2.052 2021-07-04
- fix IO::Storable bug - thanks @viy2 for report
- add PDL::Opt::Simplex example - thanks @ewheelerinc
- allow POD in pp_line_numbers again - thanks @fantasma13 for report
2.051 2021-06-14
- also use $Config{cppflags} to find GD includes - thanks @d-lamb for report
2.050 2021-06-02
- fix pdlperl.h build bug - thanks @jplesnik for report
2.049 2021-05-31
- PDL::Complex->from_native / as_native
- zap obsolete MatrixOps::eigen_c
- MatrixOps::identity now preserves higher dims on multi-dim input
- copy now copies ndarray and leaves original ndarray's inplace alone
- MatrixOps::lu_decomp now preserves inplace flag on input
- MatrixOps::lu_backsub now gets output dims right including inplace - thanks @wlmb for report
2.048 2021-05-24
- remove obsolete and inaccurate doc relating bad values to NaN
- parse simple complex-number strings
- SvPDLV gives more comprehensible error if given a hash without "PDL" key
- drop SKIP_KNOWN_PROBLEMS support
- drop POGL_VERSION, USE_POGL, WITH_3D config; just try building
- Inline now not a dep but if installed gets updated to suitable version
- drop WITH_SLATEC config; just try building
- new pdlperl.h for Perl-specific functions/macros
- $PDL::undefval can be ndarray
- replace PDL::Complex stringification with native-complex version
- overloading now done in PDL::Ops/Primitive where functions defined
- overloading honours subclass methods
2.047 2021-05-08
- add PDL::i2C
- replace creal, cimag with re, im, for easier PDL::Complex -> native transition
- change default r2C and i2C input types to D from F
- add czip($re, $im) -> native complex
- i() as function (not constant) like nan()
- ci() removed
- add abs2
- re, im not exported due to clash with Test::Deep
2.046 2021-05-04
- pdl([native-complex]) now creates a native-complex ndarray
- sumover/prodover now also process native complex
2.045 2021-05-03
- PDL::r2C able to take simple numbers
- comparing PDL::Complex other than for equality now a fatal error, can == with real
- same comparison change in native complex
- PDL::Complex slices that affect 0-th dim get re-blessed as PDL
- PDL::Complex can assign real values and threading won't also assign to imag
- PDL::Constants only loads PDL::Complex on demand
2.044 2021-05-01
- fix a definite malloc error that may be what started build failures on 32-bit
2.043 2021-04-30
- fix case-sensitivity issue for earlier Perls in stringifying "NaN" - thanks @zmughal
2.042 2021-04-30
- ones, zeroes can be called with no args, returns zero-dims ndarray
- add nan() and inf() that behave similarly to ones, mutatum mutandis
2.041 2021-04-30
- at least GCC 4.8.5 needs loop var declared first
- can now use Inline "with" PDL in languages other than C
- ipow second param is "indx" so specify
- ipow only operate on floating-point types
2.040_02 2021-04-29
- build fixes plus make LINALG work on 32-bit
- update metadata to correct List::Util version dep
2.040_01 2021-04-28
- all C dimension- and threadid-related things now typed PDL_Indx
2.040 2021-04-27
- pdl_core_version 14 for Core struct updates
- drop unused dep Module::Compile
- switch from List::MoreUtils to List::Util to reduce deps
- bad value per-PDL support now always present, not configurable
- use C99 isnan() to check for NaN, not isfinite(); complex if either are NaN
- can use NaN as badvalue for all floating-point types
- BADVAL_USENAN configuration option removed
- remove checks for _MSC_VER < 1400 as native complex req renders irrelevant
- add $type->floatsuffix for more generalisation
- all pdl.h type code generated from type objects to ease adding new types
- all suitable PDL::Primitive functions support native complex
- add PDL::GSL::LINALG - linear algebra routines from GSL
2.039 2021-04-24
- update lu_backsub docs with comparison to other linear algebra code
- fix "complex" type-qualifier bug affecting native-complex r2C
- add core pdl_at0
- Core.xs:set_c, badvalue now able to take a PDL object not just Perl scalar
- can construct a PDL object with Math::Complex objects
- fix cfloat-comparison that was breaking badval detection in complex types
- add $type->isnan('c expression')
- badvalue doesn't force return values to be Perl scalar but PDL object
- native complex values get Perl-ised into PDL::Complex::Overloads objects not strings
2.038 2021-04-19
- make pdlpp_postamble 4th arg be XS subs destination
- Inline::Pdlpp can take package param to put XS subs into
- incorporated GSL CDF functions out of PDL::Stats - thanks @maggiexyz!
2.037 2021-04-16
- switch obsolete finite() to C99 isfinite()
- add ppdefs_all
- make PDL::Types::ppdefs only return non-complex types for back-compat
2.036 2021-04-16
- fix t/gis_proj.t
2.035 2021-04-15
- bad value support now always present, not configurable
- pthread detection simplified, now enabled for Windows and MacOS
- remove check in build for ~/.perldl.conf
- remove TEMPDIR config - all now use File::Temp
- remove unnecessary PDL::Version (just "require PDL")
- relocate tests to beside what's tested (helps with any split)
- incorporate patches from downstream OpenSUSE - thanks @perlpunk
- add ppdefs_complex
2.034 2021-03-31
- add "complex" Pars type qualifier, r2C function
2.033 2021-03-30
- native complex documented better - thanks @fantasma13
- add "real" Pars type qualifier
2.032 2021-03-24
- fix t/pptest.t so it passes on 5.10, add VERSION_FROM to pdlpp_stdargs
2.031 2021-03-23
- pp_setversion preserves version as string, handling quote characters
2.030 2021-03-21
- PDL::Types now have the data to make PDL::Type::real etc operate
- pp_setversion treats (and preserves) version as string
2.029 2021-03-12
- no changes from 2.028_01
2.028_01 2021-03-08
- stop claiming packages C::StructObj C::StructType C::Type C::Var SymTab Win32::DDE::Netscape XS
- incorporate relevant improvements made in PDLA distros
- fix t/nat_complex.t to avoid glibc bug 18594 (fixed v2.22)
2.028 2021-03-07
- correct complex-maths functions for their C types
- fix MOD-problem-dodging logic for native complex
2.027 2021-03-06
- no changes from 2.026_04
2.026_04 2021-03-02
- define and use C macros in PP for shorter, more comprehensible XS
2.026_03 2021-02-28
- got_complex_version change to defeat FreeBSD 10 false positive for complex funcs
- trig functions like asin($perl_scalar) return NaN for >1 again
2.026_02 2021-02-25
- implement PDL::Type::real etc
- native complex numbers need check_lib as FreeBSD <10 has no complex trig
2.026_01 2021-02-19
- native support for complex numbers - thanks @fantasma13
2.026 2021-02-13
- fix GSL build errors, improve docs - thanks @d-lamb
- rfits properly treats BLANK in rice-compressed - thanks @d-lamb
- added Floyd-Warshall example to MATLAB comparison doc
2.025 2020-11-19
- fix spellings - thanks @sebastic
2.024 2020-09-17
- use CCCDLFLAGS for compile of pdl.c to include -fPIC where needed - thanks @newville
2.023 2020-09-14
- Remove extrapolation code from PDL::GSL::INTERP. - thanks @d-lamb
2.022 2020-09-06
- Fix wfits so that explicitly setting BITPIX works. - thanks @d-lamb
- add PDL::IO::Pic::imageformat - thanks @wmlb
2.021 2020-03-01
- fix pdlpp_postamble - thanks @sebastic
2.020_05 2019-12-29
- fix t/pgplot.t
2.020_04 2019-12-28
- more diagnostic info for PGPLOT / F77
2.020_03 2019-12-26
- PGPLOT test to check $DISPLAY first
- CallExt test to use abs path because of recent MacOS change
2.020_02 2019-12-17
- spelling fixes - thanks @sebastic
2.020_01 2019-12-12
- merge the documentation system updates - thanks @d-lamb
2.020 2019-12-12
- no changes from 2.019_06
2.019_06 2019-12-08
- PGPLOT stop accidentally finding own PGPLOT.pm from . in @INC - was loading installed %PDL::Config into Makefile.PL process
2.019_05 2019-12-02
- calloc->malloc+memset, as calloc on Win32 = "free to wrong pool"
- memset after malloc in pdlapi.c
2.019_04 2019-11-27
- fix PdlParObj.pm excessive pp_line_numbers
2.019_03 2019-11-25
- t/config.t stop specifying number of %Config keys
- update Inline dep for ILSM-finding bug
- use pp_line_numbers in PP.pm and ops.pd
- use calloc not malloc to reduce valgrind errors in ufunc.t
2.019_02 2019-11-19
- fix t/fits.t tempfiles use
- _oneliner to use EU::MM right
2.019_01 2019-11-10
- Honor LDFLAGS when building pdl - thanks @wiz-0
- build works even without Devel::CheckLib
- race condition in tests fixed to allow parallel tests
- fix spelling errors - thanks @sebastic
- Fix tilde expansion tests when non-existent $HOME - thanks @sebastic
- zap inc/Carp - fix #94
- update doc URLs, and docs - thanks @d-lamb
- replace all non-sort, non-ppdef-doc $a/$b in codebase - thanks @d-lamb
- Clean up PDL::Fit::Gaussian docs and tests - thanks @d-lamb
- badval fixes on systems with only unsigned chars - thanks @d-lamb
- fix segfault in some uses of PDL::Transform::map - thanks @d-lamb
- Improve compatibility with Perl's experimental 'bitwise' feature - thanks sprout@cpan.org
- RedoDims fix - thanks @drzowie
- range speedup - thanks @drzowie
- PDL::Lite fixes to bug that broke Test::PDL
- propagation of badflag with .= - thanks @hainest
- doc-building fixes for Windows
- quote-protect rpic/wpic commands
- test-coverage now available for XS files too
- Only build PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT if PGPLOT installed
- better vsearch_* docs - thanks @zmughal
- PDL::Complex doc and code fixes, tests, and improvements - thanks @d-lamb
v2.019 2018-05-05 16:42:44-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.019 of the Perl Data Language.
* It is a the first official release of PDL initiating
the development and release moving from sourceforge
to github hosting.
* cat returns an ndarray of the highest input type, not
the first.
* The 'thresh' options in fitwarp2d has been removed.
* rfits/wfits now do tilde filename expansion.
* det in MatrixOps now uses the cached lu_decomp
value correctly.
* Multiple minor fixes, docs, cleanup, and changing
things to point to github away from sf.net.
v2.018_02 2018-04-28 13:46:27-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.018_02 of the Perl Data Language.
* It is a the release candidate for the PDL-2.019
release which marks the move of PDL development
from sf.net to github.
* Various updates to redirect links and documentation refs
to the github ones.
* Various fixes over the past year since PDL-2.018 release
which will be documented at the next official PDL release.
v2.018_01 2018-04-13 09:56:56-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.018_01 of the Perl Data Language.
* It is a transition developers release for the move of
PDL development from sf.net to github.
* Various updates to redirect links and documentation refs
to the github ones.
* Various fixes over the past year since PDL-2.018 release
which will be documented at the next official PDL release.
v2.018 2017-05-21 17:02:03-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.018 of the Perl Data Language.
* SF.net Bugs fixed:
429 Alien::Proj4->load_projection_information parses PJ_sch parameters incorrectly
432 Work around List::MoreUtils bug t/gd_oo_test.t started failing in testers.
433 GSL SF errors kill perl and pdl2/perldl shell
434 Missing indx type in heading list of conversions.
* Build improvements:
- Add requirements and better test diags for PDL::IO::GD.
- Apppy patch so PDL::Lite can be used more than once
Thanks to Shawn Laffan for the patch.
- Fix build on perl <= 5.14 by adding ExtUtils::ParseXS to
- Make coretarget generate parallelisable make deps Make
"core" target be generated by separate function
- Fixes for coming removal of . from @INC for PDL build.
Thanks to Todd Rinaldo for the first patch and raising the issue.
* Various updates to the documentation.
v2.017_02 2017-05-18 17:33:55-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.017_02 of the Perl Data Language,
and essentially PDL 2.018 release candidate 1. If
it tests ok we expect to release it as PDL 2.018 this
* Fix problem where PDL::Lite could not be loaded more
than once. (Thanks to Shawn Laffan)
* Fix sf.net bug #429 with poor generation of documentation.
* Fix sf.net bug #433 where errors in GSL routines caused
perl to exit.
* Build enhancements for PDL::IO::GD to improve test
diagnostic messages and add List::MoreUtils as a
dependency for PDL.
* Better docs and explanation of indx datatype.
This closes sf.net bug #434.
* Add some missing modules to DEPENDENCIES (thanks
to Luis Mochan).
v2.017_01 2017-04-29 11:39:22-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.017_01 of the Perl Data Language,
* Addresses some problems from changes in the perl
infrastructure that are or will break things in PDL.
* Handle coming removal of '.' from @INC
* Fix sf bug #432: Work around List::MoreUtils bug
This was causing a lot of PDL test failures.
* Fix build problem on perl <= 5.14
v2.017 2016-10-08 13:50:39-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.017 of the Perl Data Language,
* Bugs fixed:
379 Passing qsort an extra argument causes a segfault
393 Tests may fail if perl is compiled with -Duselongdouble
409 PDL demos with PGPLOT display ignore $ENV{PGPLOT_DEV}
413 PDL::Core::Dev::pdlpp_postamble() cannot handle .pd files in subdirectories
419 t/#pdl_from_string.t fails on long double systems
421 PDL::IO::FITS can't handle 64-bit integers (longlong, indx)
422 PDL misc. compiler warnings.
423 wcols FORMAT option always incorrectly gives error
424 Calling PDL on a list of ndarrays fails to propogate bad values
425 svd is broken for everything but 2x2 matrices
--- Typo in PDL::GSLSF::COUPLING routine gsl_sf_coupling_6j
* Several patches contributed from the Debian team have been applied
that fix documentation spelling errors, make PDL builds more
reproducible, and will make packaging PDL easier.
* More helpful error message when multi-element PDL is used in
a boolean expression (feature request #84)
* Improve argument size handling and documentation for rle
(feature request #80)
* One can now use $pdlc = pdl($pdla,$pdlb) when $pdla and/or $pdlb
have BAD values and the BAD values will propagate to
$pdlc. Previously this would only work with a copy of a single
ndarray (e.g., $pdlc = pdl($pdla) ) or with 'cat'.
* Many changes have been made to make PDL compile more cleanly and
emit fewer compiler warnings.
* Quiet printf format warning for sizeof()
* Deprecate finite in favor of isfinite.
* Many cleanups and additions to the test suite to use Test::More
and to add meaningful test descriptions.
* Added subtests to primitive.t
* Add PDL::Doc::add_module to pdlpp_postamble
v2.016_91 2016-10-03 14:03:19-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.016_13 of the Perl Data Language,
a.k.a. PDL-2.017 release candidate 1.
* All but release notes and announcement done...
* Added subtests to primitive.t
* Quiet printf format warning for sizeof()
v2.016_03 2016-10-01 17:51:40-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.016_03 of the Perl Data Language.
* Bugs fixed:
413 PDL::Core::Dev::pdlpp_postamble() cannot handle .pd files in subdirectories
419 t/#pdl_from_string.t fails on long double systems
* More helpful error message when multi-element PDL is used in
a boolean expression (feature request #84)
* Improve argument size handling and documentation for rle
(feature request #80)
v2.016_02 2016-09-21 13:42:15-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.016_02 of the Perl Data Language.
* Bugs fixed:
379 Passing qsort an extra argument causes a segfault
393 Tests may fail if perl is compiled with -Duselongdouble
409 PDL demos with PGPLOT display ignore $ENV{PGPLOT_DEV}
421 PDL::IO::FITS can't handle 64-bit integers (longlong, indx)
422 PDL misc. compiler warnings.
423 wcols FORMAT option always incorrectly gives error
424 Calling PDL on a list of ndarrays fails to propogate bad values
425 svd is broken for everything but 2x2 matrices
--- Typo in PDL::GSLSF::COUPLING routine gsl_sf_coupling_6j
* One can now use $pdlc = pdl($pdla,$pdlb) when $pdla and/or $pdlb
have BAD values and the BAD values will propagate to
$pdlc. Previously this would only work with a copy of a single
ndarray (e.g., $pdlc = pdl($pdla) ) or with 'cat'.
* Many changes have been made to make PDL compile more cleanly and
emit fewer compiler warnings.
* Many cleanups and additions to the test suite to use Test::More
and to add meaningful test descriptions.
* Several patches contributed from the Debian team have been applied
that fix documentation spelling errors, make PDL builds more
reproducible, and will make packaging PDL easier.
v2.016_01 2016-06-01 13:01:55-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.016_01 of the Perl Data Language.
* Add PDL::Doc::add_module to pdlpp_postamble
* Deprecate finite in favor of isfinite.
v2.016 2016-05-30 10:22:04-04:00
General Notes:
* This is version 2.016 of the Perl Data Language.
* Bugs fixed:
417 Perl 5.22: + GSL 2.1 fails to build
408 PDL::GSL::RNG set_seed minor improvement
407 Build failures with GSL 2.1
416 PDL::PP creates .pm & .xs files before pp_done is called
414 ccNcompt (i.e. cc4compt and cc8compt) breaks with byte data type
* All collapse operators now have "<name>over" equivalent names.
This ends an API wart in which most, but not all, of the collapse
operators had a short form that did full collapse and a long form
that did 1-D collapse only (e.g. "and" collapses to a point,
while "andover" collapses by one dimension). The exceptions are
left in for legacy code, but now have regularized "-over" forms
as well:
average -> avgover
daverage -> davgover
maximum -> maxover
maximum_ind -> maxover_ind
maximum_n_ind -> maxover_n_ind
minmaximum -> minmaxover
minimum -> minover
minimum_ind -> minover_ind
minimum_n_ind -> minover_n_ind
* PDL::Transform image resampling now handles bad values in
images. In particular, the `h' and `j' (optimized filter)
resampling methods properly skip bad values in the image,
marking output pixels bad if more than 1/3 of the weighted
values associated with that output pixel are bad.
* PDLs with dataflow can now be reshaped. The dataflow
connection gets severed by the reshape operation.
* PDL::IO::FITS now works better with RICE-compressed FITS
images, such as are produced by NASA's SDO project.
- The NAXIS* header keywords are now replaced by their
ZNAXIS* equivalents, so the NAXIS fields in the header
are correct after the image is read in.
- The Z*, TFIELDS, TTYPE*, and TFORM* keywords are now
deleted from the header object, so that the uncompressed,
loaded image does not have leftover compression headers.
* The language preprocessor PDL::PP now does not automatically
call pp_done for modules that do not call pp_done themselves.
This new, stricter behavior requires module authors to call
pp_done at the end of their PDL::PP file. This prevents
partially-complete .xs and .pm files from being written if
there is a module build error.
* PDL::GSLSF modules have several fixes/improvements to support
building against GSL 2.0:
- New calling convention for gsl_sf_ellint_D.
- New functions gsl_sf_legendre_array
and gsl_sf_legendre_array_index.
- Deprecated gsl_sf_legendre_Plm_array
and gsl_sf_legendre_sphPlm_array.
- New tests for new legendre functions.
- Test requires all PDL::GSLSF modules
to successfully load.
* PDL::GSL::RNG now allows chaining for the set_seed() method:
e.g. $rng = PDL::GSL::RNG->new(..)->set_seed(..)
* PDL::Image2D's ccNcompt connected-component analysis code now
returns types that are >= long, to avoid common overflow errors.
* PDL::whichND returns PDLs of Indx type, to avoid overflows.
* Empty ndarrays are handled slightly differently now by
PDL::info and `help vars'. Empty ndarrays are different
from null ndarrays, and now generate different info strings.
(null ndarrays lack data or dimensions; empty ndarrays have
at least one dimension of size 0).
* PDL::Fit::LM:
- Documentation has been clarified relating to input
data uncertainties and weighting of the fit.
- A small test suite has been added.
* There is now a .gitattributes file so GitHub repo language
stats are more accurate.
* The PDL SF/GitHub deveolpment workflow is integrated into
v2.015_001 2016-05-27 12:28:39-04:00
General Notes:
* A.k.a PDL-2.016 release candidate 1.
v2.015 2015-11-22 08:52:22-05:00
General Notes:
* PDL-2.015 is a clean and polish release. It fixes
some problems discovered with PDL-2.014 and improves
the 64bit integer support.
* Fixes to improve compile and test of F77 modules
on OS X (i.e. don't build i386 versions)
* Basic/Ops/ops.pd - make compatible with MSVC++ 6.0
* Fix win10 breakage in t/flexraw_fortran.t Apparently, temp
files were not being released after use which was preventing
the tests to pass.
* Fix missing PDL license information
* Fix sf.net bug #403: reshape() failed when applied to a
ndarray with dataflow. Now, changing the shape of a PDL
that already has dataflow is prevented and an error message
* Fix sf.net bug 406 Added missing logic for clump(-N) and minor
cleanup of perl wrapper.
* force new_pdl_from_string to return an ndarray with P=physical flag
* Add $PDL::indxformat for PDL_Indx This avoids loss of
significance when 64bit PDL_Indx values are printed.
Make new_pdl_from_string() avoid converting IV values
to NVs This allows pdl(indx, '[ 9007199254740992 ]')
to work without rounding due to the 52bit double
precision mantissa versus the 63bits + sign for PDL_Indx.
* Add type support info to pdl() constructor documentation.
pdl() has always supported this usage but examples were
missing in the documentation.
* improving PDL::GSL::RNG documentation
* remove spurious '}' from gnuplot demo
v2.014_03 2015-11-19 12:37:00-05:00
General Notes:
* This quick release is to verify the fix for the
PDL license information.
* Some updates to Changes and Known_problems
as well.
v2.014_02 2015-11-17 09:20:23-05:00
General Notes:
* This is the 2nd release candidate for PDL-2.015
* Same as PDL-2.014_01 but with a couple of F77 build
fixes from Karl to support MacOSX builds and, we hope,
a SciPDL to go with PDL-2.015!
v2.014_01 2015-11-14 14:01:28-05:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.014_01, a cleanup and bug fix release.
* Add $PDL::indxformat for PDL_Indx and
Make new_pdl_from_string() avoid converting IV values to NVs
PDL_Indx values (type indx) now print with an integer
format specification so all digits get printed. In
addition pdl(indx, '[ 9007199254740992 ]') works as well
going the other direction.
* Fix sf.net bug 403: reshape can't handle ndarrays with -C flag
reshape() on an ndarray with dataflow isn't meaningful.
Now a warning is given. You can $pdl->sever first
and then reshape() can be applied.
* Fix sf.net bug 406: clump() produces bogus dims
* Various build improvments and documentation fixes:
- force new_pdl_from_string to return an ndarray with P=physical flag
- remove spurious '}' from gnuplot demo
- Basic/Ops/ops.pd - make compatible with MSVC++ 6.0
- Fix win10 breakage in t/flexraw_fortran.t
- improving PDL::GSL::RNG documentation
- Add type convert info to POD for the pdl() constructor
v2.014 2015-10-12 11:44:10-04:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.014 introducing full support for
64bit indexing operations using 64bit PDL_Indx
data type.
* PDL can now create and use ndarrays having more
than 2**32 elements. Of particular use is that
you can now use PDL::IO::FlexRaw to memory map
ndarrays from files on disk which can allow for
simplified processing and IO on extremely large
* Due to the new PDL_Anyval type changes, existing
PDL::PP modules may need to be updated to support
the new PDL Core version 12 API. Authors, please
see PDL::API for macros to ease the porting.
Users, be aware that some modules may not work
until they are updated by their maintainers.
* Implement PDL_Anyval data type as union to support
64bit indexing
This adds a union data type to add 64bit integer support to
the original PDL-2.x types which assumed that double was
capable of holding all the "lesser" types. With the PDL_Anyval
type, we can correctly handle 64bit integer data types and
avoid errors and loss of precision due to conversions to or
from PDL_Double. Special thanks to kmx and zowie for their
help to complete and debug this implementation.
* Many fixes to the build process to make PDL more robust
to build, test, and install. This takes advantage of new
automated CI testing via Travis CI on the github site.
Thanks much to Ed and Zakariyya for their work to get
this started and maintained. This CI testing makes
this the best tested and best testing PDL release ever!
* Various documentation clean-ups and work to improve
on-line viewing at http://metacpan.org and others.
(Thanks kmx and Derek!)
* A new ipow() method haw been added with 64bit integer
support. ipow() calculates the integer exponentiation
of a value by successive multiplications. This allows
one to avoid loss of significance in integer exponents.
pow() converts the value to double and will always have
<52bits precision.
* nbadover and ngoodover now return indx type (PDL_Indx)
* PDL now detects when your perl installation has been
built with floating point longer than 8 bytes and gives
a one time warning that precision will be lost converting
from perl NV to PDL_Doubles. This warning is given on
"use PDL;"
* "use PDL" now includes "use PDL::IO::Storable"
This avoids a hard to diagnose crash that can
occur when a user tries using Storable without the
necessary "use PDL::IO::Storable".
* MANY sf.net bugs fixed:
400 dataflow slice crash around 2**31 boundary
399 Small doc fixes
398 $pdl->hdr items are lost after $pdl->reshape
396 online docs for modules only work first time in PDL shells
395 ipow (integer exponentiation) support for 64bit index support
394 demo cartography fails
383 gcc/#gfortran 4.9.2 needs -lquadmath
378 where on dice of pdl bad results
376 PDL Segmentation fault working with Storable restored PDL
347 t/#pdl_from_string.t has a failure if BADVAL_NAN=1
346 ExtUtils::F77 dependency causing problems for CPAN install
343 longlong constructor and display lose digits due to...
340 orover of byte data returns long type
v2.013_06 2015-10-10 16:04:14-04:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.013_06 which is RC 2 for PDL-2.014
and likely the final one before the official
release. Please report any final issues and doc
patches ASAP.
* Mark some failing tests in t/primitive.t as TODO
to avoid CPAN Testers failures.
v2.013_05 2015-10-08 07:14:19-04:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.013_05 (a.k.a. PDL-2.014 rc 1) which
is the fifth CPAN developers release for PDL with
newly completed support for 64bit indexing.
* Needs testing for ndarrays with more than 2**32
elements but all checks pass so far.
* Fix problem with broken t/opengl.t for testers
v2.013_04 TBD
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.013_04 which is the fourth CPAN
developers release for PDL with newly completed
support for 64bit indexing.
* Needs testing for ndarrays with more than 2**32
elements but all checks pass so far.
* t/opengl.t is skipped the dynamic GL window creation
tests if $AUTOMATED_TESTING is true.
* A new ipow() routine for integer exponentiation
* Corrected return types of intover, borover, bandover,
nbadover, and ngoodover.
* Fixed compile problem in clang from using finite()
on an integer datatype.
v2.013_03 2015-10-04 12:21:30-04:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.013_03 which is the third CPAN
developers release for PDL with newly completed
support for 64bit indexing.
* Needs testing for ndarrays with more than 2**32
elements but all checks pass so far.
* More clean-up to handle perls with long double NVs
Loss of precision will be warned on "use PDL;"
* Skipping t/bigmem.t to avoid OOM CPAN Testers fails.
* Minor fixes to C code to meet stricter compiler
and C99 requirements.
v2.013_02 2015-10-03 08:40:08-04:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.013_02 which is the second CPAN
developers release for PDL with newly completed
support for 64bit indexing.
* Needs testing for ndarrays with more than 2**32
elements but all checks pass so far.
* Clean up to handle perls with long double NVs
* Various bugs closed
* PDL::IO::Storable is now loaded with "use PDL;"
v2.013_01 2015-09-26 17:39:41-04:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.013_01 which is the first CPAN
developers release for PDL with newly completed
support for 64bit indexing.
* Needs testing for ndarrays with more than 2**32
elements but all checks pass so far.
v2.013 2015-08-14 08:37:15-04:00
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.013. It is PDL-2.012 with some fixes
for badvalue problems and Solaris make issues.
* See PDL 2.012 notes below.
* Fix for sf.net bug #390: scalar PDL with badvalue
always compares BAD with perl scalars. Now a warning
is given if the badvalue could conflict with the
results of a logical or comparision operation.
* Fixed a makefile construct which was ambiguous and
caused build failures on Solaris using their make.
Gnu make was not affected even on Solaris.
v2.012_01 2015-08-01 15:47401-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.012_01. It is PDL-2.012 with some fixes
for badvalue problems when the badvalue was 0 or 1.
* See PDL 2.012 notes below.
* Candidate fix for sf.net bug #390: scalar PDL with
badvalue always compares BAD with perl scalars
v2.012 2015-06-14 08:27:01-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.012 it is essentially PDL-2.011 with some
fixes for some minor issues that only came to light
with a new official release.
* See PDL 2.011 notes below.
* Add package statements so PDL::Lite and PDL::LiteF are
indexed correctly
* Give PDL::NiceSlice a non-developer release for indexing
* Fix build regression that broke ActiveState perl
builds for many perl versions and OS platforms.
v2.011 2015-06-02 17:01:22-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.011 it is essentially PDL-2.008 with some
fixes for some minor issues.
* perl 5.10.x is now the minimum version of perl
supported by PDL-2.008 and later.
* PDL::FFTW is no longer part of the PDL Core.
Please use PDL::FFTW3 from CPAN (Dima Kogan)
with Alien::FFTW3 support (Craig DeForest)
* PDL::Graphics::PLplot is no longer included in
the PDL core distribution. Please install from
CPAN directly.
* 50 sf.net bug tickets closed/fixed since PDL-2.007!
* Partial 64bit indexing support with some fixes
to remaining issues. Full 64bit support for perl
modulus operater ('%') is in progress.
* Major clean up and rework of the core PDL
computation code, the build process, test suites,
and updating to reflect more of the best practices
for perl module development.
* The PDL development has moved to github and now
has added continuous commit testing via the
Travis-CI framework. The git workflow is now
inline with current practices and it is expected
that this will allow more contributions and "eyes
on the code".
* See PDL 2.008 Highlights below.
v2.010 2015-06-02 14:40:15-0400
General Notes:
* Another indexing regression. Sigh.
v2.009_01 2015-05-29 17:47:57-0400
General Notes:
* Removal of PDL::Graphics::PLplot since exists as separate CPAN distro
v2.009 2015-05-29 12:26:25-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.009. It has tweaks to fix PAUSE/CPAN
indexing problems in 2.008.
* Known_problems updated to reflect a seldom seen
pdldoc installation problem for certain custom
perl configurations on cygwin. A workaround is
known. Please contact the PDL mailing list if you
have this problem. See the sf.net bug report at
http://sourceforge.net/p/pdl/bugs/384/ for more
* See Release Notes for PDL 2.008 below for more.
v2.008 2015-05-24 18:42:22-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.008! Yay!
* perl 5.10.x is now the minimum version of perl
supported by PDL-2.008 and later.
* 50 sf.net bug tickets closed/fixed since PDL-2.007!
* Partial 64bit indexing support with some fixes to
remaining issues. Full 64bit support for perl modulus
operater ('%') is in progress.
* Major clean up and rework of the core PDL computation
code, the build process, test suites, and updating to
reflect more of the best practices for perl module
* The PDL development has moved to github and now has
added continuous commit testing via the Travis-CI
framework. The git workflow is now inline with
current practices and it is expected that this will
allow more contributions and "eyes on the code".
* PDL::FFTW is no longer part of the PDL Core.
Please use PDL::FFTW3 from CPAN (Dima Kogan)
with Alien::FFTW3 support (Craig DeForest)
* New improved vsearch functionality, interfaces,
and documentation (Diab Jerius)
* PDL::IO::Storable now robust against version, platform
endianness, and supports the new 64bit PDL_Indx data
type (Dima Kogan)
* Clean up of PDL/Basic/Core code to remove cruft and
to simplify the evolution to a coming improvements
(Craig DeForest)
* Major clean up, de-crufting, and streamlining of the
entire PDL ExtUtils::MakeMaker build process (Ed J)
* Standardizing and updating the entire PDL test suite
to a common basis (use Test::More) and coding to more
consistent best practices. E.g., use strict
This is a huge (ongoing) effort but a comprehensive
test suite is needed for regression tests to validate
compatibility of coming PDL3 architecture changes.
(Zakariyya Mughal)
* You can now call the PDL::Graphics2D twiddle()
routine with an argument of 0 or 1 (i.e., false
or true) to set whether the twiddle loop is run.
* Library dependency detection improvements including
PROJ4 and GD. A number of improvements in this for
strawberry perl on windows (kmx)
* The PDL distribution process now generated the
documentation for the modules using the automated
code generation process. This makes all the PDL
docs available on http://search.cpan.org and on
http://metacpan.org for your web browser. (kmx)
* Improved support to build XS/C extensions: (Ed J)
- You can now: "use Inline with => 'PDL';", see PDL::API
- You can, in your module's Makefile.PL:
"$p = new ExtUtils::Depends 'MyMod', 'PDL'"
* MANY sf.net tickets closed:
377 PDL::Transform::Proj4 not building under latest dev EUMM
375 Storable files incorrectly processed from older versions.
374 CONFIGURE_REQUIRES => Devel::CheckLib
373 2.007_11 MANIFEST
372 2.007_11 fails on MS Windows 64bit
371 PDL-2.4.11 medover failure in perl 5.20.1
370 PDL-2.007 can fail to build Basic/#Core files
369 slice fails with subclass index
368 PDL::Slatec::polyfit ignores incorrect length of weight ndarray...
367 BAD value parsing breakage
365 CPAN PDL install broken due to breakage in Module::Compile 0.34
363 PP "OtherPars" namespace is not clean
362 rcols COLIDS need chomp-ing
361 vsearch bug w/# reversed list
360 subtle & rare bug in vsearch
359 Improved documentation for vsearch
358 one2nd() has unexpected behaviour when given a Perl scalar rather than an ndarray
357 Android support
356 overload::Method() does not return coderef for stringification
355 dog creates 0 dim ndarray which squeezes to 1 dim.
353 imag2d not 'use warnings' safe and no way to disable twiddle
352 reorder() not an lvalue sub
351 PDL_BOOT has wrong XS code
350 Modules using PDL::Slatec will get installed even if Slatec is disabled
349 PDL needs integrated support for PDL::PP and CPAN indexer
348 PDL->null->slice('')->nelem results in error
345 documentation of WITH_PLPLOT in perldl.conf incorrect
344 Current version numbering is broken
342 BUGS file not indexable or discoverable
337 rangeb() broken for 64bit index support on 32bit perl
332 "isn't numeric in null operation" warning could be more helpful
331 uniq does not always return proper object
329 t/#picrgb.t fails in PDL build
321 Several core modules do not have man pages
319 PDL::Index does not render on websites
316 plplot.t failure when building 2.4.11
314 conv1d bad value broken
313 clip() edge case not handled right
312 Wrong results in corner empty-set cases
283 PDL::IO::FITS::wfits corrupting FITS image
272 indexND of Empty pdls can segfault
268 PLplot still unusable with X
261 max() fails on nan
256 Threadable version of PDL::MatrixOps::inv
232 perl -d chokes on lvalue functions
227 PGPLOT module doesn't work in PDL
224 Ctrl-C kills perldl in win32 console
207 Name "PDL::SHARE" used only once.
63 Unable to get the 3d demos
51 justify option fails in imag (PDL2.3.4)
v2.007_17 2015-05-06 13:35:57-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.008_rc4!
* Clean up of large number modulo tests and make TODO for
the PDL-2.008 release.
* Fix build/configure problems from CPAN Testers reports.
* Quiet excessive warnings in perldl and pdl2doc
v2.007_16 2015-04-22 10:23:46-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.008_rc3!
* Various clean up and doc fixes
* Add more of the PDL prerequisites explicitly to handle
missing core functionality for CPAN Testers.
v2.007_15 2015-04-19 17:08:55-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.008_rc2!
* Build issues with PROJ4 detection and link with cygwin
platforms has been worked around.
* Failing tests in t/ops.t for new 64bit modulus support
have been marked TODO.
v2.007_14 2015-04-11 14:28:07-0400
General Notes:
* This is PDL-2.008_rc1!
* More cleanup and a couple of build issues fixed with
* Various test suite improvements.
v2.007_13 2015-03-22 16:00:03-0400
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this April 2015
* Travis on Github now routinely tests on dev ExtUtils::MakeMaker, clang:
* Coveralls on Github now lists test coverage:
* Many tests updated to use Test::More, Test::Deep, Test::Exception
* PDL::FFTW is now removed from the PDL core. Use
PDL::FFTW3 instead.
* Prototype use of Alien::Proj4 to encapsulate install/build info
* Fix warnings compiling under clang
* Addition of "core" and "coretest" targets for quicker build and dev cycle
* Make Filter::Util::Call the default engine for PDL::NiceSlice
* Make PDL_Anyval type, for 64-bit purposes
* Clean up and better-comment pdl*.h
* Make "isn't numeric in null operation" warning more helpful
v2.007_12 2015-03-06 09:18:04-05:00
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this February 2015
* This release marks the completion of almost all the
priority issues needed for PDL-2.008. Expect feature
freeze, final shakedown, and release to come!
* Fixed sf.net bug #373 2.007_11 MANIFEST
* Implemented 'core' and 'coretest' targets for quick testing.
* Fix quote/whitespace build problems
* Fix threading problem discovered in PDL::MatrixOps::inv()
* Build improvements and support for automated commit testing
via the travis-ci infrastructure
* Fixed sf.net bug #368 PDL::Slatec::polyfit ignores
incorrect length of weight ndarray
* Fixed sf.net bug #374 CONFIGURE_REQUIRES => Devel::CheckLib
* Tests and fixes for modulus operator for 64bit integer
operands. Tests on 32bit systems welcome.
* Lots of tweaks and cleanup...
v2.007_11 2015-02-24 16:08:36-05:00
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this February 2015
* The new Filter::Simple engine for PDL::NiceSlice is now
the default. This fixes problems where PDL::NiceSlice
was applying the sourcefilter to the content of comments
and strings. Still to do: implement for command line use
in perldl/pdl2 shells.
* Added ability to call PDL::Graphics2D twiddle() routine with
an argument of 0 or 1 (technically false or true) to set
whether the twiddle loop is run. Also fixed a minor warning
generated with 'use warnings'. This closes bug #353.
* Lots of clean up and build process improvements.
v2.007_10 2015-02-02 10:59:22-05:00
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this February 2015
* More clean up to build process.
v2.007_09 2015-01-29 11:01:24-05:00
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this February 2015
* perl 5.10.x is now the minimum version of perl supported for
this release. Please test.
* Much clean up of the EU::MM build process by Ed.:w
v2.007_08 2015-01-20 18:24:01-05:00
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this January 2015
* Some ExtUtils::MakeMaker fixes and clean up for the PDL build
* Fix non-portable usage bug in t/vsearch.t which prevented the
test from passing on perls 5.12 and earlier
v2.007_07 2015-01-06 17:44:08+11:00
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this January 2015
* This release includes the new pre-generated pm/pod to
clean up the docs available on-line on metacpan.org and
* Bug fix in t/vsearch.t to support perl 5.12 and earlier.
PDL currently supports perl 5.8.x and later.
v2.007_06 2015-01-05 13:31:13-05:00
General Notes:
* Counting down to a PDL-2.008 release this January 2015
* Fixed a number of bugs on the sf.net tracker
* Fix for EU-MM-7.0 and later problem with dmake
* Include generated pod in the distribution so that
metacpan.org and search.cpan.org have better/working
online docs.
v2.007_05 2014-12-24 09:24:04-05:00
General Notes:
* You can now: "use Inline with => 'PDL';" - see PDL::API
* You can, in your module's Makefile.PL: "$p = new ExtUtils::Depends
'MyMod', 'PDL'"
* Various bugs fixed
* New vsearch() implementations with features and flexibility
v2.007_04 2014-09-09 00:44:29+01:00
General Notes:
* You can now: "use Inline with => 'PDL';" - see PDL::API
* You can, in your module's Makefile.PL: "$p = new ExtUtils::Depends
'MyMod', 'PDL'"
v2.007_03 2014-07-01 16:54:59-04:00
General Notes:
* Fix documentation builds for installs into vendor directory.
* Fixes for library detection on MS Windows
* Fix incompatibility of PDL::IO::Storable with perl versions < 5.10.x
v2.007_02 2013-11-25 14:10:22-05:00
General Notes:
* This release should be a working PDL::IO::Storable that
is compatable with the new 64bit index support.
* PDL::IO::Storable now requires perl 5.10.x or greater
although the overall distribution requirements are not
planned to update to 5.10.x until the completion of
fixes for the longlong hidden double precision conversion
slash truncation bug.
v2.007_01 2013-11-17 16:31:17-05:00
General Notes:
* Added FAQ entry on PDL version numbering change and how
to specify required PDL versions.
* Corrected perldl.conf docs for WITH_PLPLOT in the comments
* Update PDL::IO::Storable to work with the new PDL_Indx
data type. Also made the code backwards compatible to
read files written by older PDL releases.
* Fixed NaN handling for min/max and cleaned up handling
of empty sets.
* Various enhancements to PDL::Transform
v2.007 2013-10-12 12:56:52-04:00
General Notes:
* PDL computations now use 64bit indexing/addressing if
your platform supports it (i.e., your perl configuration
has $Config{ivsize} == 8).
- You can process with pdls with more then 2**32 elements.
- Memory mapped file IO supports up to 8TB files which
allows much simpler processing of large data files.
(See mapflex in PDL::IO::FlexRaw for details)
* PDL-2.007 has a new, unified slicing engine and syntax
that consolidates the multiple slicing variants into
a backward compatible but now 64bit aware slice. See
the PDL::Slices for the new syntax that is enabled.
* PDL::FFTW has moved to its own distribution on CPAN
and is no longer in the PDL core distribution. Look
for PDL::FFTW3 coming to CPAN soon.
* Some required dependencies have been update to more
recent versions:
- ExtUtils::MakeMaker now requires version 6.56 or
higher, the minimum version with CONFIGURE_REQUIRES
- Perl OpenGL 0.6702 is now required for PDL::Graphics::TriD
to build. This fixes a number of critical bugs and should
be a seamless upgrade.
- File::Map version 0.57 is required. This fixes map_anonymous
support for the >2**32 sizes needed for 64bit support.
Legacy mmap support for unix platforms is no longer
supported. The distribution requires File::Map so you
should not notice the change.
* Incompatible Changes:
- PDL::FFT now uses the same sign convention as FFTW and
the rest of the world, -1/+1 for forward and reverse
FFT respectively.
- C/XS API of PDL-2.007 is incompatible with previous
PDL releases. If you upgrade to PDL-2.007, you *will*
need to re-install or upgrade *all* dependent XS or PP
based modules.
- PDL now auto-promotes array refs in many places that
previously required an ndarray (so you can say, e.g.,
"$a->index([2,3])" instead of "$a->index(pdl(2,3))").
- String syntax for slice() specifications now ignore
white space.
* The clean up of the PDL core distribution continues and
PDL-2.007 is no exception. Many bug fixes, documentation
updates, code and implementation improvements make this
the best testing PDL release to date.
* FITS IO improvements and fixes:
- Added 'afh" option to rfits to allow explicit use of
legacy hash parser for performance reasons.
- New multiple extension writing support for wfits.
* Added pp_deprecate_module() to PDL::PP
* New mode/modeover functions in PDL::Ufunc
* Made exception handling in slices more robust.
* PDL::CLONE_SKIP added for improved ithread support.
* Updated graticule() in PDL::Transform::Cartography to
support NaN-delimited output.
* Bugs fixes:
- Fix %hash randomization bugs in PDL tests
- Fix OpenBSD pthread build problem for non-threaded perls
- Fix PDL::shape to return vector for 1-D ndarrays
- Fix badvalue-on-truncate support for map and for interpND
- Fix for MSVC++ 6.0 to build on 32bit systems.
MSVC++ 6.0 cannot be used to build 64bit index support.
- Fix polyfit() handling of BAD values and various edge cases.
- Fix rare "Bizarre copy of HASH in scalar assignment"
- Fix rcols with colsep and $PDL::undefval
- Fix sf.net bug #331 "uniq does not always return proper object"
- Fix sf.net bug #338 PDL::FFT uses backwards sign convention from FFTW
- Make PDL::NiceSlice preserve line numbering (sf.net feature #75)
- PDL::IO::GD->new() is now less picky about it args, and no longer crashes
- Two bug fixes to transform.pd, and an augmentation
v2.006 2013-03-23 10:02:31-04:00
General Notes:
* Change to the version number scheme used for PDL
from the dotted-integers format back to plain old
decimal numbers.
Unfortunately, PDL has used both alternatives before
and in an inconsistent, out-of-order way. With this
release, the current version will also be the most
recent version with respect to both numbering schemes.
For more details see David Goldens blob post on
the topic and the pdl-porters list discussion:
* PDL-2.006 also showcases the demos of two new PDL graphics
modules in the perldl/pdl2 shells:
- PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot
- PDL::Graphics::Prima
Both modules install on all supported PDL platforms. A
recent addition is PDL::Graphics::Simple which provides
a uniform presentation to the variety off available PDL
plot/view/print options.
- PDL::Graphics::Simple
Let us know how they work for you. As they are
relatively "young" contributions your feedback and
questions are always welcome.
* PDL Distribution related updates:
- Fixes a build issue for PDL at ASPerl
- Many fixes for debian distributions.
- PDL::IO::NDF has been moved to its own
distribution on CPAN. This could affect
upgrades from older PDL installs.
* New support for reading IDL format files via PDL::IO::IDL.
* Added an unpdl method which is (roughly) the inverse
operation of pdl (Joel Berger).
* Updated polyfill and polyfillv routines to the algorithm
from pnpoly: more accurate on edge pixels and faster due
to its PP implementation (Tim Haines).
* Added Boundary=>'Replicate' option to conv2d and med2d (chm).
* Support for new additional random number generators to
PDL::GSL (John Lapeyre).
* Add lgamma support for MinGW-built perls with tests
to match (sisyphus).
* Many improvments to docs and their generation from
PDL sources. Specific new functionality support:
- Newly refactored docs engine using core perl
modules rather than PDL-only ones (Joel Berger)
- New FullDoc key added to PDL::PP makes writing CPAN
friendly .pd files much, much easier (David Mertens).
- New PDL::Doc::add_module() routine to add an external
module's POD (with PDL::Doc conventions) to the PDL
docs on-line database (Craig DeForest).
* Many bugs fixed, some even before a ticket could be opened!
- Sf.net bug #3607936: Fixed a bug causing crashes
due to using inplace with a duplicate argument.
- Sf.net bug #3603249: AutoLoader leaks $_ into local
context, reported and fixed by Craig.
- Sf.net bug #3588182: Fixed hist() handling of the case
of fractional steps in integral input data types.
- Sf.net bug #3563903: Fixed bug in PNG format detection
on win32 platforms.
- Sf.net bug #3544682: Fixed error report bug in perldl
that resulted from a change in the way perl handles
eval exception reporting.
- Sf.net bug #3539760: qsort[vec] are now inplace aware.
- Sf.net bug #3518190: Potential fix for t/gd_oo_tests.t
test crashes.
- Sf.net bug #3515759: Work around for PDL::GIS::Proj
build failures with proj-4.8.0.
- Sf.net bug #3479009: Fixed dummy() to generate a
valid syntax for the underlying call to slice().
- Sf.net bug #3475075: Fixed 16-bit PNM raw format handling.
- Added warning if conv1d is used on an ndarray with
the badflag set.
- Fix NaN sign issues as reported (and fixed!) by
Matthew McGillis with contributions by Sisyphus.
- Fix rim() 3-arg form. Added tests to support and
verify the development.
- Fixed a problem with multiple windows and imag2d
and imag2d_update.
* The PDL shells keep getting better:
- New feature in perldl and pdl2 where a pattern matching
the PDL shell prompt (in $PERLDL::PREFIX_RE) will get
stripped off of input lines before eval. This makes it
easier to cut-and-paste example text from PDL shell
sessions or from the PDL Book into an active session.
- Added a demo for PDL::Graphics::Prima to the PDL shells.
- Added a demo for gnuplot to the PDL shells.
- The p shortcut to display output in the PDL shells has
been reverted to its previous 2.4.10 behavior. If you
wish it to be an exact alias for print just override
in your .perldlrc or local.perldlrc file.
v2.4.11 2012-05-20 13:32:17-04:00
General Notes:
* This is a point release of PDL to support the coming perl
5.16.0 release.
* A new implementation mapflex and mapfraw routines provides
memory-mapped IO for all platforms including win32 systems.
* The new memory mapped IO support is implemented using
File::Map so version 0.47 has been added as a required
dependency to force automated testing so an automated build
will need this dependency installed.
NOTE: For systems having POSIX mmap, a manual build of
PDL will automatically use the legacy implementation.
* Various cleanup to existing code to fix warnings generated
by perl versions 5.15.x and higher.
Remove deprecation warning in PGPLOT/Window/Window.pm
complex.pd - fix attempts to overload '<=>=' and '=>'
* Sf.net bugs fixed:
3518253 Make PDL::flat work under perl 5.16 (thanks sprout!)
3516600 pdl_from_string.t fails w/ BADVAL_USENAN=1
3487569 PDL::IO::Misc : rcols problem (thanks bperret!)
3476648 PDL build of HTML docs fails on recent bleed Perl
* Other bugs fixed:
Fix check for glutRunning logic for imag2d
Fixed a bug in cat's error reporting.
Added lvalue awareness to whereND
* New and improved tests have been added to the test suite.
Tests t/gd_oo_tests.t and t/inline-comment-test.t are
skipped for BSD platforms (see sf.net bugs #3518190 and
#3524081 to track their issues).
* New support for multi-line comments in PP code. See docs for
PDL::PP for details (e.g., pdldoc PP).
* Various enhancements to barf/croak output and messages to make
error reports and stack traces more useful and readable.
* There is a new changes (or Changes) target for the PDL Makefile
which is a convenience target that allows one to regenerate the
Changes file from git.
v2.4.10 2012-02-03 18:44:47-05:00
General Notes:
New Stuff:
* PDL::Constants module provides E, PI, I (or J) and more.
* PDL::NiceSlice has a new engine based on Filter::Simple
which is more selective about where the PDL::NiceSlice
sourcefilter is applied.
* pdl() constructor now accepts a string argument which
can include MATLAB-style [ ; ] syntax, bad values,
inf values, and nan values. This makes it much easier
to specify pdl values in programs and scripts.
* PDL now supports pthreads on all platforms as well
as a new, auto-parallelization capability for PDL
threadloops across multiple processors using the
PDL::ParallelCPU module.
* Many(!) bug fixes.
Incompatible Changes:
* List output from whichND is now deprecated.
* The default.perldlrc uses PDL::Constants to
provide E and PI.
* perldl.conf has new fields so be sure to update
any local versions you use with the new fields.
* rcols and wcols always use dim0 for the data
dimension and dim1 for the column dimension.
This only matters if you use the support for
reading multiple columns into a 2D pdl.
* Makefile.PL now requires at least version 6.31
of ExtUtils::MakeMaker to support the new standard
INSTALL_BASE option matching Module::Build usage.
* Prerequisite Text::Balanced minimum version is
now 1.89 although this is not expected to be an
issue because it is provided in the perl core
since 5.8.0.
* General cleanup of code, including restructuring for clarity.
* List output from whichND() is now deprecated. whichND() now returns
an ndarray of coordinates in all cases with a warning when a list
context is detected. See the docs for work-arounds to your code.
* PDL::IO::Misc now has better support for handles that are not
files (e.g., pipes or standard input) for rgrep(), rcols(),...
* Added bad value support to pctover() and oddpctover().
This was sf.net feature #3328001.
* New whereND() routine provides the same functionality as where
but with support for multi-dimensional masks and implicit
threading over higher dimensions. This was sf.net feature
request #3390043.
* Many bugs fixed.
3059083 Problems with FITS header handling
3080505 PLplot segfaults on plshades call on OS X
3285520 status message from gslmroot_fsolver
3294808 sever on Empty ndarray causes segfault
3295544 NiceSlice parsing bug
3299611 FITS I/O obscure bug
3300467 NiceSlice asterisk parsing issue
3307121 wmpeg sometimes kills perldl if file already exists
3307613 indexND of Empty pdls can segfault
3368883 t/opengl.t fails if display type not available
3375837 _read_flexhdr state machine fails
3388862 tiny bug in PDL-2.4.3. May apply to 2.4.9
3391645 bad printf formats in pdlapi.c and others
3394327 PDL::IO::FITS::wfits corrupting FITS image
3396738 PDL::Core::convert default return type
3410905 t/pgplot.t hangs test harness for PDL
3415115 whereND fails to handle all zero mask case
3428356 PDL::Transform::map output FITS header is slightly wrong
3434842 Error in definition of gsl_sf_laguerre_n function
* PDL::Constants now provides: E, PI, I and J and is loaded by the
default.perldlrc. It is not yet part of 'use PDL' so you'll need
to 'use PDL::Constants ...' by hand for now.
* default.perldlrc sets $PDL::IO::FlexRaw::writeflexhdr=1 by
default so that writeflex() to a filename automatically writes
the header file. This is different from the previous behavior
but it seems to "do what you mean". Feedback welcome!
* PDL::NiceSlice now has a new engine based on Filter::Simple which
is smarter about only applying the slicing source filter to syntax
occurring outside of POD, comments, and quotelike strings. The
new implementation is available for *files* by setting the
PDL_NICESLICE_ENGINE environment variable to 'Filter::Simple'.
Work is underway to port the new niceslice filter implementation
to perldl/pdl2. Once this task is completed, the new engine will
become the default source filter and the PDL_NICESLICE_ENGINE
environment variable will be removed.
* There is experimental support for PDL::NiceSlice syntax in the
perl debugger (i.e., perl -d). Just set the PERL5DB environment
variable to 'BEGIN { require "PDLdb.pl" }' to use niceslice
from the debugger command line. If PERL5DB is already set,
you'll need to adjust the above recipe accordingly.
* Better handling of build configuration options from perldl.conf
as well as improvements in the detection of external dependencies.
* perldl.conf has some new fields added:
locations of your pthread header file and library
- PDL_CONFIG_VERSION to track the perldl.conf VERSION
- PDLDOC_IGNORE_AUTOLOADER to control pdldoc behavior
- PDL_BUILD_DIR provides the build directory path
- PDL_BUILD_VERSION provides the PDL build version
(to help with ambiguity from multiple PDL installs)
NOTE: If you are using a private or customized perldl.conf
file, please be sure to update with these additional fields
as the perl Makefile.PL doesn't yet detect version skew
* PDL::IO::Browser now builds in many cases (but not all).
If you try it, please let us know how it goes. Just edit
the value of WITH_IO_BROWSER in your perldl.conf before
configuring the build (i.e., perl Makefile.PL).
* PDL::PP has seen some significant improvements including
code cleanup, improved documentation, and code refactoring
for comprehension. There is a new PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers()
routine which enables line # traceback for errors and warnings
from PP code.
* Improved error output from the pdl2 shell via the new
CleanErrors plugin which filters out the non-PDL part
of the error output leading to *much* more concise and
helpful reports.
* The pdl() constructor now accepts a string argument which
allows for writing pdls using a matlab/octave style
syntax as well as cutting and pasting from interactive
session output to create pdls initializations for scripts
and program files.
The new constructor also allows for inf, nan, and bad to
generate the appropriate values (case insensitive), e.g.,
$bad = pdl q[1 2 3 bad 5 6]; # Set fourth element to the bad value
$bad = pdl q[1 2 3 BAD 5 6]; # ditto
$bad = pdl q[1 2 inf bad 5]; # now third element is IEEE infinite value
$bad = pdl q[nan 2 inf -inf]; # first value is IEEE nan value
This is new functionality so feedback and problem reports
are welcome.
* PDL::Image2D has new routines: pnpoly() to determine the points
in a polygon from the sequence of vertex coordinates, and
cc4compt() for 4-component labeling of a binary image.
* PDL now supports pdls larger than 2GiB. The element count
is still an int type internally so the total number of elements
per-ndarray must be less than 2**31.
* POSIX threads (pthreads) are supported for win32 and cygwin
platforms. Pthreads are now available for all PDL platforms.
* New PDL::ParallelCPU module provides automatic distribution
of implicit thread loops across a number of processors. Now
you can watch your PDL computations maximize the load on
*all* your processors. See the docs for how to configure this
feature and how to adjust your calculations to best take
advantage of this feature.
* PDL::Graphics::PLplot now works with the latest release of the
PLplot library and has improved configuration and build
handling. Feedback welcome.
* rcols() and wcols() now use the same convention for multi-column
input and output: dim0 is *always* the data dimension and
dim1 corresponds to the columns in the file. This adjustment
makes them their inverse operations.
* The ADEV calculation in statsover has been corrected along
with the documentation.
* PDL::Graphics::TriD changes:
- PDL::Graphics::TriD now builds using the perl OpenGL
module (POGL) when configured on cygwin with the
interface=W32API option. By default, POGL used
interface=GLX on cygwin which does software rendering
via Mesa/X11 (slower!). If you reinstall POGL with
the W32API setting, you will need to rebuild PDL and
PDL::Graphics::TriD to pick up the new configuration.
- A new 4-line graphics demo contributed by Mark Baker has
been added to 'demo 3dgal'. Take a look.
* Various enhancements to FITS handling, including:
- add map() fix for nonlinear FITS headers
- Enable hdrpcy() in rfits() for Rice-compressed images
* Test suite improvements to provide better diagnostics from
failures and to make tests more correct avoiding "false fails"
in the test reports. Various tests have been migrated to use
File::Temp::tempdir and File::Temp::tempfile to improve the
robustness for temporary files and directories naming and
creation during tests.
* Update ExtUtils::MakeMaker required version to 6.31 to support
the new standard of INSTALL_BASE to configure for a local
perl/PDL module installation.
* Update Text::Balanced required version to 1.89. This is the
version present in perl 5.8.0 (the minimum required for PDL)
so this change in requirement is not expected to affect any
PDL users.
* pdldoc now searches your PDLLIB path for PDL::AutoLoader docs
in addition to the pre-extracted documentation database. This
makes pdldoc give the same output as the help command in the
PDL shells.
* Many updates and additions to the PDL documentation.
* Devel::CheckLib is being used in more places during the
PDL configuration stage. We plan to make this the standard
baseline for dependency library detection going forwards.
The included copy of Devel::CheckLib has been updated to 0.95.
* A new unified implementation of barf()/warn() for PDL removes
code duplication. barf() is now defined in both PDL::Core and
the PDL packages. PDL::cluck is added as an analog of Carp::cluck
(as PDL::barf is an analog of Carp::confess). barf() now
generates its stack trace by hooking into Carp::confess on
both the Perl and C sides.
* Various fixes for PDL::Transform
- fix inverse in perspective()
- fix t_cubic() parameter parsing
- fix handling of multiple PCi_j systems in the ndarray header
* Added SIGPIPE handlers to cases where PDL uses pipes to/from
external processes (such as ffmpeg or some NetPBM image
converter programs). This should make PDL "SIGPIPE safe" by not
exiting when a PDL piped IO output process quits (e.g., as when
called from within the perldl/pdl2 shell).
v2.4.9 2011-04-09 10:05:43-04:00
General Notes:
* Fixes a couple of surprise bugs that were discovered
immediately with the PDL-2.4.8 release.
* See Also: the Release Notes for PDL-2.4.8 below
* Fix sf.net bug #3267408 "t/slice.t crashes in tests 68-70 for BSD"
* Fix sf.net bug #3190227 "PDL build fails with parallel GNU make -j3 -j3"
* Fixed various tempfile name generation problems by switching
to File::Temp instead of hand rolled solutions. This is the
recommended approach going forward.
* Force Convert::UU usage for BSD to work around a t/dumper.t
failure on MirBSD.
v2.4.8 2011-03-29 17:12:41-04:00
General Notes:
* The deprecated Karma imaging library support code
has been removed from the PDL distribution.
* Perl OpenGL (POGL) is now the only build option for
3-D graphics support in PDL. The POGL build has
proven to be portable and reliable. This prepares
TriD graphics development for the next stage of
re-factoring for support and new features.
* Many improvements to the PDL configuration, build
and test process make this the most robust PDL yet.
* PDL::IO::FlexRaw now supports automatic header file
creation when writeflex() is given a filename argument
for writing. readflex/writeflex/mapflex now support
reading and writing ndarrays with bad values in them.
* New PDL::Constants module provides PI and E.
* PDL::Complex now supports in-place operations.
* Added $PDL::toolongtoprint to set the maximum ndarray
size allowed to print as a string. This was added
to the default.perldlrc to make it easier to discover
by users.
* wmpeg() from PDL::IO::Pic uses the new ffmpeg back-end
and can create many additional file formats beyond MPEG
alone, including MP4 and animated GIF. See the
documentation for details.
* Lots of improvements to the documentation, overall
usability and many bugs fixed!
Build and Test Enhancements:
* Karma support code has been *removed* from the PDL
distribution The last stable PDL distribution with
Karma code was be PDL-2.4.7.
* You must use the Perl OpenGL module to build the
PDL 3-D graphics module, PDL::Graphics::TriD.
longer used by perldl.conf for the configuration
* Added a check for mis-installed PROJ4 libraries. If
the library does not initialize (even if present) then
PDL will not build the PROJ4 modules. This is sf.net
feature #3045456.
* GD, HDF, PROJ4, OpenGL, and GSL tests will not be run
unless the corresponding module was configured to be
built. This addresses the possibly mysterious test
failures caused by previous PDL installations in the
perl path at build time.
* Use of the Test::More TODO {} blocks allows tests for
known bugs to be added to the test suite without
causing the suite to fail. This replaces the previous
SKIP_KNOWN_PROBLEMS option and should better enable
test first development and debugging.
* utils/perldlpp.pl is a new script for off-line source
filtering to pre-filter PDL source files with NiceSlice
constructs. This allows PDL to use NiceSlice constructs
in the core functionality while still allowing PDL to
work in environments where source filters are not supported.
* The 'perl Makefile.PL' response to detecting another PDL
in the build path has changed. If such a pre-existing PDL
installation is detected, the user is warned *but*
configuration and build will proceed nonetheless.
* Clean-up and fixes to demos and tests for reliability and
* Added INTERNATIONALIZATION file with i18n notes. PDL
does yet not have internationalization support beyond
that provided by perl itself.
* Cleared up the documentation on when to use lu_decomp
and versus lu_decomp2. Now that lu_decomp is threaded,
it is the preferred implementation.
* wmpeg() with the ffmpeg converter supports generation of
many different output video file formats including MPEG,
MP4, and animated GIF. Documentation on these uses were
* New example code refresh.pdl in Example/PLplot to
provide for PLplot, some of the same functionality
as in PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT.
* Other documentation updates for clarity and correctness.
New Features or Functionality:
* New PDL::Constants module providing PI and E (so far)
* Inplace support added for PDL::Complex operations
* pdldoc and the pdl2/perldl help commands now print all
matches by default when multiple matches are found.
* A do_print command was added to the pdl2 shell which
toggles the input mode between printing and not
printing the return value of each command.
* readflex/writeflex/mapflex now support reading and writing
ndarrays with bad values in them. This was sf.net feature
request #3028127, "add badvalue support to FlexRaw".
* writeflex now supports automatically calling the
writeflexhdr() routine if you have set the variable
$PDL::FlexRaw::writeflexhdr to a true value and are
writing to a file given by filename as argument.
* Updated the error handling for GSL::INTERP to match other
GSL module usages.
* Applied sf.net patch #3209075 IO::HDF square sds
* New binary blob support in PDL::IO::GD::OO
Bugs Fixed:
* Applied Christian Soeller's patch for FFTW on 64-bit
systems. This resolves bug #3203480 "t/fftw.t fails
on 64-bit systems".
* Fixed sf.net bug #3172882 re broken threading in inv().
inv() and lu_backsub() now handle threading. Updated
documentation for lu_decomp, lu_deomp2, and lu_backsub.
* Fixed sf.net bug #3171702 "missing podselect command
breaks PDL build"
* Fixed sf.net bug #3185864 (bad adev in statsover)
* Fixed sf.net bug #3139697: fixed imag2d() to work better
with Mac OS X GLUT and not just FreeGLUT.
* Fixed uniqind bug #3076570
* Fixed SF bug #3057542: wmpeg doesn't error on missing
ffmpeg program. Now wmpeg returns 1 on success and
undef on error. If ffmpeg is not in PATH, it just fails
* Fixed SF bug #3056142: pdl2 fallback to perldl broken
on win32
* Fixed SF bug #3042201: t/dumper.t fails mysteriously
* Fixed SF bug #3031068: PDL::IO::FlexRaw mapflex memory
mapping fails
* Fixed SF bug #3011879, "pdl() constructor crashes perl for
mixed ref/ndarray args" and #3080505, and #3139088. This
fix also includes a larger and more complete set of tests.
* Fixed segfault in plplot.t with a work-around.
* Fixed bug in readenvi.pdl header list value processing
and added support for embedded file headers.
* Fixed bug in FlexRaw.pm support for headers with Type
passed as string.
* Fixed imag2d() in PDL::Graphics2D. It no longer calls
exit on ESC if run within the pdl2/perldl shell. Also
did some clean up of key controls and module mechanics.
* Fixed upstream bug in Devel::REPL for MultiLine
continuation. Now incomplete q[] and qq[] constructs
continue reading until properly closed. See the
Known_problems file for details.
v2.4.7 2010-08-18 20:55:52-04:00
General Notes:
* New requirements:
- perl version 5.8.x and higher
- Convert::UU
* PDL::Graphics::TriD now requires OpenGL-0.63
* New 2-D image display routine: imag2d()
* pdl() constructor, a.k.a. PDL->new(), now
takes string arguments with either MATLAB type
concatenation syntax or PDL print output (for
easier cut-and-paste from PDL shell sessions).
* Improved text and comma separated value file
input via rcols(): faster and more flexible.
* A new PDL shell based on Devel::REPL (i.e.,
Moose technology). The new shell supports
more perl syntax (lexical variables and
packages), is more extensible (via a system
of plugins), and supports many forms of file
and variable completion.
Install Devel::REPL and give it a try!
User feedback welcome.
* More portability (builds on more platforms
with more features than ever).
* Many bugs fixed...
* General
OpenGL-0.63 is required for PDL::Graphics::TriD.
Convert::UU is required for PDL.
USE_KARMA=>1 in perldl.conf to force a build.
* New 2D Image Display Feature: imag2d()
See PDL::Graphics2D for documentation.
Add image pixel value display on mouse
click in imag2d window
Add keyboard command shortcuts for imag2d
(with placeholders)
Fix a number of imag2d() usabiilty bugs
* pdl() Constructor Can Take String Input
Allows use of MATLAB-style [ ; ] syntax
Allows cut-and-paste of printed pdl values
as input args for pdl()
* rcols/wcols Improvements
Much faster read times
Multiple columns can read into a single
pdl varible
Symmetric handling of perl and pdl
column data
Improved format support for CSV file input
* Enhanced PDL Shell (Version 2)
Based on Devel::REPL which must be installed
along with either Term::ReadLine::Perl or
Term::ReadLine::Gnu to use the pdl2 features.
Supports Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Gnu.
Upward compatable with the original PDL shell, perldl.
Adds completion and command line editing support
across all PDL platforms.
Adds support for current package and lexical variables.
Toggle default print output via the do_print attribute.
Default prompt for perldl and pdl2 is now 'pdl> '
help vars now shows results alphabetically
pdl2 now runs (falls back to) perldl if Devel::REPL
is not installed or if Term::ReadLine::(Perl|Gnu) is
not installed.
* Other Features
Fix wmpeg() to use ffmpeg to generate the
video (sf.net feature request #3010984).
Added tiled compressed image handling to rfits
Faster matrix multiply
Preliminary support for ENVI file format data
in PDL/IO/ENVI/readenvi.pdl
* Build Improvements:
PDL build process now detects multiple PDL installs
and warns of possible conflicts.
'use PDL' now loads PDL::Config by default.
PDL "as built" configuration is now saved to %PDL::Config
Changes file is automatically updated each release
Add SKIP_KNOWN_PROBLEMS support for build
Add checks to prevent warnings from access to $HOME
when it is not defined.
* Portability Fixes
Multiple build improvements for debian platforms
Improved portability across perl and compiler versions
Reduced number of fortran dependencies
Improved support for win32 platforms
- PDL::GIS::Proj builds for win32
- PDL::Transform::Proj4 builds for win32
- PDL::Graphics::PLplot builds for win32
- PDL::IO::Dumper builds for win32
* 3-D Graphics
Improved PDL::Graphics::TriD demos and examples
Fixed problems with VRML support for many platforms.
Better dependency searches for OpenGL during PDL build
Removed warnings "noise" when used with perl -w
New spheres3d routine added to PDL::Graphics::TriD
* Bugs Fixed
Fix PDL::AutoLoader to handle win32 PDLLIB path
syntax with ; as separator.
Fix PDL::Complex::string and sum and sumover
(sf.net bug #1176614)
Fix PDL::Config does not match actual build
configuration (sf.net bug #3030998).
Fix dimension numbering in PDL::Transform::t_fits
Fix jpegtopnm problem in proj_transform.t
Fix rt.cpan.org bug #53815 in IO/HDF/SD/SD.pd
Fix rt.cpan.org bug #59126 in isempty pod
Fix sf.net bug #2901170 re overly verbose warnings when
running TriD with perl -w
Fix sf.net bug #3011143 re whitespace in perl path
Fix sf.net bug #3021578 re missing xtra dummy dims
Fix threading with lu_decomp and lu_backsub
(sf.net bug #3021567)
Fix uniq and uniqind NaN and BAD value handling
(sf.net bug #3011659)
Fix uniqvec bug where it did not return a 2-D result
(sf.net bug #2978576)
Fix uuencode/uudecode detection logic in PDL::IO::Dumper
to include Convert::UU check
Make PDL prompt/warn if space in build path
(sf.net bug #2924854).
Fix up code to not crash on non-lazy linking systems.
Work arounds for perl-d lvalue temp bug introduced
in recent perls.
t/lvalue.t is skipped if run under the debugger.
Fix format string attack errors in GSL, PGPLOT,
and Transform.
* Many Documentation Improvements
Completely reworked PDL web site
- Clearer and more helpful to new PDL users.
- See http://pdl.perl.org for the latest!
New documentation:
- Migration guide for MATLAB users.
- Migration guide for Scilab users.
- Threading tutorial.
Major reorganization of documentation to better
help new users
- A guide to PDL's tutorial documentation.
- A guide to PDL's module reference documentation.
- A study course through all of PDL's documentation.
- Removed PDL::Intro
POD cleanup across many PDL modules and functions.
Update to copyright statements throughout PDL
to clarify licenses.
Improved on-line help and apropos features in
the PDL shell
Updated FAQ
Improved POD to HTML translation
DEPENDENCIES for PDL updated and checked
for applicability.
INSTALL guides improved in the distribution
and on the web site.
v2.4.6 2009-12-31 23:06:11-05:00
General Notes:
* Mainly a bug fix and polishing release
* Improved 3D graphics and OpenGL functionality
* imag2d() routine for multi-image (photo) display
* Many fixes for Debian package release
* Several little bugs fixed since PDL-2.4.5
* Fixed some issues with PDL convolution routines
* Improved documentation and release notes and files
* Padre and enhanced perldl shell integration begun
Summary of Changes:
* Improved 3D graphics and OpenGL functionality
Perl OpenGL 0.62 is the minimum required version
for PDL::Graphics::TriD to build.
TriD now builds correctly for Mac OS X systems
without X11 installed.
Autoprobe for build of 3D graphics and the use
of the Perl OpenGL library has been implemented.
The default perldl.conf setting is to check.
Improved multi-window support for PDL::Graphics::TriD
display windows: the GLUT window ID is now part of
the default window title for convenience, and redraws
with multiple open TriD windows are handled correctly.
* imag2d() routine for multi-image (photo) display
REQUIRES: The Perl OpenGL TriD interface and FreeGLUT.
IMPORTANT: Legacy X11 TriD is *not* supported!
It is implemented in the imag2d.pdl file for autoloading
via PDL::AutoLoader. To use, copy the imag2d.pdl file
to somewhere in your PDLLIB path or add the location to
your PDLLIB environment variable.
It works with multiple, simultaneous, image windows
and appears to work side-by-side with TriD graphics
After you have imag2d.pdl in your @PDLLIB list,
you can use 'help imag2d' to get usage instructions
and documentation.
This implements the basic functionality planned regarding
an improved imagrgb() routine.
* Many fixes for Debian package release
This should allow PDL-2.4.6 to be more readily released
as a Debian packages. The general clean up involved
improves PDL portability and robustness generally.
* Several little bugs fixed since PDL-2.4.5
The number of history lines when you use Term::ReadLine::Perl
with perldl are now set correctly to $PERLDL::HISTFILESIZE.
The default value is 500.
A number of minor internal fixes for portability and
implementation improvements:
- Add comment re fix for defined(%hash) usage
- Fix annoying PGPLOT::HANDLE warning message
- Replace GIMME by GIMME_V in Core.xs
- Update to v3.14 of ppport.h portability
Fixed MINUIT build problem where non-standard code was
being generated which caused problems with rigorous compiler
settings. This was SF bug #2524068.
* Fixed a number of issues with PDL convolution routines
conv1d() algorithm adjusted to match conv2D() and convolutionND().
Documentation on the exact computation being performed in conv1d()
was added.
Fixes bug #2630369 with fftconvolve(). It now gives the same results
as conv1d(), conv2d(),.., except perhaps with respect to the boundary
condition handling.
* Improved documentation and release notes and files
Updated PDL::FAQ.
Lots of little changes to bring documentation in line
with current PDL functionality. Volunteer editors and
contributors always welcome!
* Padre and enhanced perldl shell integration begun
There is a new PDL-2.4.6/Padre/ subdirectory in the PDL
source tree which contains work towards Padre integration
and a 2nd generation, enhanced perldl shell for PDL.
E.g. an *experimental* plug-in giving PDL::NiceSlice support
to the Devel::REPL shell is included. See the Padre/README
file for instructions to get you started.
v2.4.5 2009-10-24 11:56:23-04:00
* 3D graphics modules now run on win32 and Mac OS X
systems without requiring X11 be installed. The
only prerequisites are OpenGL and FreeGLUT/GLUT.
* Release documentation and FAQ have been updated
to be more useful (and more accurate).
* PDL build, test, and run time diagnostic messages
have been make clearer and more helpful.
* Many bugs have been fixed since PDL-2.4.4 so this
is the most reliable PDL ever.
* PDL now requires perl 5.6.2 or greater and has
updated DEPENDENCIES information and code. This
should improve the buildability of PDL
General Notes:
This is the first PDL release supporting the new build
strategy for the PDL::Graphics::TriD modules. The result
is it now builds on more platforms than ever. You'll
need to install the OpenGL module and have FreeGLUT or
GLUT (for Mac OS X) on your system.
If you have problems with the new TriD build (that you
did not have before), edit perldl.conf and set USE_POGL
to 0. That should enable you to build the legacy TriD
code but you *will* want to submit a bug report, see the
next point....
IMPORTANT: Given the increased portability and generality
of the new TriD interface approach, it is expected that
the legacy TriD build interface (based on X11) will be
deprecated soon (almost immediately) and removed after that.
(N.B. It has been effectively unsupported for some time)
If you are new to PDL, we recommend joining the perldl
mailing list for discussion and questions. See
for how to sign up and links and searches of the list
archive discussions.
Summary of Changes:
New perldl.conf configuration parameters controlling
build of TriD with perl OpenGL (a.k.a. POGL) with the
follow default values:
1 -- build using POGL
0 -- build using legacy build process
undef -- build with POGL if possible
0.60 -- minimum required version of OpenGL
'glut' -- use a GLUT GUI for window creation
'x11' -- use GLX and X11 for the GUI (this is a "compatibility
mode" to support PDL::Graphics::TriD::Tk widgets)
NOTE: Set WITH_3D => 0 in perldl.conf to disable the
TriD build completely. Just setting USE_POGL => 0 is
not enough.
The OpenGL tests in t/opengl.t now respects the interactive
setting from the PDL_INT environment variable.
Two TriD check programs, 3dtest.pl and line3d.pl, are added to the
main PDL build directory. They can be run as quick checks of the
new functionality and are short enough run under the perl debugger
if needed. e.g.
perl -Mblib 3dtest.pl OR perl -Mblib line3d.pl
OpenGL (a.k.a. GL) is the default TriD output device on all
platforms. VRML does not work at the moment. GLpic is not
tested but may work.
Closed SF bug #1476324 by adding FAQ entry on clean installs
Fix qsorti(null()) crash bug from SF bug #2110074. Make
qsorti() return quietly when given a null() ndarray input
Fix broken PP typemap finding code, thanks to CS for the
final code and many testers!
Fix t/autoload.t tilde expansion bugs and test failures.
tilde expansion seems to work consistently with bash now
Partial fix implemented for PDL::IO::Browser. The code has
only been tested with cygwin but it should work on systems
with ncurses in the "right place". This is **not tested**
but set WITH_IO_BROWSER => 1 if you wish to try.
If the perldl shell is unable to load PDL for some reason
and defaults to basic perl support, the prompt now changes
to perl> reflecting that fact.
readflex() now works with File::LinearRaid.
Many win32 fixes to tests and build process which make
things work more smoothly on win32 platforms.
See the Changes file or run 'git log --stat' for the detailed
list of changes.
v2.4.4 2008-11-12 19:16:53-10:00
General Notes:
- Bad value support is now enabled by default for
PDL builds. This feature allows simpler handling
of missing or invalid data during processing.
For example, missing pixels could be interpolated
across. Calculations could be skipped for
missing data points...
Edit the perldl.conf file to turn off bad value
support before compiling if needed.
- This release includes significant improvments
in portability, enhancements in functionality,
and *many* bugs fixed.
- PDL::Graphics::TriD modules for 3-D and image
visualization are being refactored for improved
portability and performance. Preliminary hooks
are in PDL-2.4.4 to support the new functionality.
Announcements to the perldl mailing list will be
made when the PDL::Graphics::OpenGL::Perl and
Term::ReadLine::FreeGLUT suport is on CPAN.
- Builds out-of-the-box on cygwin and win32
- perl 5.6.x is explicitly required to configure and
will go away in future versions. 5.8.x and above
are the recommended versions
Summary of Changes:
- Improve uuencode support in Dumper for additional OSes
such as *BSD varieties that may need additional options
to prevent stripping of the leading slash in pathnames
including: darwin, netbsd, openbsd, freebsd, and dragonfly.
- Updated more PDL tests to use the recommended Test::More
- Updated PDL::Graphics::PLplot build support for more 5.9.0
specific features
- AutoLoader ~ expansion has been updated to conform more
closely to the ~ expansion in the bash shell
- Better checks for a valid PROJ4 build environment are now
performed before attempting to compile PDL modules using it
- PDL now builds and runs on perl-5.10.x
- The perldl shell has added support for using FreeGLUT for
display in analogy with the existing Tk event loop support.
This enables refactoring of the TriD modules to use the
Perl OpenGL module (a.k.a. POGL) instead of the internal,
and deprecated, PDL::Graphics::OpenGL et. al.
- The perldl acquire/filter/execute loop is now $_-safe by
using $lines instead of $_ for all the central modifications.
Avoids problems with some AUTOLOAD functions that leaked $_.
- Removed ExtUtils::F77 from the required prerequisites for
PDL to improve the buildability on platforms without an
available fortran compiler. If you have a fortran compiler
and EU::F77 installed, PDL::Slatec will be built.
- zeros function added as an alias for the zeroes function
- Many warning messages that were not actually problems have
been quieted, especially many pointer to int conversion messages
- Added $PERLDL::HISTFILESIZE to allow configuration of the number
of lines of history to be saved by the interactive PDL shell.
- Fixed implementation of the pctover() function to address bug
#2019651 on sf.net. Added explicit documentation in the code
on the algorithm being used.
- Various updates to the PDL FAQ
- Implemented a PDL interface to the Minuit minimization library
from CERN
- Removed circular dependency in PDL Makefile.PL Makefile generation
process which caused builds with some versions of make to fail
- Multiple fixes to enhance configuration and build for win32
- Added basic table-inversion to t_lookup for PDL::Transform
- Fixed problem in uniqvec() where it failed to generate a correct
result if all the input vectors were the same, fixed bug #1869760
- Add improved 16-bit image support for IO with rpic() and wpic()
provided you have a recent version of the NetPBM library that
supports 16-bit images
- Enabled building of GSL on Win32.
v2.4.3 2006-08-20 06:07:30-10:00
General Notes:
- again, mainly a bugfix and polishing release.
- builds out-of-the-box on cygwin and win32 build environment
has been significantly improved
- perl 5.6.x is now deprecated; 5.8.x is recommended. Support
for 5.6.x may go away in future versions.
Summary of Changes:
- PDL now builds under cygwin on windows PC including
TriD(OpenGL) 3D graphics and PGPLOT and PLplot 2D graphics
support. See PDL/cygwin/ and files README and INSTALL for
details and how to build/install external dependencies.
- The win32 build has been improved. See PDL/win32/INSTALL
for details.
- Many fixes from the Debian build patches have been
incorporated. See PDL/debian for specifics.
- 64bit platform build has been improved.
- New functionality, functions and modules:
* Bad value support has been extended to per-PDL bad
values as an experimental feature. To use, configure
WITH_BADVAL => 1 and BADVAL_PER_PDL => 1 in perldl.conf
before building.
* PDL::GSL::INTEG now supports the calculation of
nested integrals
* New function tcircle (threaded circle) added to
PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT This draws multiple circles in
one go (see also tpoints and tline)
* Added set operation routines for pdls treated as sets
(help setops).
* PDL::IO::GD module interface to the GD runtime image
libaray (http://www.boutell.com/gd/) has been integrated.
* The PDL::GIS::Proj and PDL::Transform::Proj4 modules
to interface to the PROJ4 Cartographic Projections
Library (http://proj.maptools.org/) have been added.
* PDL::IO::HDF provides an interface to the HDF4
library (http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/).
- The PDL test suite (i.e. tests in in PDL/t) has been
enhanced. Coverage has improved and output diagnostic
messages are more useful. Test::More is becoming the
preferred test module. The vanilla Test and Test::Simple
may be deprecated in the future.
- PDL core code has been fixed to address valgrind-detected
errors and to enable better bad value support including the
new experimental per-PDL bad values. These changes will
require a re-build/install of any external modules using
the C interface of PDL. See perldl.conf to configure the
new bad value support.
- Several TriD graphics build problems have been resolved.
The TriD rotation bug has been fixed.
- Many other bug fixes too numerous to mention. See the
PDL/Changes file for details.
- Multiple fixes and additions to PDL documentation as well
as the PDL::FAQ.
v2.4.2 2004-12-28 09:19:30-10:00
General Notes:
- again, mainly a bugfix and polishing release.
- perl 5.6.x is now deprecated; 5.8.x is recommended. Support
for 5.6.x may go away in future versions.
- a little too late for Christmas; but happy new year 2005!
Summary of Changes:
- Overhaul of FITS I/O. FITS binary tables are now supported,
for both reading and writing.
- Many improvements to PLplot handling
- New Graphics::Limits package determines display range for multiple
concurrent data sets
- Better PDL::reduce function
- Improvements to PDL::Transform
- pdl() constructor is more permissive -- you can feed it PDLs and
it does the Right Thing most of the time.
- Cleaner handling of config files
- Improvements to multi-line parsing in the perldl shell
- New 'pdl' command-line entry to perldl shell allows #!-style
scripting (so you can re-use your journal files verbatim)
- Several fixes for Microsoft Windows operation
- PDL::undefval works properly, also has warning tripwires
- statsover finally seems to produce meaningful, consistent RMS values
- Several 64-bit compatibility issues (this work is probably not yet
- Many small bug-fixes too numerous to list (see the Changes file).
v2.4.1 2004-01-05 12:27:18-10:00
General Notes:
- mainly a bugfix and polishing release
Summary of Changes:
- Fixed warnings with perl 5.8.2
- Replace original m51.fits with freely distributable image
- Upgrade PLplot interface for plplot-5.2.1 and perl 5.8.2
- Improvement to documentation of autoloaded routines
- Added more universal `whatis' function to perldl
- Numerous small fixes/additions to docs/functions
- Improved handling of empty ndarrays
- Fixed most reported bugs
v2.4.0 2003-05-22 12:09:26-10:00
General Notes:
- Perl 5.6.0 or later is now required, along with the modules
Filter and Text::Balanced.
- After installing PDL 2.4.0 external PDL modules will need to re-built.
(any such modules will refuse to load until they have been re-built)
- New demos of the PDL::Transform and PDL::Transform::Cartography
modules have been added to perldl.
Type 'demo transform' or 'demo cartography' in the perldl shell.
( Note that PGPLOT is required to run )
Summary of Changes:
- The NiceSlice syntax comes of age
(Nice slicing has been around a while, but really needs to be
acknowledged as the main way of slicing PDLs...)
- New GSL functionality: greatly improved access to the Gnu Scientific
Library, including interpolation, finite-difference, random
variable, and other routines.
- New, very powerful indexing and slicing operators allow boundary
conditions (range, indexND)
- N-dimensional indexing (indexND) and selection (whichND) methods
- Powerful syntax for coordinate transformation and arbitrary image
resampling and coordinate transformations -- including high powered
spatially-variable filtering (PDL::Transform module)
- Support for major cartographic transformations
(PDL::Transform::Cartography module)
- New PLPlot graphics interface ( cleaner and faster than PGPLOT )
- Many improvements to the PGPlot interface:
* Strong FITS support (easy display of images, vectors, & contours in
science coordinates)
* Better vector graphic support [including improvements to line() and
a new routine, lines()]
* Much cleanup of errors and bugs
* Spinlocks prevent interrupt-related PGPLOT crashes (requires Perl 5.8)
* RGB output to truecolor devices (requires PGPLOT-5.3devel)
- Improvements to the perldl shell:
* Many bug fixes
* Multi-line inputs to the perldl shell for easier cut-n-paste
* ^D blocking on demand (controlled by perl variable or command-line
* Autoloading detects error conditions on compile
* New demos
- Header copying is now explicit rather than by reference -- so that,
e.g., FITS file manipulation is more intuitive and natural.
- Improved support for Astro::FITS::Header
- Bad value support is improved
- Several new utility routines, including glue(), zcheck(), and ndcoords().
- Better matrix operation support: matrix operations are now in
PDL::MatrixOps, and are all threadable. Singular value decomposition,
determinant, linear equation solving, matrix inversion,
eigenvalue decomposition, and LU-decomposition.
v2.3.4 2002-09-23 15:50:06-10:00
- Now should compile using perl 5.8.0
- Improved speed for generating PDL's from a perl array ref
- Added PDL::IO::Storable, which enables PDL storage/retrieval
using the Storable package.
- Added PDL::GSL::SF (Gnu Scientific Library, Special Functions) hierarchy
- New % operator follows (mathematically correct) perl % operator behavior
- Numerous Bug Fixes
See the Changes file for a detailed list of changes.
v2.3.3 2002-05-22 03:16:29-10:00
Mainly a bugfix release with some nice little additions:
- PDL::IO::Dumper: Cleanly save and restore complex
data structures including PDLs.
- Support for the new Astro::FITS::Header module
(availiable on CPAN).
See the Changes file for a detailed list of changes.
v2.3.2 2001-12-18 22:20:31-10:00
- A pure bugfix release to fix compilation problems with gimp-perl
(part of the gimp distribution). The following notes from
2.3 and 2.3.1 still apply:
v2.3.1 2001-11-21 14:38:32-10:00
- A bugfix release to fix some compilation problems seen with
2.3. The following notes from 2.3 still apply:
v2.3 2001-11-16 05:12:41-10:00
Summary of Changes
- A nicer slicing syntax for PDL added via the new
PDL::NiceSlice module.
- Inline::Pdlpp module added, which enables in-line
PDL::PP definitions. (i.e. no Makefiles, building
hassles for creating PP code)
- A Multitude of bug fixes, doc updates, and other
Note:Support for perl version 5.005 and previous is
limited in this release. Perl 5.6.0 or greater is
recommended for full PDL functionality.
See the Changes file for a detailed list of changes.
v2.2.1 2001-04-25 03:05:46-10:00
Summary of Changes
Bugs Fixed:
- 'pow' function fixed in math.pd
- Misc memory leaks fixed.
- PGPLOT 'undefined window size'
bug fixed.
- Test failures with opengl.t fixed.
- Error in output of 'minimum_n_ind' function
Misc Changes:
- Documentation updates.
- Updates to work with perl5.6.1
See the Changes file for a detailed list of changes.
v2.2 2000-12-21 03:25:36-10:00
Major Changes:
- 'Bad' Value Support added. With this option compiled-in, certain
values in a PDL can be designated as 'Bad' (i.e. missing, empty,
etc). With this designation, most PDL functions will properly
ignore the 'Bad' values. See PDL::BadValues for details.
- PGPLOT interface rewritten. New Features:
- Interactive cursors (cursor)
- Text on plots (text)
- Legends (legend)
- Circles, Rectangles, Ellipses
- Multiple plot windows, one can jump from panel to panel when
the window is divided in several.
- More control over options - see PDL::Graphics::PGPLOTOptions for
- New Examples in Example/PGPLOT.
- Major updates to the Tri-D Code. Now requires perl 5.6 for TriD.
- 'Reduce' function added. This provides a consistent interface to the
projection routines (sumover, average, etc). See PDL::Reduce.
- Improved OpenGL detection during 'perl Makefile.PL
- pdldoc command added. This allows you to look up PDL
documentation similar to the perldoc command.
- Perl 5.6 is now recommended for PDL 2.2. It will still work
with perl 5.005, but some of the extra libs won't be compiled
( like Graphics/TriD).
Many other changes. See the Changes file for a detailed list of changes.
v2.1 2000-06-07 22:23:47+00:00
Major Changes:
- Speed Increase. Most PDL functions are now done totally
in C-code, without any perl wrapper functions as was done
with previous versions. The speedup will be most noticeable
for operations on many small PDL arrays.
- Mem Leaks Fixed.
- Added a consistent, Object-Oriented interface to the
various interpolate functions in PDL. (PDL::Func,
See Lib/Func.pm).
See the Changes file for a detailed list of changes.
v2.005 2000-04-05 22:30:35+00:00
Major Changes:
- A bugfix release to fix 2.004 problems with PGPLOT changes
and perl 5.6.0.
- The following notes from 2.004 still apply:
- *IMPORTANT NOTE*: Due to changes to the PGPLOT module, 'use
PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT' has been removed from PDL.pm (i.e. in scripts
and within perldl you now need to explicitly say 'use
PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT'). Additionally, it needs Karl's new 2.16
release of the PGPLOT module (available from CPAN).
- Notable additions are a module for operations on complex ndarrays
(PDL::Complex), a subtype of PDL which allows manipulation of byte
type PDLs as N dimensional arrays of fixed length strings (PDL::Char)
and a Levenberg-Marquardt fitting module (PDL::Fit::LM).
- Bug reports and patches to the relevant places on sourceforge, please.