Revision history for Perl extension if.
0.01 The version of 5.7.3.
0.010001 `our' removed for backward-compatibility.
test adopted for backward-compatibility
0.04 support package names which are simultaneously keywords (open).
fix `require or die'.
0.0401 test was using a discipline for not supported with
older versions of Perl.
0.05 Sync with perl5.12.2:
Better error handling.
Suggest significance of => in the docs.
0.06 Update email address.
0.0601 The update of 0.0401 was lost during update to 0.05
0.0602 - Convert if's test to Test::More (Nicholas Clark)
- Convert ` to '. (RT #36079, Jim Keenan)
0.0603 - Added example usage and SEE ALSO links to similar modules in
doc for (Neil Bowers)