Revision history for Test-JSON-Schema-Acceptance
0.992 2020-05-04 22:40:44Z
- fix minimum declared version for List::Util (RT#132461)
- increase minimum version for JSON::MaybeXS, to ensure that booleans
are JSON::PP::Boolean, not JSON::XS::Boolean
- include tabular results of passes, fails for each test file (GH #3)
0.991 2020-04-30 23:56:50Z
- switch from to JSON::MaybeXS (GH #1)
- package the submodule of test cases in a sharedir (GH #2)
- additional constructor options, including use of a custom directory
- add options "validate_data" and "validate_json_string", to
accomodate the JSON Schema backend preferring either inflated data or a
JSON-encoded string. (GH #4)
- remove undocumented "only_test" option, and ability to skip test by
number (GH #10, GH #11)
- clearer labels for each test
- new "tests" option, for restricting the tests that are run (GH #7)
- deprecated "skip_tests" option
- new "todo_tests" option, for acknowledging that certain tests do not
pass yet (GH #6)
- non-ascii characters are not corrupted during decoding (GH #13)
- always read test data files in sorted order, for consistent results
0.990 2020-04-23 18:00:40Z
- updated distribution packaging
- updated test suite with latest tests
0.0.2 2015-09-04
Fixed Github issue #7 - Draft tested is dependant on last call to new, not object instance.
0.0.1 2015-09-03
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.