Revision history for MooseX-Object-Pluggable

0.0013    2014-02-02 08:53:34Z
          - line numbers in shipped code are now almost the same (within 3) as
            the repository source, for easier debugging
          - add error diagnostic if the plugin is not a Moose role (RT#49507)
          - avoid continuing on after failing to load a plugin (RT#63013)
          - keep track of all plugins successfully loaded so far in case we
            fail in the middle (RT#88562)

0.0012    2013-11-11 03:59:19Z
          - removed use of deprecated Class::MOP::load_class
          - repository migrated from shadowcat to the github moose organization

0.0011    2009-04-27
          - Version number FAIL on last release

0.0010    2009-04-27
          - Change how _original_class_name works so it sucks less.

0.0009    2008-11-25
          - Avoid throwing an error when load_plugins is called on already-loaded

0.0008    2008-07-18
          - Cleanup Attribute declarations
          - Eliminate extension mechanisms and the tests

0.0007    2008-01-22
          - Fix for Moose 0.34

0.0006    2008-01-11
          - Deprecate the Extension mechanism
          - Added load_plugins
          - Test while classes are immutable for good measure.
          - Remove use strict and use warnings. Moose does it for us.

0.0005    2007-04-13
          - Goodbye Class::Inspector, hello Module::Object::Pluggable
          - More Tests
          - App namespaces functionality.
          - Test for app namespaces functionality

0.0004    2007-01-23
          - PODFixes

0.0003    2007-01-19
          - Forget anon classes, go back to applying to $self
          - goodbye __anon_subclass and _anon_subclass,
            hello _original_class_name
          - Props to mst for pointing out the error of my ways
          - A couple more minor tests

0.0002    2007-01-16
          - Forgot Class::Inspector dep on Makefile

0.0001    2007-01-16
          - Initial Release!