Revision history for JSON-Any

1.36      2014-08-26 05:54:35Z
    - many improvements to tests and their coverage
    - $ENV{JSON_ANY_CONFIG} can no longer override constructor arguments

1.35      2014-08-16 00:51:05Z
    - clarify deprecation status in documentation

1.34      2014-05-28 21:31:20Z
    - remove test dependency on Devel::StringInfo, which requires Moose

1.33      2014-04-19 05:58:46Z
    - line numbers in shipped code are now almost the same (within 3) as the
      repository source, for easier debugging
    - Changes content once again included manually, rather than extracted
      directly from git! (there are release tests to ensure that the file is
      kept current.)
    - Improve error message when failing to find a suitable backend (RT#87751)
    - when no backend is available at install time, JSON::PP is used as the
      default prereq rather than (re RT#67967)
    - documentation updated to recommend JSON::MaybeXS instead of for
      new code

1.32   2013-11-07 15:56:33 +0000
    - include dep Test::Requires in dist.ini (wolfsage)

1.31   2013-11-06 21:46:52 +0000
    - test string escapes with JSON::PP (ilmari)
    - support added for JSON::XS version 3 (ilmari)
    - documentation notes added regarding incompatibility issues with
      JSON::XS 3.x and < 2.90
    - tests for more backends
    - fix the tests to properly exclude JSON::XS unless we are explicitly
      testing it

1.30    2013-06-15
    * Add support for Cpanel::JSON::XS and JSON::PP. Fixes RT#85424 & RT#67967. (perigrin)
    * Fix documentation bug RT#86065.

1.29    2011-06-07
	* Artificially bump our version number because an upstream author decided to not play nice. Fixes RT#68690 (perigrin)

1.28	2011-05-09
	* Move podspell into xt/ (perigrin)

1.27    2011-04-08
        * Add auto_install so feature works again, fixes RT#67169 (perigrin)

1.26    2011-03-30
        * Add Deprecation notice (perigrin)

1.25    2010-11-16
        * Fix the test suite to be 5.14 compatible (toddr)

1.24	2010-10-08
	    * Fix the Build from where MI changed underneath me (perigrin)

1.23    2010-10-07
        * support JSON v1.15 as well as 2.x (arcanez)

1.22	2009-10-12
        * Update JSON::XS tests to deal with inconsistent white space
          generation between releases (t0m)

1.21    2009-07-03
        * Update JSON::XS boolean support; it provides true/false methods (semifor)
        * Added a workaround for handlers that fail to decode bare true/false values (semifor)

1.20    2009-07-02
        * Re-work things so that deprecated modules just warn but aren't actually excluded (perigrin)
        * Improve the warnings when things go awry (semifor)

1.19    2009-01-15
        * Make JSON::Syck optional and deprecated. (perigrin)
        * Added tests for string escapes. (semifor)

1.18    2008-11-12
        * Removed JSON::PC support as it's been removed from CPAN (perigrin)

1.17    2008-07-05
        * Added documentation indicating that allow_blessed works for most useful
          cases (Robin Berjon)
        * Added support for obtaining the underlying representations for
          true/false in JSON.

1.16    2008-02-13
        * JSON::Any now compatible with both versions of JSON::XS  (Simon Wistow)
        * Document that calling 'use JSON::Any ();' is a bad idea
        * Make required unless a supported JSON package is already installed

1.15    2008-01-02
        * Update the config params for JSON and JSON/XS configuration
        * Update JSON handler to always pass in the -support_by_pp option
          if you don't want support_by_pp then don't use ...

1.14    2007-12-20
        * Fix for the new JSON/JSON::XS 2.0

1.13    2007-11-06
        * Fix 10_unicode.t to skip_all if no supported unicode backend is found
         (reported by Andreas Kˆnig)

1.12    2007-10-22
        * Fix issue with 05-JSON-Syck.t so we can pass our tests again

1.11    2007-10-17
        * fix issue with JSON::Syck when using Object API as reported by Miyagawa

1.10    2007-10-12
        * fix issues from

1.09    2007-10-10
        * also test for is_utf8() - nothingmuch
        * improve unicode test  - nothingmuch
        * add utf8 support for JSON::{Converter,Parser} - nothingmuch
        * Add a test for unicode strings    - nothingmuch

1.08    2007-05-18
        * Fix Packaging
        * Fix backend tests
        * fix issues with JSON::XS being pedantic about how it's methods/functions are called
        * added a carp requirement

1.07    2007-05-13
        * changed Makefile.PL to Module::Install
        * helps if I test 04-ENV.t against the code it was designed for
        * skip all 04-ENV.t until I get it working
        * fixing tests
        * change to skip_all based skippage
        * add example directory
        * pod updates

1.06    2007-05-10
        * cleaned up t/04-ENV.t to not require JSON::XS anymore
        * fixed split on uninitalized value error
        * cleaned up JSON-XS tests a bit
        * added 04-ENV.t to MANIFEST

1.05    2007-05-07

1.04    2007-04-24

1.03    2007-04-05

1.02    2007-04-05

1.01    2007-04-05

1.00    2007-03-23
        * Initial Release
        * Currently only supports objToJson and jsonToObj