Revision history for File-ShareDir-Install.

0.13      2018-04-22 08:19:00Z
    - re-instate testrules.yml file to force serialize testing

0.12      2018-04-20 11:00:09Z
    - add rules files for 'prove' and Test::Harness to specify that tests need
      to be run serially for now
    - support spaces (and other special characters too) in share files (PR #2;
      thanks, Shoichi Kaji!)

0.11      2016-08-08 02:50:03Z
    - release with new tooling, from the Perl-Toolchain-Gang organization

0.10  2014-12-10
    - Recurse with $def in _scan_share_dir
        Thank you KENTNL for rt95749

0.09  2014-07-07
    - Get rid of DB::single 
        Thank you
    - Don't do POD tests

0.08  2014-01-29
    - Tests may now be run in parallel
        Thank you

0.07  2014-01-17
    - Added delete_share
        Thank you

0.06  2014-01-16
        Thank you

0.05  2013-09-03
    - Tweak doco and fix typos
        Thank you

0.04  2011-08-25
    - Tweak for better error reports

0.03  2009-09-09
    - Drop PERL_MM_OPT in test so that it passes with local::lib
        Thank you Peter Makholm

0.02  2009-07-02
    - Renamed to File::ShareDir::Install
    - Tweak the doco

0.01  2009-07-01
    - Initial release to the CPAN