package Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation; $Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation::VERSION = '2.1400'; use strict; use warnings; use metaclass; use List::Util 1.33 qw( all ); use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use Moose::Meta::Role::Composite; use parent 'Moose::Meta::Role::Application'; use Moose::Util 'throw_exception'; __PACKAGE__->meta->add_attribute('role_params' => ( reader => 'role_params', default => sub { {} }, Class::MOP::_definition_context(), )); sub get_exclusions_for_role { my ($self, $role) = @_; $role = $role->name if blessed $role; my $excludes_key = exists $self->role_params->{$role}->{'-excludes'} ? '-excludes' : 'excludes'; if ($self->role_params->{$role} && defined $self->role_params->{$role}->{$excludes_key}) { if (ref $self->role_params->{$role}->{$excludes_key} eq 'ARRAY') { return $self->role_params->{$role}->{$excludes_key}; } return [ $self->role_params->{$role}->{$excludes_key} ]; } return []; } sub get_method_aliases_for_role { my ($self, $role) = @_; $role = $role->name if blessed $role; my $alias_key = exists $self->role_params->{$role}->{'-alias'} ? '-alias' : 'alias'; if ($self->role_params->{$role} && defined $self->role_params->{$role}->{$alias_key}) { return $self->role_params->{$role}->{$alias_key}; } return {}; } sub is_method_excluded { my ($self, $role, $method_name) = @_; foreach ($self->get_exclusions_for_role($role->name)) { return 1 if $_ eq $method_name; } return 0; } sub is_method_aliased { my ($self, $role, $method_name) = @_; exists $self->get_method_aliases_for_role($role->name)->{$method_name} ? 1 : 0 } sub is_aliased_method { my ($self, $role, $method_name) = @_; my %aliased_names = reverse %{$self->get_method_aliases_for_role($role->name)}; exists $aliased_names{$method_name} ? 1 : 0; } sub check_role_exclusions { my ($self, $c) = @_; my %excluded_roles; for my $role (@{ $c->get_roles }) { my $name = $role->name; for my $excluded ($role->get_excluded_roles_list) { push @{ $excluded_roles{$excluded} }, $name; } } foreach my $role (@{$c->get_roles}) { foreach my $excluded (keys %excluded_roles) { next unless $role->does_role($excluded); my @excluding = @{ $excluded_roles{$excluded} }; throw_exception( RoleExclusionConflict => roles => \@excluding, role_name => $excluded ); } } $c->add_excluded_roles(keys %excluded_roles); } sub check_required_methods { my ($self, $c) = @_; my %all_required_methods = map { $_->name => $_ } map { $_->get_required_method_list } @{$c->get_roles}; foreach my $role (@{$c->get_roles}) { foreach my $required (keys %all_required_methods) { delete $all_required_methods{$required} if $role->has_method($required) || $self->is_aliased_method($role, $required); } } $c->add_required_methods(values %all_required_methods); } sub check_required_attributes { } sub apply_attributes { my ($self, $c) = @_; my @all_attributes; for my $role ( @{ $c->get_roles } ) { push @all_attributes, map { $role->get_attribute($_) } $role->get_attribute_list; } my %seen; foreach my $attr (@all_attributes) { my $name = $attr->name; if ( exists $seen{$name} ) { next if $seen{$name}->is_same_as($attr); my $role1 = $seen{$name}->associated_role->name; my $role2 = $attr->associated_role->name; throw_exception( AttributeConflictInSummation => attribute_name => $name, role_name => $role1, second_role_name => $role2, ); } $seen{$name} = $attr; } foreach my $attr (@all_attributes) { $c->add_attribute( $attr->clone ); } } sub apply_methods { my ($self, $c) = @_; my @all_methods = map { my $role = $_; my $aliases = $self->get_method_aliases_for_role($role); my %excludes = map { $_ => undef } @{ $self->get_exclusions_for_role($role) }; ( (map { exists $excludes{$_} ? () : +{ role => $role, name => $_, method => $role->get_method($_), } } map { $_->name } grep { !$_->isa('Class::MOP::Method::Meta') } $role->_get_local_methods), (map { +{ role => $role, name => $aliases->{$_}, method => $role->get_method($_), } } keys %$aliases) ); } @{$c->get_roles}; my (%seen, %conflicts, %method_map); foreach my $method (@all_methods) { next if $conflicts{$method->{name}}; my $seen = $seen{$method->{name}}; if ($seen) { if ($seen->{method}->body != $method->{method}->body) { $c->add_conflicting_method( name => $method->{name}, roles => [$method->{role}->name, $seen->{role}->name], ); delete $method_map{$method->{name}}; $conflicts{$method->{name}} = 1; next; } } $seen{$method->{name}} = $method; $method_map{$method->{name}} = $method->{method}; } $c->add_method($_ => $method_map{$_}) for keys %method_map; } sub apply_override_method_modifiers { my ($self, $c) = @_; my @all_overrides = map { my $role = $_; map { +{ name => $_, method => $role->get_override_method_modifier($_), } } $role->get_method_modifier_list('override'); } @{$c->get_roles}; my %seen; foreach my $override (@all_overrides) { my @role_names = map { $_->name } @{$c->get_roles}; if ( $c->has_method($override->{name}) ){ throw_exception( OverrideConflictInSummation => role_names => \@role_names, role_application => $self, method_name => $override->{name} ); } if (exists $seen{$override->{name}}) { if ( $seen{$override->{name}} != $override->{method} ) { throw_exception( OverrideConflictInSummation => role_names => \@role_names, role_application => $self, method_name => $override->{name}, two_overrides_found => 1 ); } } $seen{$override->{name}} = $override->{method}; } $c->add_override_method_modifier( $_->{name}, $_->{method} ) for @all_overrides; } sub apply_method_modifiers { my ($self, $modifier_type, $c) = @_; my $add = "add_${modifier_type}_method_modifier"; my $get = "get_${modifier_type}_method_modifiers"; foreach my $role (@{$c->get_roles}) { foreach my $method_name ($role->get_method_modifier_list($modifier_type)) { $c->$add( $method_name, $_ ) foreach $role->$get($method_name); } } } sub apply_overloading { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; my @overloaded_roles = grep { $_->is_overloaded } @{ $c->get_roles }; return unless @overloaded_roles; my %fallback; for my $role (@overloaded_roles) { $fallback{ $role->name } = $role->get_overload_fallback_value; } for my $role_name ( keys %fallback ) { for my $other_role_name ( grep { $_ ne $role_name } keys %fallback ) { my @fb_values = @fallback{ $role_name, $other_role_name }; if ( all {defined} @fb_values ) { next if $fallback{$role_name} eq $fallback{$other_role_name}; throw_exception( 'OverloadConflictInSummation', role_names => [ $role_name, $other_role_name ], role_application => $self, overloaded_op => 'fallback', ); } next if all { !defined } @fb_values; throw_exception( 'OverloadConflictInSummation', role_names => [ $role_name, $other_role_name ], role_application => $self, overloaded_op => 'fallback', ); } } if ( keys %fallback ) { $c->set_overload_fallback_value( ( values %fallback )[0] ); } my %overload_map; for my $role (@overloaded_roles) { for my $overload ( $role->get_all_overloaded_operators ) { $overload_map{ $overload->operator }{ $role->name } = $overload; } } for my $op_name ( keys %overload_map ) { my @roles = keys %{ $overload_map{$op_name} }; my $overload = $overload_map{$op_name}{ $roles[0] }; if ( @roles > 1 && !all { $overload->_is_equal_to($_) } values %{ $overload_map{$op_name} } ) { throw_exception( 'OverloadConflictInSummation', role_names => [ @roles[ 0, 1 ] ], role_application => $self, overloaded_op => $op_name, ); } $c->add_overloaded_operator( $op_name => $overload_map{$op_name}{ $roles[0] } ); } } 1; # ABSTRACT: Combine two or more roles __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation - Combine two or more roles =head1 VERSION version 2.1400 =head1 DESCRIPTION Summation composes two traits, forming the union of non-conflicting bindings and 'disabling' the conflicting bindings =head2 METHODS =over 4 =item B<new> =item B<meta> =item B<role_params> =item B<get_exclusions_for_role> =item B<get_method_aliases_for_role> =item B<is_aliased_method> =item B<is_method_aliased> =item B<is_method_excluded> =item B<apply> =item B<check_role_exclusions> =item B<check_required_methods> =item B<check_required_attributes> =item B<apply_attributes> =item B<apply_methods> =item B<apply_overloading> =item B<apply_method_modifiers> =item B<apply_override_method_modifiers> =back =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Stevan Little <> =item * Dave Rolsky <> =item * Jesse Luehrs <> =item * Shawn M Moore <> =item * יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) <> =item * Karen Etheridge <> =item * Florian Ragwitz <> =item * Hans Dieter Pearcey <> =item * Chris Prather <> =item * Matt S Trout <> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut