0.58 Fri Jul 11 07:02:12 BST 2014
 - Fix tabs, add $VERSIONs, fix prereqs

0.57 Fri Jul 11 02:05:00 BST 2014
 - Inline::C separated from Inline

 - The "with" interface changed slightly - to get right $language use
 - Add Contrib file

0.56_02 Thu Jul 10 03:36:04 BST 2014
 - Remove AutoLoader stuff.

0.56_01 Wed Jul  9 17:10:04 PDT 2014
 - Move to Zilla-Dist
 - Remove Inline::C from Inline dist

0.56 9 Jul 2014
 - Clean up formatting and whitespace
 - Removed a "sleep" from Inline::Foo::build

0.55_05 8 Jul 2014
 - Make "with" hook return undef croak, test that.

0.55_04 8 Jul 2014
 - Suppress warnings in older perls from C/t/14void_arg_PRD.t.
 - setruid throws exception not just on Win32 - trap in t/08taint.t.
 - C/t/14void_arg_PRD.t - Fix typo.

0.55_03 1 Jul 2014
 - Update ToDo to post 0.44(!)
 - repository cpan metadata added, typo fixes (thanks dsteinbrunner)
 - Update "with" hook to be class method, not function (and test).
 - Make "make dist" update C/C.pm and Inline::MakeMaker's $VERSION.
 - Undo change disabling BUILD_NOISY for Win32 when shell eq 'cmd'

0.55_02 date Sun 22 Jun 2014
 - Version updated to 0.55_02 and released to CPAN
 - Inline.pm - additional changes to -T handling. (Thanks Ed J).

0.55_01 date Mon 5 May 2014
 - Update version number to 0.55_01

0.55 date Mon 28 Apr 2014
 - Version 0.55 released to CPAN

0.54_05 date Sun 13 Apr 2014
 - Update version number to 0.54_05.
 - Inline.pod - Add documentation regarding "with" and modules. (Thanks to
   Ed J.)

0.54_04 date Wed 10 Apr 2014
 - Add META.yml & META.json to distro
 - Released to CPAN.

0.54_03 date Wed 9 Apr 2014
 - Released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.54_01.)

0.54_01 Mon 31 Mar 2014
 - Update version nmuyber to 0.54_01
 - Makefile.PL - add META_MERGE info (thanks David Steinbrunner).
 - Inline.pod - Correct typos (thanks David Steinbrunner).

0.54 Sat 29 Mar 2014
 - Update version number to 0.54
 - Release version 0.54 to CPAN

0.53_02 Fri 7 Mar 2014
 - Update version to 0.53_02

0.53_01 Thurs 12 Sep 2013
 - Inline.pm - Update version number to 0.53_01

0.53 Wed 1 May 2013
 - Version 0.53 released to CPAN

0.52_02 Wed 24 Apr 2013
 - Version 0.52_02 released to CPAN

0.52_01 Thurs 11 Apr 2013
 - Version 0.52_01 released to CPAN
 - Inline.pm - in sub read_DATA() replace:
     @{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)(__\S+?__\n)/, $data
     @{$DATA{$pkg}} = split /(?m)^[ \t]{0,}(__\S+?__\n)/, $data;
     Otherwise some non-markers can be treated as markers.
     Thanks to Chris Nighswonger and Stefan Seifert.
     Added C/t/21read_DATA.t and C/t/22read_DATA_2.t as the test cases.
     NOTE: This is not a complete fix - it's still possible to
	   write code (albeit in an unorthodox fashion) such
	   that a non-marker can be treated as a marker.

0.52 Thurs 07 Mar 2013
 - Version 0.52 released to CPAN

0.51_03 Wed 28 Nov 2012
 - Version 0.51_03 released to CPAN

0.51_02 Tues 20 Nov 2012
 - Version 0.51_02 released to CPAN

0.51_01 Tues 20 Nov 2012
 - Version 0.51_01 released to CPAN

0.51 Sat 13 Oct 2012
 - Version 0.51 released to CPAN.

0.50_03 Mon 8 Oct 2012
 - Version 0.50_03 released to CPAN.

0.50_02 Tues 14 Feb 2012
 - Inline.pm - Bump version number to 0.50_02

0.50_01 Wed 8 Feb 2012
 - Inline.pm - Add a warning prior to croaking with
   M62_invalid_config_file(). That way, we'll at least see what $config
   contains. This is in response to FAIL report
 - Bump version number to 0.50_01

0.50 Tues 7 Feb 2012
 - Version 0.50 released to CPAN
 - Inline.pm - Bump version number to 0.50

0.49_02 Fri 3 Feb 2012
 - Version 0.49_02 released to CPAN
 - Inline.pm - Bring version numbering into line with recommendations made
   in http://perldoc.perl.org/perlmodstyle.html#Version-numbering

0.49_01 Sun 25 Dec 2011
 - As the result of input from David Oswald
 - Inline.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES" and fix typo
   reported in ticket 73108.
 - Inline-FAQ.pod - Changes relating to "CONFIGURE_REQUIRES"
 - Inline.pm - Bump version to 0.49_01
 - lib/Inline/MakeMaker.pm - Bump version to 0.49_01

0.49 Thurs 8 Dec 2011
 - Version 0.49 released to CPAN
 - Inline.pm - small alteration to M19_usage_language error message

0.48_02 Fri 9 Sept 2011
 - Bump Inline version to 0.48_02

0.48_01 Mon 11 Apr 2011
 - Version 0.48_01 released to CPAN
 - t/05files.t - Have t/05files.t provide a reason for skipping the tests.
 - Inline.pm - Create REWRITE_CONFIG_FILE config option.
 - Makefile.PL - Test::Warn 0.23 or later needed for perl-5.13 and later.
   (Older perls need 0.21 or later).

0.48 Mon 21 Feb 2011
 - Version 0.48 released to CPAN. (No changes from 0.47_02.)

0.47_02 Tues 1 Feb 2011
 - Version 0.47_02 released to CPAN.
 - Makefile.PL - Change the Test::Warn dependency from 0.22 to 0.21 and
   specify it in top-level Makefile.PL instead of in C/Makefile.PL.

0.47_01 Sun 30 January 2011
 - Version 0.47_01 released to CPAN. Changes only to Inline::C test suite -
   see C/Changes.

0.47 Fri 21 January 2011
 - Version 0.47 released to CPAN. No changes from 0.46_02

0.46_02 Wed 29 December 2010
 - lib/Inline/MakeMaker.pm - apply patch from Raymond Mroz to accommodate
   the modern h2xs directory structure. Bump Inline::MakeMaker version to

0.46_01 Sun 14 feb 2010
 - Inline.pm - add archname and perlversion number to config filename.
 - C/C.pm - Second attempt at accommodating 'ccache cc' compiler (RT ticket

0.46 Fri Feb 12 2010
 - Same as 0.45_02 (plus some minor doc alterations in Inline.pod).

0.45_02 Fri Feb 5 2010
 - Changes to Inline.pm, denter.pm, and Inline.pod relating to "fixing"
   untainting (to the extent that untainting of -T inline scripts works as
   documented). Many thanks to Patrick LeBoutillier.
 - Also added C/t/08taint.t (which contains -T on the shebang line) as a
   basic test of untainting. (RT ticket 13084)

0.45_01 Thurs Jan 28 2010
 - C/C.pod - document that *fully qualified* paths for LIBS, INC, TYPEMAPS
   and MYEXTLIB are needed. (RT ticket 5207)
 - Inline.pm - remove "defined" from "defined %main::Inline::Config::" as
   that usage causes a deprecation warning with perl-5.11 and later. (RT
   ticket 53227)
 - Inline.pm - fix sub push_overrides (RT ticket 49669) This change
   responsible for "Subroutine Inline::C::get_parser redefined" warnings
   that can occur during build stage under certain circumstances.
 - denter.pm - local()ise $_ (in four places) (RT ticket 16801)
 - Inline.pod - doc correction (thanks Alejandro Ochoa).
 - C/Makefile.PL - accommodate 'ccache cc' (RT ticket 40140)
 - accommodate ActivePerl-5.10.1 and later (RT ticket 49419)
 - C/Cookbook.pod - typo fixes (thanks Brad Barber)
 - Change "NAME" from "C Cookbook ..." to "Inline::C-Cookbook ...". (RT
   ticket 45417)

0.45 Sat Nov 22 2008
 - No changes from 0.44_01

0.44_01 Tues Oct 11 2008
 - Apply patch to Inline.pm that addresses a problem with whitespace
   occurring in the name of the build directory. (RT ticket 4150)
 - Fix ParseRegExp.pm. (RT ticket 6327)
 - Fix (in Inline.pm) problem regarding the calling of the same script from
   different builds of perl. (RT ticket 29326)
 - Allow Inline::install() subroutine to apply to languages other than C
   and CPP. (RT ticket 35517)
 - Fix C/Makefile.PL so that the C compiler can still be found when
   $Config{cc} reports something like /some/place/cc. (RT ticket 8251)
 - In C/C.pm, allow for the calling of multiple typemaps (RT ticket 5639),
   and have the "No Inline C functions bound to Perl" warning specify the
   file for which no bindings were found (RT ticket 17774).
 - Minor doc fixes.

0.44 Mon Oct 28 10:31:51 PST 2002
 - Doc fixes. Thanks Mitchell.
 - Put all current ILSMs in doc and Makefile.PL
 - Applied some patches from Patrick LeBoutillier, including one to make
   things work out of the box on Win95 and friends. Rob helped too.
 - Added a warning to help debug why certain ILSMs might be failing.
 - Changes to Inline-FAQ
 - Fixed ParseRecDescent to handle 'unsigned foo()' and 'long foo()'
 - Updated README
 - Fixed %INC problem
 - Used File::Spec::Unix for %INC keys (which are always in Unix form)
 - Applied Mitchell's patch for Inline::C::ParseRegExp
 - Updated pod docs
 - Shortened BUILD_TIMER precision, per Leon Brocard's suggestion.
 - Applied Mitchell Charity's patch to fix Piers Harding's CPP problem.
 - Fixed bug with USING keyword
 - Added the USING keyword. This allows you to specify a list of modules
   which can override certain parts of the Inline process.
 - Added Inline::C::ParseRecDescent and Inline::C::ParseRegExp to provide
   two (hopefully) functionally identical C parsers. You use one of these
   by saying 'use Inline C => DATA => USING => "ParseRegExp"'. Big thanks
   to Mitchell Charity for ParseRegExp. It's over two orders of magnitude
   faster than ParseRecDescent.
 - Added the more diagnostics to BUILD_NOISY.
 - Added BUILD_TIMERS for benchmarking the Inline build process.
 - Applied a (BIG) patch to the Inline distribution to use File::Spec to
   manipulate all file paths. Thanks Mitchell Charity!
 - Fixed a bug in OS X. Inline::C was being required even if the object was
   cached. That's because Inline.pm wasn't checking for .bundle.
 - Added an option to Inline::C called BUILD_NOISY. Setting this to true
   will cause the build process to dump output to the screen instead of to
   a file. You can set it with 'BUILD_NOISY => 1,' or 'ENABLE =>
 - Honor the PERL_INLINE_BUILD_NOISY environment variable, to do the same
   as above. Environment variable has higher precedence.
 - Print the contents of 'out.make' to the screen on failure. This will
   happen when BUILD_NOISY is off. When its on, you'll see the messages in
   real time, but they won't go to 'out.make'.
 - Provide the NOISY shortcut so you can say 'perl -MInline=force,noisy
 - Inline::MakeMaker uses the NOISY shortcut for its build command. This
   way module builds are noisy like they should be.
 - Integrated the new improved Inline::MakeMaker
 - WriteInlineMakefile is deprecated for WriteMakefile
 - Added a patch by Rafael Garcia-Suarez to use $^X when
   $Config::Config{perlpath} is wrong. (It happens)
 - Refactored the Parse::RecDescent grammar
 - Moved grammar module to Inline::C::recdescent
 - Support 'const' in types. Requested by Nicholas Clark
 - Other modifiers seemed to be busted. Like 'unsigned'. Got them working.
 - Started integrating Mitchell Charity's parser. Don't know how to turn it
   on yet. It's currently in Inline::C::charity
 - Allow C++ based modules to be installed as well as C ones. Requested by
   Piers Harding.
 - Call validate() for interpreted ILSMs even on load(). This patch is
   dedicated to the very patient Mark Fowler who waited almost a year for
   it. I hope that never happens again.

0.43 Sat Jul 21 14:58:46 PDT 2001
 - Removed *old* deprecated functionality.
 - Inline now works with *all* Perl release versions 5.005 and above.
 - I was comparing a version number to a md5 hash. Oops. Thanks Marcel.
 - Changed M51 error message which was causing confusion. It would often
   come up in places I didn't anticipate.
 - Use $Config{dlext} instead of $Config{so}. Thanks Marcel.

0.42 Sun Jun 10 18:21:06 PDT 2001
 - Re-fixed config generator path bug prevents ILSMs like I::Python and
   I::Tcl from installing. (NEILW)

0.41 Tue Jun  5 00:23:46 PDT 2001
 - Don't install .inline or .inl files with Inline::MakeMaker. Require
   object name to be same as package name for installation. Put hack in
   INIT block to fix Sarathy's patch ;)
 - Fixed config generator path bug that would prevent other ILSMs from
   installing. Thanks Patrick.
 - Applied patch to (hopefully) handle CRLF variations properly. Thanks

0.40 Sun May 27 18:59:59 PDT 2001
 - Bugfix. NAME not set right without AUTONAME.
 - TRIAL8 of Inline-0.40 Added option to distribute binary PPM modules with
   or without source. Got UNTAINT to work again.
 - TRIAL7 of Inline-0.40 Fixed path bus for MacOS. Thanks Marcel. 'with'
   works again (with Event) Inline::MakeMaker adds WriteMakefile dependency
   for Inline 0.40
 - TRIAL6 of Inline-0.40
 - Made Denter YAML compliant
 - Croak on usage of SITE_INSTALL
 - Update Inline.pod for 0.40 features
 - Detect and croak on old config files
 - TRIAL5 of Inline-0.40
 - Added alpha support for Inline::Files
 - Made all internal path names canonical
 - Finished TRIAL1 version of Inline-0.40
 - Short object names
 - Safer config generation
 - AUTONAME support
 - Reinstituted AutoLoading
 - Put all messages into subroutines inside Inline.pm
 - Completely reorganized the Inline internal object into major groups
 - API - Contract space for the ILSMs. Guaranteed backwards compatible
   after Inline 1.00.
 - ILSM - Private space for ILSMs
 - INLINE - Private Inline space. Subject to constant change.
 - CONFIG - Config options. Not for use by ILSMs
 - MATCH - Matching criteria for the object.
 - STRUCT - Reserved for Inline::Struct
 - Added command proxy logic for Inline::MakeMaker utilities INSTALL,
 - Got _INSTALL_ option working with Inline::MakeMaker
 - Replaced Inline's use of Data::Dumper with Inline::Denter. This is a
   stripped down version of Data::Denter. This change makes Inline more
   secure because it doesn't need to eval() untrusted code. Also removes
   the dependency on Safe.pm which has known security flaws. Yay!

0.33 Sat Apr 28 20:20:29 PDT 2001
 - Use 'require FindBin' instead of 'use FindBin' for mod_perl.
 - Fixed Win32 bug. Drive letter 'c:' can be lower case.
 - Changed 'make install' to 'make pure_install'
 - Fixed bug of assuminh ':' for PATH separator. (Windows bug)
 - Rearranged test harness. Removed dependency on C for tests. Invented
   Inline::Foo for testing.
 - Added ENABLE and DISABLE config modifiers.
 - Changed the way ILSMs are detected.

0.32 Mon Feb 26 07:44:34 PST 2001
 - Add DIRECTORY path to applicable warnings and error msgs
 - Warn if UNTAINT && SAFEMODE && ! DIRECTORY (croak if root)
 - Added GLOBAL_LOAD option with GLOBAL shortcut.
 - Added SAFEMODE option.
 - Safe->reval(DIRECTORY/config) if SAFE.
 - Blindly untaint all %ENV variables for UNTAINT.
 - Fixed MSWin32 bug of getting full path parts in dll name.
 - Fixed the "cut & paste" bug. (DOS line endings in Unix.)
 - Fixed detection of using Inline::Config.
 - Added UNTAINT option, which lets you use Inline with Perl's -T flag.

0.31 Fri Jan 19 00:13:31 PST 2001
 - Changed doc instances of 'C<Inline>' to 'Inline'.
 - Reorganized the internal structure of the Inline DIRECTORY
 - Shortened install path to .Inline/lib/auto/...
 - Lengthened the build path to .Inline/build/...
 - Changed BLIB option to DIRECTORY
 - Changed default DIRECTORY from blib_I to _Inline or .Inline

0.30 Fri Dec  8 02:00:17 PST 2000
 - Major reworking of Inline.pm
 - Sweeping changes to
 - Configuaration
 - Syntax
 - Language integration Too much to list here. See ToDo

0.26 Thu Sep 14 20:51:11 PDT 2000
 - localize $/ and $\ to shield them from things like 'perl -l'. Thanks
   Michael Schwern.

0.25 Fri Sep  1 10:07:33 PDT 2000
 - Use MD5 on unmodified code only. User must force recompile if
   auto_headers change. This would have caused existing installs to break.
 - Don't determine build path unless really needed, since a blib_I might be
   created. This might be annoying for someone who is only *using* an
   Inline extension module.
 - Mangle $VERSION into object name for modules
 - Support Inline->import(C=><DATA>); syntax
 - Return an empty list when the C function is of type void and doesn't use
   any stack manipulating macros. (ie dXSARGS) It used to return whatever
   was passed in on the stack. :-(
 - Force rebuild when SITE_INSTALL option is set.
 - Figured out what was actually causing the 0.23 AutoLoader bug.
 - Can't autoload from "./blib" (relative path) when chdir() has been used.
   Fixed properly now. Can AutoLoad fix_make() again. :-)

0.24 Fri Aug 18 03:03:06 PDT 2000
 - Fixed Autoload bug found during "make test" of Inline installation.

0.23 Wed Aug 16 18:10:07 PDT 2000
 - Added support for MSWin32 operating systems which use the Microsoft
   Visual C++ compiler.

0.22 Wed Aug  9 18:55:54 PDT 2000
 - First alpha release to CPAN

0.01 Mon Jul 24 11:23:25 2000
 - original version; created by h2xs 1.19