0.25 2019-01-19
- fix handling "unsigned" etc - #4 - thanks @djacobow for report!
- fix handling comments
- test self-ref in struct eg for linked list
- support "volatile" as part of field spec
0.24 2019-01-18
- add test for and fix #3 - thanks @djacobow for report!
0.23 2016-05-05
- include updated Changes
0.22 2016-05-05
- fix test that relied on Unix-ish shell semantics
0.21 2016-05-02
- release without accidentally-included experimental code
0.20 2016-05-02
- update metadata to use *_requires
0.19 2016-05-02
- include Changes file
- All tests to force_build, clean_after_build
- Doc tidy-up: whitespace, sub->method
- no_index Inline::Struct::grammar
0.18 2014-12-24
0.17 2014-12-24
- no new() hashref or arrayref param, per doc
- Set version 0.17 plus minor tidy-ups
- Put modules under lib
0.16 2014-11-13
- Update benchmark doc now memory leak fixed
- Mortalise "lookup" SV hiding in grammar.pm
- In settor mode, mortalise returned SV if not an SV member
- Ensure RT 19624 obsolete
0.15 2014-11-12
- Benchmark and doc comparative memory usage
- Handle parse-fail of structs better
- Support code without terminal newline
- Also benchmark against perl array-ref implementation - no change
- Benchmark script and docs comparing time
0.14 2014-11-11
- Fix problem with mortalising field-method retvals that caused RT 99555
- Add new tests
0.13 2014-11-11
- Fix RT 100253
- Make README have working code, with test.
0.12 2014-10-17
- Doc case-insensitive config options.
- Add, test handling of SV* member.
- Switch test to non-negative main condition.
- Mortalise temp SV.
- Move some typeconvs into @{[]}.
- clean_after_build Ok.
- Allow src,targ,type as struct member names. Fix RT 99145.
- Minimum EUMM.
- Add t/refcnt.t to MANIFEST.
- Min perl 5.10 for // op.
0.11 2014-09-24
- Mortalise SV returned by field function.
- Fixes https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=99091
- Force build on other tests too.
- Adjust so refcnt=2 when ref saved.
- Change field XS to here-doc.
- Lower-case keywords, force build.
- Test ref-count behaviour
0.10 2014-08-07
- fix _HASH test
0.09 2014-08-07
- _HASH test
0.08 2014-08-07
- test improvements
0.07 2014-08-06
- Tests into t/common.pl, floating point cmp into function.
- Modernise requirements.
- Closed TODO items not worth keeping.
- Update licence URL per RT 97756.
- Modernise distrib, include metadata
0.06 2001-06-11
- dep Inline 0.42, update to that data structure
- doc updates
0.05 2001-05-14
- first release