Revision history for Test-LWP-UserAgent

0.023     2014-02-17 01:42:41Z
          - uses of Test::TempDir switched to Path::Tiny
          - removed unneeded use of Class::Load

0.022     2013-11-01 04:01:19Z
          - prevent optional test from failing on perls < 5.10

0.021     2013-10-31 02:24:49Z
          - skip testing examples/ code when optional/undeclared prereqs are
            not available

0.020     2013-10-26 16:31:48Z
          - fixed tests from using to, to ensure we get a
            302 response when needed
          - converted all uses of Test::NoWarnings to Test::Warnings
          - warnings tests bypassed during installation

0.019     2013-07-22 05:21:27Z
          - switched examples to using object-based syntax, to make it more
            clear that there is no monkey-patching (RT#86830), and other
            documentation/example cleanup

0.018     2013-03-22 18:08:50Z
          - fix test failures under newer perls by ensuring that serialized
            comparisons are always performed canonically

0.017     2013-03-22 17:48:34Z
          - really fix RT#84094 this time

0.016     2013-03-21 06:01:47Z
          - fixed handling of methods such as mirror() (RT#84094) - thanks for
            the report, Tom Hukins!

0.015     2013-02-10 00:55:18Z
          - can now create a mapping on a class name or an object where that
            class or object implements the 'request' method (from a suggestion
            by mst)

0.014     2012-12-12 18:29:39Z
          - fix advent link in pod

0.013     2012-12-12 18:24:49Z
          - silly mistake in examples/ fixed
          - link to today's Perl Advent Calendar entry, about this module :)

0.012     2012-12-02 06:57:01Z
          - examples/ directory added, containing fleshed-out code snippets
            used in the article for the 2012 Perl Advent Calendar, and a
            detailed example of some unit tests for a client library

0.011     2012-10-16 18:37:48Z
          - remove additional options in constructor before passing to
            LWP::UserAgent (was causing a carp when $^W was set) - thanks for
            the report and patch, Nigel Gregoire and Michael Schulthess!
          - all remaining uses of eval eliminated, by using better heuristics
            for "can be used as a coderef" logic

0.010     2012-10-06 23:47:33Z
          - documentation on integration with XML::Compile::SOAP
          - questionable uses of eval { $foo->isa } converted to Safe::Isa
          - imported symbols are no longer available as methods

0.009     2012-08-29 16:54:34Z
          - fix test to work with older (pre-6.00) LWP::UserAgent, when
            _new_response did not take a content argument

0.008     2012-08-21 19:48:35Z
          - better handling when the response implementation dies, either
            with an error message or an HTTP::Response object
          - network_fallback and map_network_response features added, for
            sending any or all requests through to the real LWP::UserAgent
          - new feature: "last_useragent", for getting the last useragent
            object used globally
          - allow exact string matching against domains to work even for
            domains specified via a string-overloaded object
          - bug fix: properly mask existing mappings in
            $ua->map_response(..., undef) (v0.007)

0.007     2012-08-14 20:56:50Z
          - cleanup of domain->PSGI app functionality for stable release:
            - string mappings in map_response now match against the URI host,
              not the full URI string
            - register_domain is now called register_psgi; unregister_domain
              is now unregister_psgi; unregister_all is removed, as unmap_all
              will do the right thing
            - domain mappings no longer take priority over other mapped
              responses; all mappings are now tested in the order they were
              added (with instance mappings matched first over global
              mappings, as before)

0.006-TRIAL     2012-07-28 23:03:24Z
          - new domain->PSGI app functionality, and methods register_domain,
            unregister_domain, unregister_all

0.005     2012-07-21 00:37:26Z
          - additional error checking and tests
          - also support objects with &{} overloading, in place of subrefs
          - now doing the same end-of-response cleanup handling that the real LWPUA does:
            - saving the request on the response
            - adding Client-Date header
            - respect show_progress settings
            - runs handlers

0.004     2012-06-27 22:41:02Z
          - map_response now accepts a coderef in place of the HTTP::Response
            object to return, to allow basing the response data on what was in
            the request

0.003     2012-06-24 05:11:53Z
          - fix compile error on perls earlier than 5.9.5 (which did not have

0.002     2012-06-23 16:36:51Z
          - minor documentation fixes
          - renamed from Test::Mock::LWP::UserAgent to Test::LWP::UserAgent
            (thanks, mst!)

0.001     2012-06-23 00:11:20Z
          - Initial release, in all its questionable glory.