catagits option, for Catalyst
            repositories hosted at Shadowcat Systems
          - switch to [Test::NoTabs], also testing examples/ files
          - bump prereq on [Test::CheckDeps] to get CPAN::Meta::Check
            dependency that we can now remove from here
          - vim modeline added to .pm in minted dist
          - default 'installer' backend now defaults to 'none', forcing
            consumers to explicitly state a preference; minted dists specify
            ModuleBuildTiny, the previous default (RT#88642)

0.023     2013-09-11 01:43:22Z
          - now checking for stale prereqs at dist release time

0.022     2013-09-10 01:48:53Z
          - warnings tests bypassed during installation, to prevent
            installation issues in the presence of deprecation warnings from
            upstream dependencies (in this case, via Moose 2.1100) - and
            similar change made in test generated via minting profile
          - bumped dependency version for [Test::PodSpelling] and wordlists
          - bumped dependency on Dist::Zilla, for yaml encoding fixes

0.021     2013-09-07 19:41:06Z
          - disable invocation of cpanm-reporter (see RT#88367)
          - added [MojibakeTests], for testing file encoding at release time

0.020     2013-09-02 23:50:35Z
          - set new die_on_existing_version option in [PkgVersion]
          - after releasing and we install the dist, submit a cpantesters

0.019     2013-08-21 19:16:27Z
          - now supporting dists hosted elsewhere than github (currently
            gitmo, p5sagit, or other), via the 'server' option
          - Test::Version now runs in strict mode
          - generated clean-namespaces.t test now skips ::Conflicts module
          - [Test::Kwalitee] now included in bundle, rather than adding it
            into the minted dist.ini separately

0.018     2013-08-16 05:11:06Z
          - now using [PromptIfStale] to ensure the plugin bundle is always
            the latest version, and all plugins are checked at release time
          - bring back [Test::CPAN::Changes], now that the spec has become a
            bit more reasonable (removed since v0.015)
          - Changes entries are now made with times in UTC, with a trailing
            'Z' rather than the CLDR 'ZZZZ' format code

0.017     2013-08-04 16:12:17Z
          - update minimum version of perl required, re syntax used in
            templates applied during minting
          - inject a forced dependency on a fixed CPAN::Meta::Check
          - skip pluginbundle tests if .git dir is not present (too many
            plugins rely on git data)

0.016     2013-08-03 19:44:15Z
          - added basic tests for the pluginbundle and minter
          - clean up .ackrc editing at build time

0.015     2013-08-01 23:02:32Z
          - [Test::CPAN::Changes] omitted if its version >= 0.21, pending
            resolution of too-strict datetime formats (e.g. RT#87499)

0.014     2013-07-30 00:25:48Z
          - fix dist.ini munging done at release time (v0.013)
          - injected compile test now also checks files in examples/
          - ExecDir now looks for installable executables in script/, for
            compatibility with Module::Build::Tiny

0.013     2013-07-28 23:59:41Z
          - inserts --ignore-dir line into .ackrc at build time
          - when releasing this pluginbundle, dist.ini is edited (and
            committed) to force a dependency on the newly-released version, and
            all other local dist.inis using this bundle are also edited
            (without committing)
          - issue tracking is disabled in newly-created github repositories

0.012     2013-07-17 01:32:35Z
          - do not require trial versions of [Test::Compile], allowing
            flexibility as which we choose to build with

0.011     2013-07-06 00:59:57Z
          - compile test will also check for warnings, when author is testing

0.010     2013-06-28 18:28:01Z
          - t/00-check-deps.t test now has TODO tests for 'recommends' and
            'suggests' prereqs
          - release test for unused variables reinstated

0.009     2013-06-20 17:18:12Z
          - 'installer' now defaults to ModuleBuildTiny
          - (experimental) namespaces-are-clean release test added to minting
            profile, although this won't pass for many types of dists as many
            things are sloppy about modifying the package stash

0.008     2013-06-11 22:59:23Z
          - fix bad templating in minted module
          - during minting, push the initial commit to github after creating
            the remote

0.007     2013-05-30 01:48:34Z
          - minting profile updates:
            - extra kwalitee tests enabled by default
            - test now has 'use <main module>;', prefers done_testing,
              and now fails, rather than not compiling
            - main module now avoids the list transformer where it breaks pod
              coverage tests; includes more template pod
          - config option added for changing the installer backend (still
            defaults to MakeMaker, for now)

0.006     2013-05-11 00:06:41Z
          - support dropped for directly passing stopwords via a mvp argument
            -- it's easier to just use a directive right in pod (and they can
            be added via ConfigSlicer too, if needed)
          - minting process now prompts to create a repository on github
          - alter max_target_perl setting for *this dist itself only* to
            commit to run on 5.16.3+, not 5.8.8+
          - the version of Dist::Zilla used to build this distribution is
            injected as a develop prerequisite for users of the plugin bundle
          - the version of this bundle used to mint a dist is set as the
            minimum version for subsequent builds of the dist
          - after release, the github repository is updated with the
            distribution's abstract as its description, and the metacpan page
            as its homepage.

0.005     2013-04-28 15:47:40Z
          - bump version for [Test::Compile] and [Test::CheckDeps] (RT#84900,
            RT#84904, RT#84905)

0.004     2013-04-27 03:56:11Z
          - fix missing .gitignore in minted dists
          - [-Encoding] podweaver plugin added to this distribution and
            minted dists
          - extra stopwords added, after disabling my local aspell dictionary
          - Pod::Weaver plugins used in this bundle are added as runtime

0.003     2013-04-21 17:22:48Z
          - now building ourself with ourselves, [@Author::ETHER].
          - [Test::UnusedVars] added
          - RT mail link cleaned up
          - bump prereqs for Dist::Zilla::Role::PluginBundle::PluginRemover,
          - document the multiple mechanisms for adding stopwords (and add the
            [-Stopwords] weaver plugin, which seems to be needed sometimes)

0.002     2013-04-14 22:40:08Z
          - do not index our profiles/, to avoid its contents from showing up
            under "Documentation" on metacpan
          - users of [@Author::ETHER] can now -remove plugins

0.001     2013-04-14 20:52:50Z
          - Initial release.