# GENERATED WITH PDL::PP! Don't modify!
package PDL::Transform::Proj4;

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(t_proj t_proj_aea t_proj_aeqd t_proj_affine t_proj_airy t_proj_aitoff t_proj_alsk t_proj_apian t_proj_august t_proj_axisswap t_proj_bacon t_proj_bertin1953 t_proj_bipc t_proj_boggs t_proj_bonne t_proj_calcofi t_proj_cart t_proj_cass t_proj_cc t_proj_ccon t_proj_cea t_proj_chamb t_proj_collg t_proj_comill t_proj_crast t_proj_deformation t_proj_denoy t_proj_eck1 t_proj_eck2 t_proj_eck3 t_proj_eck4 t_proj_eck5 t_proj_eck6 t_proj_eqc t_proj_eqdc t_proj_eqearth t_proj_etmerc t_proj_euler t_proj_fahey t_proj_fouc t_proj_fouc_s t_proj_gall t_proj_geoc t_proj_geocent t_proj_geogoffset t_proj_geos t_proj_gins8 t_proj_gn_sinu t_proj_gnom t_proj_goode t_proj_gs48 t_proj_gs50 t_proj_gstmerc t_proj_hammer t_proj_hatano t_proj_healpix t_proj_helmert t_proj_hgridshift t_proj_horner t_proj_igh t_proj_imw_p t_proj_isea t_proj_kav5 t_proj_kav7 t_proj_krovak t_proj_labrd t_proj_laea t_proj_lagrng t_proj_larr t_proj_lask t_proj_latlon t_proj_latlong t_proj_lcc t_proj_lcca t_proj_leac t_proj_lee_os t_proj_longlat t_proj_lonlat t_proj_loxim t_proj_lsat t_proj_mbt_fps t_proj_mbt_s t_proj_mbtfpp t_proj_mbtfpq t_proj_mbtfps t_proj_merc t_proj_mil_os t_proj_mill t_proj_misrsom t_proj_moll t_proj_molobadekas t_proj_molodensky t_proj_murd1 t_proj_murd2 t_proj_murd3 t_proj_natearth t_proj_natearth2 t_proj_nell t_proj_nell_h t_proj_nicol t_proj_noop t_proj_nsper t_proj_nzmg t_proj_ob_tran t_proj_ocea t_proj_oea t_proj_omerc t_proj_ortel t_proj_ortho t_proj_patterson t_proj_pconic t_proj_pipeline t_proj_poly t_proj_pop t_proj_push t_proj_putp1 t_proj_putp2 t_proj_putp3 t_proj_putp3p t_proj_putp4p t_proj_putp5 t_proj_putp5p t_proj_putp6 t_proj_putp6p t_proj_qsc t_proj_qua_aut t_proj_rhealpix t_proj_robin t_proj_rouss t_proj_rpoly t_proj_sch t_proj_sinu t_proj_somerc t_proj_stere t_proj_sterea t_proj_tcc t_proj_tcea t_proj_times t_proj_tissot t_proj_tmerc t_proj_tobmerc t_proj_tpeqd t_proj_tpers t_proj_unitconvert t_proj_ups t_proj_urm5 t_proj_urmfps t_proj_utm t_proj_vandg t_proj_vandg2 t_proj_vandg3 t_proj_vandg4 t_proj_vgridshift t_proj_vitk1 t_proj_wag1 t_proj_wag2 t_proj_wag3 t_proj_wag4 t_proj_wag5 t_proj_wag6 t_proj_wag7 t_proj_webmerc t_proj_weren t_proj_wink1 t_proj_wink2 t_proj_wintri _proj4_dummy );
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (Func=>\@EXPORT_OK);

use PDL::Core;
use PDL::Exporter;
use DynaLoader;

   our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Exporter','DynaLoader','PDL::Transform' );
   push @PDL::Core::PP, __PACKAGE__;
   bootstrap PDL::Transform::Proj4 ;

use PDL::LiteF;
use PDL::NiceSlice;
use PDL::Transform;
use PDL::GIS::Proj;


#line 28 "Proj4.pd"

# PDL::Transform::Proj4
# Judd Taylor, USF IMaRS
# 4 Apr 2006

=head1 NAME

PDL::Transform::Proj4 - PDL::Transform interface to the Proj4 projection library


 # Using the generalized proj interface:
 # Make an orthographic map of Earth
 use PDL::Transform::Cartography;
 use PDL::Transform::Proj4;
 $x = earth_coast();
 $x = graticule(10,2)->glue(1,$x);
 $t = t_proj( proj_params => "+proj=ortho +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=-90 +lat_0=40" );
 $w = pgwin(xs);
 # Using the aliased functions:
 # Make an orthographic map of Earth
 use PDL::Transform::Cartography;
 use PDL::Transform::Proj4;
 $x = earth_coast();
 $x = graticule(10,2)->glue(1,$x);
 $t = t_proj_ortho( ellps => 'WGS84', lon_0 => -90, lat_0 => 40 )
 $w = pgwin(xs);


Works like PDL::Transform::Cartography, but using the proj library in the background.

Please see the proj library docs at L<http://www.remotesensing.org/proj> for more information
on proj, and how to use the library.


The main object here is the PDL::Transform::Proj4 object, aliased to the t_proj() function.

This object accepts all of the standard options described below, but mainly is there to be called
with just the B<proj_params> option defined.

When options are used, they must be used with a '+' before them when placed in the proj_params string,
but that is not required otherwise. See the SYNOPSIS above.


Other than t_proj(), all of the other transforms below have been autogenerated, and may not work
properly. The main problem is determining the parameters a projection requires from the proj
library itself. 

Due to the difficulties in doing this, there may be times when the proj docs specify a parameter 
for a projection that won't work using the anon-hash type specification. In that case, just throw
that parameter in the proj_params string, and everything should work fine.


=head2 General Parameters

=head3 proj_params

This is a string containing the proj "plus style" parameters. This would be similar to what you 
would put on the command line for the 'proj' tool. Like "+proj=ortho +ellps=WGS84 +lon_0=-90 +lat_0=40".

This parameter overrides the others below when it contains parameters that are also specified 

=head3 proj

The proj projection code to use (like ortho...)

=head3 x_0

Cartesian X offset for the output of the transformation

=head3 y_0

Cartesian Y offset for the output of the transformation

=head3 lat_0

Central latitude for the projection.
NOTE: This may mean other things depending on the projection selected, read the proj docs!

=head3 lon_0

Central longitude for the projection.
NOTE: This may mean other things depending on the projection selected, read the proj docs!

=head3 units

Cartesian units used for the output of the projection.
NOTE: Like most of the options here, this is likely useless in the current implementation
of this library.

=head3 init

Specify a file:unit for proj to use for its runtime defaults. See the proj docs.

=head3 no_defs

Don't load any defaults. See the proj docs.

=head3 over

Normally, the transformation limits the output to between -180 and 180 degrees (or the
cartesian equivalent), but with this option that behavior is turned off.

=head3 geoc

Input values are geocentric coordinates.

=head2 Earth Figure Parameters

=head3 ellps

Ellipsoid datum to use. Ex: WGS72, WGS74.
See the proj docs and command line tool for list of possibilities ('proj -le').

=head3 R

Radius of the Earth.

=head3 R_A

Radius of a sphere with equivalent surface area of specified ellipse. 

=head3 R_V

Radius of a sphere with equivalent volume of specified ellipse. 

=head3 R_a

Arithmetic mean of the major and minor axis, Ra = (a + b)/2. 

=head3 R_g

Geometric mean of the major and minor axis, Rg = (ab)1/2. 

=head3 R_h

Harmonic mean of the major and minor axis, Rh = 2ab/(a + b). 

=head3 R_lat_a=phi

Arithmetic mean of the principle radii at latitude phi.

=head3 R_lat_g=phi

Geometric mean of the principle radii at latitude phi.

=head3 b

Semiminor axis or polar radius 

=head3 f


=head3 rf

Reciprocal flattening, +rf=1/f

=head3 e

Eccentricity +e=e 

=head3 es

Eccentricity squared +es=e2


sub new 
    my $proto = shift;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Proj4";

    # Grab our options:
    # Used in the general sense:
    $self->{params}->{proj_params} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, ['proj_params','params'] );

    # Projection options available to all projections:
    $self->{general_params} = [ qw( proj x_0 y_0 lat_0 lon_0 units init ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{general_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    # Options that have no value (like "+over"):
    $self->{bool_params} = [ qw( no_defs over geoc ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{bool_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = ( PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ) ) ? 'ON' : undef; }
    # Options for the Earth figure: (ellipsoid, etc):
    $self->{earth_params} = [ qw( ellps R R_A R_V R_a R_g R_h R_lat_a R_lat_g b f rf e es ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{earth_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    # First process the old params that may already be in the string:
    # These override the specific params set above:
    if( defined( $self->{params}->{proj_params} ) )
        $self->{orig_proj_params} = $self->{params}->{proj_params};
        my @params = split( /\s+/, $self->{orig_proj_params} );
        foreach my $param ( @params )
            if( $param =~ /^\+(\S+)=(\S+)/ )
                my ($name, $val) = ($1, $2);
                $self->{params}->{$name} = $val;
                #print STDERR "$sub: $name => $val\n";
            elsif( $param =~ /^\+(\S+)/ )
            {   # Boolean option
                $self->{params}->{$1} = 'ON';
    # Update the proj_string to current options:
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();

    # The meat -- just copy and paste from Transform.pm :)
    #    (and do some proj stuff here as well)

    # Forward transformation:
    $self->{func} = sub 
        my $in = shift;
        my $opt = shift;
        my $out = $in->new_or_inplace();
        # Always set the badflag to 1 here, to handle possible bad projection values:
        PDL::GIS::Proj::fwd_transform( $out, $opt->{proj_params} );

    # Inverse transformation:
    $self->{inv} = sub 
        my $in = shift;
        my $opt = shift;
        my $out = $in->new_or_inplace();
        # Always set the badflag to 1 here, to handle possible bad projection values:
        PDL::GIS::Proj::inv_transform( $out, $opt->{proj_params} );

    return $self;
} # End of new()...

sub update_proj_string
    my $self = shift;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::update_proj_string()";
    # (Re)Generate the proj_params string from the options passed:
    delete( $self->{params}->{proj_params} );
    my $proj_string = "";
    foreach my $param ( sort keys %{ $self->{params} } )
#line 326 "Proj4.pm"
#line 321 "Proj4.pd"
        next unless defined( $self->{params}->{$param} );
        $proj_string .= ( $self->{params}->{$param} eq 'ON' ) 
                        ? "+$param " : " +$param=" . $self->{params}->{$param} . " ";
        #print STDERR "$sub: Adding \'$proj_string\'...\n";
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'$proj_string\'\n";
    $self->{params}->{proj_params} = $proj_string;
} # End of update_proj_string()...

sub proj_params
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{params}->{proj_params};
} # End of proj_params()...

sub t_proj 
    PDL::Transform::Proj4->new( @_ );
} # End of t_proj()...

#line 354 "Proj4.pm"

#line 354 "Proj4.pd"


=head2 t_proj

This is the main entry point for the generalized interface. See above on its usage.

#line 371 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_aea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code aea. 

The full name for this projection is Albers Equal Area.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_aea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::aea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 404 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_aeqd

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code aeqd. 

The full name for this projection is Azimuthal Equidistant.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item guam

=item lat_0



sub t_proj_aeqd 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::aeqd'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 437 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_affine

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code affine. 

The full name for this projection is Affine transformation.


sub t_proj_affine 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::affine'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 457 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_airy

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code airy. 

The full name for this projection is Airy.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_b

=item no_cut



sub t_proj_airy 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::airy'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 490 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_aitoff

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code aitoff. 

The full name for this projection is Aitoff.


sub t_proj_aitoff 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::aitoff'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 510 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_alsk

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code alsk. 

The full name for this projection is Mod. Stereographic of Alaska.


sub t_proj_alsk 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::alsk'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 530 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_apian

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code apian. 

The full name for this projection is Apian Globular I.


sub t_proj_apian 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::apian'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 550 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_august

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code august. 

The full name for this projection is August Epicycloidal.


sub t_proj_august 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::august'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 570 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_axisswap

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code axisswap. 

The full name for this projection is Axis ordering.


sub t_proj_axisswap 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::axisswap'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 590 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_bacon

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code bacon. 

The full name for this projection is Bacon Globular.


sub t_proj_bacon 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::bacon'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 610 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_bertin1953

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code bertin1953. 

The full name for this projection is Bertin 1953.


sub t_proj_bertin1953 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::bertin1953'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 630 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_bipc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code bipc. 

The full name for this projection is Bipolar conic of western hemisphere.


sub t_proj_bipc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::bipc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 650 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_boggs

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code boggs. 

The full name for this projection is Boggs Eumorphic.


sub t_proj_boggs 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::boggs'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 670 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_bonne

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code bonne. 

The full name for this projection is Bonne (Werner lat_1=90).

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1



sub t_proj_bonne 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::bonne'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 701 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_calcofi

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code calcofi. 

The full name for this projection is Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations.


sub t_proj_calcofi 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::calcofi'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 721 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_cart

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code cart. 

The full name for this projection is Geodetic/cartesian conversions.


sub t_proj_cart 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::cart'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 741 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_cass

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code cass. 

The full name for this projection is Cassini.


sub t_proj_cass 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::cass'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 761 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_cc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code cc. 

The full name for this projection is Central Cylindrical.


sub t_proj_cc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::cc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 781 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_ccon

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code ccon. 

The full name for this projection is Central Conic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1



sub t_proj_ccon 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::ccon'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 812 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_cea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code cea. 

The full name for this projection is Equal Area Cylindrical.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_ts



sub t_proj_cea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::cea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 843 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_chamb

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code chamb. 

The full name for this projection is Chamberlin Trimetric.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2

=item lat_3

=item lon_1

=item lon_2

=item lon_3



sub t_proj_chamb 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::chamb'->new( @_ ); }
#line 505 "Proj4.pd"
#line 884 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_collg

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code collg. 

The full name for this projection is Collignon.


sub t_proj_collg 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::collg'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 904 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_comill

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code comill. 

The full name for this projection is Compact Miller.


sub t_proj_comill 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::comill'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 924 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_crast

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code crast. 

The full name for this projection is Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4).


sub t_proj_crast 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::crast'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 944 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_deformation

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code deformation. 

The full name for this projection is Kinematic grid shift.


sub t_proj_deformation 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::deformation'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 964 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_denoy

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code denoy. 

The full name for this projection is Denoyer Semi-Elliptical.


sub t_proj_denoy 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::denoy'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 984 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eck1

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eck1. 

The full name for this projection is Eckert I.


sub t_proj_eck1 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck1'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1004 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eck2

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eck2. 

The full name for this projection is Eckert II.


sub t_proj_eck2 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck2'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1024 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eck3

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eck3. 

The full name for this projection is Eckert III.


sub t_proj_eck3 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck3'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1044 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eck4

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eck4. 

The full name for this projection is Eckert IV.


sub t_proj_eck4 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck4'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1064 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eck5

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eck5. 

The full name for this projection is Eckert V.


sub t_proj_eck5 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck5'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1084 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eck6

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eck6. 

The full name for this projection is Eckert VI.


sub t_proj_eck6 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck6'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1104 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eqc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eqc. 

The full name for this projection is Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree).

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_00

=item lat_ts



sub t_proj_eqc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1137 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eqdc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eqdc. 

The full name for this projection is Equidistant Conic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_eqdc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqdc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1170 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_eqearth

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code eqearth. 

The full name for this projection is Equal Earth.


sub t_proj_eqearth 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqearth'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1190 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_etmerc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code etmerc. 

The full name for this projection is Extended Transverse Mercator.


sub t_proj_etmerc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::etmerc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1210 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_euler

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code euler. 

The full name for this projection is Euler.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_euler 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::euler'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1243 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_fahey

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code fahey. 

The full name for this projection is Fahey.


sub t_proj_fahey 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::fahey'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1263 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_fouc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code fouc. 

The full name for this projection is Foucaut.


sub t_proj_fouc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::fouc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1283 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_fouc_s

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code fouc_s. 

The full name for this projection is Foucaut Sinusoidal.


sub t_proj_fouc_s 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::fouc_s'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1303 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_gall

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code gall. 

The full name for this projection is Gall (Gall Stereographic).


sub t_proj_gall 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::gall'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1323 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_geoc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code geoc. 

The full name for this projection is Geocentric Latitude.


sub t_proj_geoc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::geoc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1343 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_geocent

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code geocent. 

The full name for this projection is Geocentric.


sub t_proj_geocent 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::geocent'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1363 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_geogoffset

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code geogoffset. 

The full name for this projection is Geographic Offset.


sub t_proj_geogoffset 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::geogoffset'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1383 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_geos

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code geos. 

The full name for this projection is Geostationary Satellite View.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item h



sub t_proj_geos 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::geos'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1414 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_gins8

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code gins8. 

The full name for this projection is Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK).


sub t_proj_gins8 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::gins8'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1434 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_gn_sinu

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code gn_sinu. 

The full name for this projection is General Sinusoidal Series.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item m

=item n



sub t_proj_gn_sinu 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::gn_sinu'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1467 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_gnom

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code gnom. 

The full name for this projection is Gnomonic.


sub t_proj_gnom 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::gnom'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1487 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_goode

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code goode. 

The full name for this projection is Goode Homolosine.


sub t_proj_goode 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::goode'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1507 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_gs48

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code gs48. 

The full name for this projection is Mod. Stereographic of 48 U.S..


sub t_proj_gs48 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::gs48'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1527 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_gs50

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code gs50. 

The full name for this projection is Mod. Stereographic of 50 U.S..


sub t_proj_gs50 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::gs50'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1547 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_gstmerc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code gstmerc. 

The full name for this projection is Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion).

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item k_0

=item lat_0

=item lon_0



sub t_proj_gstmerc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::gstmerc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 499 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1582 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_hammer

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code hammer. 

The full name for this projection is Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item M

=item W



sub t_proj_hammer 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::hammer'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1615 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_hatano

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code hatano. 

The full name for this projection is Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area.


sub t_proj_hatano 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::hatano'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1635 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_healpix

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code healpix. 

The full name for this projection is HEAPJ_LPix.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item rot_xy



sub t_proj_healpix 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::healpix'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1666 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_helmert

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code helmert. 

The full name for this projection is 3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift.


sub t_proj_helmert 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::helmert'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1686 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_hgridshift

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code hgridshift. 

The full name for this projection is Horizontal grid shift.


sub t_proj_hgridshift 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::hgridshift'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1706 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_horner

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code horner. 

The full name for this projection is Horner polynomial evaluation.


sub t_proj_horner 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::horner'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1726 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_igh

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code igh. 

The full name for this projection is Interrupted Goode Homolosine.


sub t_proj_igh 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::igh'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1746 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_imw_p

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code imw_p. 

The full name for this projection is International Map of the World Polyconic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2

=item lon_1



sub t_proj_imw_p 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::imw_p'->new( @_ ); }
#line 499 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1781 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_isea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code isea. 

The full name for this projection is Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area.


sub t_proj_isea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::isea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1801 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_kav5

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code kav5. 

The full name for this projection is Kavraisky V.


sub t_proj_kav5 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::kav5'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1821 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_kav7

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code kav7. 

The full name for this projection is Kavraisky VII.


sub t_proj_kav7 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::kav7'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1841 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_krovak

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code krovak. 

The full name for this projection is Krovak.


sub t_proj_krovak 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::krovak'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1861 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_labrd

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code labrd. 

The full name for this projection is Laborde.


sub t_proj_labrd 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::labrd'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1881 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_laea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code laea. 

The full name for this projection is Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area.


sub t_proj_laea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::laea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1901 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_lagrng

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code lagrng. 

The full name for this projection is Lagrange.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item W



sub t_proj_lagrng 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::lagrng'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1932 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_larr

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code larr. 

The full name for this projection is Larrivee.


sub t_proj_larr 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::larr'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1952 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_lask

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code lask. 

The full name for this projection is Laskowski.


sub t_proj_lask 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::lask'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1972 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_latlon

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code latlon. 

The full name for this projection is Lat/long (Geodetic alias).


sub t_proj_latlon 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::latlon'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 1992 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_latlong

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code latlong. 

The full name for this projection is Lat/long (Geodetic alias).


sub t_proj_latlong 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::latlong'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2012 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_lcc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code lcc. 

The full name for this projection is Lambert Conformal Conic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item k_0

=item lat_0

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_lcc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::lcc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 501 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2049 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_lcca

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code lcca. 

The full name for this projection is Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_0



sub t_proj_lcca 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::lcca'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2080 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_leac

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code leac. 

The full name for this projection is Lambert Equal Area Conic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item south



sub t_proj_leac 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::leac'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2113 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_lee_os

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code lee_os. 

The full name for this projection is Lee Oblated Stereographic.


sub t_proj_lee_os 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::lee_os'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2133 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_longlat

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code longlat. 

The full name for this projection is Lat/long (Geodetic alias).


sub t_proj_longlat 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::longlat'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2153 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_lonlat

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code lonlat. 

The full name for this projection is Lat/long (Geodetic).


sub t_proj_lonlat 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::lonlat'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2173 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_loxim

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code loxim. 

The full name for this projection is Loximuthal.


sub t_proj_loxim 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::loxim'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2193 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_lsat

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code lsat. 

The full name for this projection is Space oblique for LANDSAT.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lsat

=item path



sub t_proj_lsat 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::lsat'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2226 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_mbt_fps

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code mbt_fps. 

The full name for this projection is McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2).


sub t_proj_mbt_fps 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbt_fps'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2246 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_mbt_s

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code mbt_s. 

The full name for this projection is McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1).


sub t_proj_mbt_s 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbt_s'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2266 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_mbtfpp

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code mbtfpp. 

The full name for this projection is McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic.


sub t_proj_mbtfpp 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfpp'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2286 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_mbtfpq

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code mbtfpq. 

The full name for this projection is McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic.


sub t_proj_mbtfpq 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfpq'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2306 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_mbtfps

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code mbtfps. 

The full name for this projection is McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal.


sub t_proj_mbtfps 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfps'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2326 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_merc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code merc. 

The full name for this projection is Mercator.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_ts



sub t_proj_merc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::merc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2357 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_mil_os

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code mil_os. 

The full name for this projection is Miller Oblated Stereographic.


sub t_proj_mil_os 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::mil_os'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2377 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_mill

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code mill. 

The full name for this projection is Miller Cylindrical.


sub t_proj_mill 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::mill'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2397 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_misrsom

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code misrsom. 

The full name for this projection is Space oblique for MISR.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item path



sub t_proj_misrsom 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::misrsom'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2428 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_moll

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code moll. 

The full name for this projection is Mollweide.


sub t_proj_moll 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::moll'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2448 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_molobadekas

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code molobadekas. 

The full name for this projection is Molodensky-Badekas transformation.


sub t_proj_molobadekas 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::molobadekas'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2468 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_molodensky

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code molodensky. 

The full name for this projection is Molodensky transform.


sub t_proj_molodensky 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::molodensky'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2488 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_murd1

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code murd1. 

The full name for this projection is Murdoch I.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_murd1 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd1'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2521 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_murd2

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code murd2. 

The full name for this projection is Murdoch II.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_murd2 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd2'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2554 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_murd3

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code murd3. 

The full name for this projection is Murdoch III.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_murd3 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd3'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2587 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_natearth

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code natearth. 

The full name for this projection is Natural Earth.


sub t_proj_natearth 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::natearth'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2607 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_natearth2

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code natearth2. 

The full name for this projection is Natural Earth 2.


sub t_proj_natearth2 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::natearth2'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2627 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_nell

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code nell. 

The full name for this projection is Nell.


sub t_proj_nell 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::nell'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2647 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_nell_h

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code nell_h. 

The full name for this projection is Nell-Hammer.


sub t_proj_nell_h 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::nell_h'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2667 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_nicol

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code nicol. 

The full name for this projection is Nicolosi Globular.


sub t_proj_nicol 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::nicol'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2687 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_noop

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code noop. 

The full name for this projection is No operation.


sub t_proj_noop 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::noop'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2707 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_nsper

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code nsper. 

The full name for this projection is Near-sided perspective.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item h



sub t_proj_nsper 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::nsper'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2738 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_nzmg

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code nzmg. 

The full name for this projection is New Zealand Map Grid.


sub t_proj_nzmg 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::nzmg'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2758 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_ob_tran

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code ob_tran. 

The full name for this projection is General Oblique Transformation.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item o_alpha

=item o_lat_1

=item o_lat_2

=item o_lat_c

=item o_lat_p

=item o_lon_1

=item o_lon_2

=item o_lon_c

=item o_lon_p

=item o_proj



sub t_proj_ob_tran 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::ob_tran'->new( @_ ); }
#line 513 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2807 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_ocea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code ocea. 

The full name for this projection is Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2

=item lon_1

=item lon_2



sub t_proj_ocea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::ocea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 501 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2844 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_oea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code oea. 

The full name for this projection is Oblated Equal Area.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item m

=item n

=item theta



sub t_proj_oea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::oea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 499 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2879 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_omerc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code omerc. 

The full name for this projection is Oblique Mercator.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item alpha

=item gamma

=item lat_1

=item lat_2

=item lon_1

=item lon_2

=item lonc

=item no_off



sub t_proj_omerc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::omerc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 509 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2924 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_ortel

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code ortel. 

The full name for this projection is Ortelius Oval.


sub t_proj_ortel 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::ortel'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2944 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_ortho

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code ortho. 

The full name for this projection is Orthographic.


sub t_proj_ortho 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::ortho'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2964 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_patterson

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code patterson. 

The full name for this projection is Patterson Cylindrical.


sub t_proj_patterson 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::patterson'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 2984 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_pconic

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code pconic. 

The full name for this projection is Perspective Conic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_pconic 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::pconic'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3017 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_pipeline

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code pipeline. 

The full name for this projection is Transformation pipeline manager.


sub t_proj_pipeline 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::pipeline'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3037 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_poly

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code poly. 

The full name for this projection is Polyconic (American).


sub t_proj_poly 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::poly'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3057 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_pop

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code pop. 

The full name for this projection is Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack.


sub t_proj_pop 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::pop'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3077 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_push

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code push. 

The full name for this projection is Save coordinate value on pipeline stack.


sub t_proj_push 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::push'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3097 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp1

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp1. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P1.


sub t_proj_putp1 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp1'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3117 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp2

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp2. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P2.


sub t_proj_putp2 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp2'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3137 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp3

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp3. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P3.


sub t_proj_putp3 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp3'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3157 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp3p

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp3p. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P3'.


sub t_proj_putp3p 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp3p'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3177 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp4p

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp4p. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P4'.


sub t_proj_putp4p 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp4p'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3197 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp5

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp5. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P5.


sub t_proj_putp5 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp5'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3217 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp5p

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp5p. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P5'.


sub t_proj_putp5p 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp5p'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3237 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp6

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp6. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P6.


sub t_proj_putp6 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp6'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3257 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_putp6p

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code putp6p. 

The full name for this projection is Putnins P6'.


sub t_proj_putp6p 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp6p'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3277 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_qsc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code qsc. 

The full name for this projection is Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube.


sub t_proj_qsc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::qsc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3297 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_qua_aut

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code qua_aut. 

The full name for this projection is Quartic Authalic.


sub t_proj_qua_aut 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::qua_aut'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3317 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_rhealpix

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code rhealpix. 

The full name for this projection is rHEAPJ_LPix.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item north_square

=item south_square



sub t_proj_rhealpix 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::rhealpix'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3350 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_robin

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code robin. 

The full name for this projection is Robinson.


sub t_proj_robin 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::robin'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3370 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_rouss

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code rouss. 

The full name for this projection is Roussilhe Stereographic.


sub t_proj_rouss 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::rouss'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3390 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_rpoly

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code rpoly. 

The full name for this projection is Rectangular Polyconic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_ts



sub t_proj_rpoly 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::rpoly'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3421 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_sch

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code sch. 

The full name for this projection is Spherical Cross-track Height.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item h_0

=item phdg_0

=item plat_0

=item plon_0



sub t_proj_sch 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::sch'->new( @_ ); }
#line 501 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3458 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_sinu

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code sinu. 

The full name for this projection is Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed).


sub t_proj_sinu 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::sinu'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3478 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_somerc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code somerc. 

The full name for this projection is Swiss. Obl. Mercator.


sub t_proj_somerc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::somerc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3498 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_stere

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code stere. 

The full name for this projection is Stereographic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_ts



sub t_proj_stere 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::stere'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3529 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_sterea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code sterea. 

The full name for this projection is Oblique Stereographic Alternative.


sub t_proj_sterea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::sterea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3549 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_tcc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code tcc. 

The full name for this projection is Transverse Central Cylindrical.


sub t_proj_tcc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::tcc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3569 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_tcea

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code tcea. 

The full name for this projection is Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area.


sub t_proj_tcea 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::tcea'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3589 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_times

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code times. 

The full name for this projection is Times.


sub t_proj_times 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::times'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3609 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_tissot

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code tissot. 

The full name for this projection is Tissot.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_tissot 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::tissot'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3642 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_tmerc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code tmerc. 

The full name for this projection is Transverse Mercator.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item approx



sub t_proj_tmerc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::tmerc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3673 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_tobmerc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code tobmerc. 

The full name for this projection is Tobler-Mercator.


sub t_proj_tobmerc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::tobmerc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3693 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_tpeqd

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code tpeqd. 

The full name for this projection is Two Point Equidistant.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2

=item lon_1

=item lon_2



sub t_proj_tpeqd 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::tpeqd'->new( @_ ); }
#line 501 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3730 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_tpers

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code tpers. 

The full name for this projection is Tilted perspective.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item azi

=item h

=item tilt



sub t_proj_tpers 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::tpers'->new( @_ ); }
#line 499 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3765 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_unitconvert

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code unitconvert. 

The full name for this projection is Unit conversion.


sub t_proj_unitconvert 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::unitconvert'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3785 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_ups

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code ups. 

The full name for this projection is Universal Polar Stereographic.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item south



sub t_proj_ups 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::ups'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3816 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_urm5

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code urm5. 

The full name for this projection is Urmaev V.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item alpha

=item n

=item q



sub t_proj_urm5 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::urm5'->new( @_ ); }
#line 499 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3851 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_urmfps

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code urmfps. 

The full name for this projection is Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item n



sub t_proj_urmfps 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::urmfps'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3882 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_utm

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code utm. 

The full name for this projection is Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM).

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item approx

=item south

=item zone



sub t_proj_utm 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::utm'->new( @_ ); }
#line 499 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3917 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_vandg

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code vandg. 

The full name for this projection is van der Grinten (I).


sub t_proj_vandg 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3937 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_vandg2

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code vandg2. 

The full name for this projection is van der Grinten II.


sub t_proj_vandg2 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg2'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3957 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_vandg3

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code vandg3. 

The full name for this projection is van der Grinten III.


sub t_proj_vandg3 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg3'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3977 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_vandg4

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code vandg4. 

The full name for this projection is van der Grinten IV.


sub t_proj_vandg4 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg4'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 3997 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_vgridshift

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code vgridshift. 

The full name for this projection is Vertical grid shift.


sub t_proj_vgridshift 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::vgridshift'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4017 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_vitk1

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code vitk1. 

The full name for this projection is Vitkovsky I.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1

=item lat_2



sub t_proj_vitk1 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::vitk1'->new( @_ ); }
#line 497 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4050 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wag1

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wag1. 

The full name for this projection is Wagner I (Kavraisky VI).


sub t_proj_wag1 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag1'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4070 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wag2

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wag2. 

The full name for this projection is Wagner II.


sub t_proj_wag2 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag2'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4090 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wag3

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wag3. 

The full name for this projection is Wagner III.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_ts



sub t_proj_wag3 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag3'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4121 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wag4

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wag4. 

The full name for this projection is Wagner IV.


sub t_proj_wag4 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag4'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4141 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wag5

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wag5. 

The full name for this projection is Wagner V.


sub t_proj_wag5 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag5'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4161 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wag6

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wag6. 

The full name for this projection is Wagner VI.


sub t_proj_wag6 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag6'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4181 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wag7

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wag7. 

The full name for this projection is Wagner VII.


sub t_proj_wag7 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag7'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4201 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_webmerc

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code webmerc. 

The full name for this projection is Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator.


sub t_proj_webmerc 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::webmerc'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4221 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_weren

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code weren. 

The full name for this projection is Werenskiold I.


sub t_proj_weren 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::weren'->new( @_ ); }
#line 484 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4241 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wink1

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wink1. 

The full name for this projection is Winkel I.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_ts



sub t_proj_wink1 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wink1'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4272 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wink2

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wink2. 

The full name for this projection is Winkel II.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1



sub t_proj_wink2 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wink2'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4303 "Proj4.pm"

#line 470 "Proj4.pd"

#line 450 "Proj4.pd"
=head2 t_proj_wintri

Autogenerated transformation function for Proj4 projection code wintri. 

The full name for this projection is Winkel Tripel.

Projection Parameters

=for options

=over 4

=item lat_1



sub t_proj_wintri 
    { 'PDL::Transform::Proj4::wintri'->new( @_ ); }
#line 495 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4334 "Proj4.pm"

#line 1061 "/home/osboxes/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.32.0@normal/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux/PDL/PP.pm"
*_proj4_dummy = \&PDL::_proj4_dummy;
#line 4340 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    aea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::aea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::aea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Albers Equal Area";
    $self->{proj_code} = "aea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::aea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4391 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    aeqd
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::aeqd;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::aeqd::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Azimuthal Equidistant";
    $self->{proj_code} = "aeqd";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_0 guam ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::aeqd::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4440 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    affine
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::affine;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::affine::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Affine transformation";
    $self->{proj_code} = "affine";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::affine::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4489 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    airy
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::airy;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::airy::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Airy";
    $self->{proj_code} = "airy";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( no_cut lat_b ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::airy::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4538 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    aitoff
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::aitoff;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::aitoff::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Aitoff";
    $self->{proj_code} = "aitoff";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::aitoff::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4587 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    alsk
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::alsk;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::alsk::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Mod. Stereographic of Alaska";
    $self->{proj_code} = "alsk";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::alsk::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4636 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    apian
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::apian;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::apian::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Apian Globular I";
    $self->{proj_code} = "apian";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::apian::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4685 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    august
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::august;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::august::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "August Epicycloidal";
    $self->{proj_code} = "august";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::august::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4734 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    axisswap
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::axisswap;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::axisswap::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Axis ordering";
    $self->{proj_code} = "axisswap";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::axisswap::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4783 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    bacon
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::bacon;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::bacon::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Bacon Globular";
    $self->{proj_code} = "bacon";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::bacon::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4832 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    bertin1953
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::bertin1953;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::bertin1953::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Bertin 1953";
    $self->{proj_code} = "bertin1953";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::bertin1953::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4881 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    bipc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::bipc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::bipc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Bipolar conic of western hemisphere";
    $self->{proj_code} = "bipc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::bipc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4930 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    boggs
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::boggs;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::boggs::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Boggs Eumorphic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "boggs";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::boggs::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 4979 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    bonne
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::bonne;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::bonne::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Bonne (Werner lat_1=90)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "bonne";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::bonne::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5028 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    calcofi
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::calcofi;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::calcofi::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations";
    $self->{proj_code} = "calcofi";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::calcofi::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5077 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    cart
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::cart;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::cart::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Geodetic/cartesian conversions";
    $self->{proj_code} = "cart";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::cart::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5126 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    cass
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::cass;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::cass::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Cassini";
    $self->{proj_code} = "cass";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::cass::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5175 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    cc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::cc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::cc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Central Cylindrical";
    $self->{proj_code} = "cc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::cc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5224 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    ccon
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::ccon;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::ccon::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Central Conic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "ccon";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::ccon::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5273 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    cea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::cea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::cea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Equal Area Cylindrical";
    $self->{proj_code} = "cea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_ts ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::cea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5322 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    chamb
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::chamb;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::chamb::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Chamberlin Trimetric";
    $self->{proj_code} = "chamb";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lon_1 lat_2 lon_2 lat_3 lon_3 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::chamb::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5371 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    collg
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::collg;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::collg::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Collignon";
    $self->{proj_code} = "collg";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::collg::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5420 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    comill
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::comill;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::comill::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Compact Miller";
    $self->{proj_code} = "comill";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::comill::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5469 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    crast
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::crast;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::crast::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "crast";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::crast::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5518 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    deformation
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::deformation;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::deformation::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Kinematic grid shift";
    $self->{proj_code} = "deformation";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::deformation::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5567 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    denoy
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::denoy;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::denoy::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Denoyer Semi-Elliptical";
    $self->{proj_code} = "denoy";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::denoy::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5616 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eck1
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck1;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck1::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Eckert I";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eck1";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eck1::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5665 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eck2
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck2;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck2::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Eckert II";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eck2";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eck2::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5714 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eck3
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck3;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck3::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Eckert III";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eck3";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eck3::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5763 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eck4
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck4;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck4::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Eckert IV";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eck4";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eck4::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5812 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eck5
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck5;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck5::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Eckert V";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eck5";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eck5::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5861 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eck6
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck6;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eck6::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Eckert VI";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eck6";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eck6::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5910 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eqc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eqc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_ts lat_00 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eqc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 5959 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eqdc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqdc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqdc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Equidistant Conic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eqdc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eqdc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6008 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    eqearth
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqearth;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::eqearth::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Equal Earth";
    $self->{proj_code} = "eqearth";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::eqearth::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6057 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    etmerc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::etmerc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::etmerc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Extended Transverse Mercator";
    $self->{proj_code} = "etmerc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::etmerc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6106 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    euler
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::euler;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::euler::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Euler";
    $self->{proj_code} = "euler";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::euler::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6155 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    fahey
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::fahey;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::fahey::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Fahey";
    $self->{proj_code} = "fahey";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::fahey::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6204 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    fouc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::fouc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::fouc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Foucaut";
    $self->{proj_code} = "fouc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::fouc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6253 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    fouc_s
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::fouc_s;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::fouc_s::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Foucaut Sinusoidal";
    $self->{proj_code} = "fouc_s";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::fouc_s::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6302 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    gall
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::gall;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::gall::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Gall (Gall Stereographic)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "gall";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::gall::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6351 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    geoc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::geoc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::geoc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Geocentric Latitude";
    $self->{proj_code} = "geoc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::geoc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6400 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    geocent
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::geocent;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::geocent::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Geocentric";
    $self->{proj_code} = "geocent";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::geocent::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6449 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    geogoffset
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::geogoffset;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::geogoffset::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Geographic Offset";
    $self->{proj_code} = "geogoffset";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::geogoffset::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6498 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    geos
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::geos;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::geos::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Geostationary Satellite View";
    $self->{proj_code} = "geos";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( h ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::geos::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6547 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    gins8
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::gins8;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::gins8::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "gins8";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::gins8::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6596 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    gn_sinu
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::gn_sinu;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::gn_sinu::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "General Sinusoidal Series";
    $self->{proj_code} = "gn_sinu";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( m n ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::gn_sinu::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6645 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    gnom
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::gnom;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::gnom::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Gnomonic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "gnom";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::gnom::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6694 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    goode
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::goode;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::goode::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Goode Homolosine";
    $self->{proj_code} = "goode";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::goode::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6743 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    gs48
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::gs48;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::gs48::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Mod. Stereographic of 48 U.S.";
    $self->{proj_code} = "gs48";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::gs48::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6792 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    gs50
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::gs50;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::gs50::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Mod. Stereographic of 50 U.S.";
    $self->{proj_code} = "gs50";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::gs50::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6841 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    gstmerc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::gstmerc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::gstmerc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "gstmerc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_0 lon_0 k_0 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::gstmerc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6890 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    hammer
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::hammer;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::hammer::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff";
    $self->{proj_code} = "hammer";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( W M ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::hammer::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6939 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    hatano
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::hatano;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::hatano::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area";
    $self->{proj_code} = "hatano";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::hatano::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 6988 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    healpix
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::healpix;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::healpix::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "HEAPJ_LPix";
    $self->{proj_code} = "healpix";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( rot_xy ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::healpix::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7037 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    helmert
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::helmert;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::helmert::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift";
    $self->{proj_code} = "helmert";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::helmert::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7086 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    hgridshift
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::hgridshift;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::hgridshift::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Horizontal grid shift";
    $self->{proj_code} = "hgridshift";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::hgridshift::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7135 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    horner
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::horner;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::horner::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Horner polynomial evaluation";
    $self->{proj_code} = "horner";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::horner::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7184 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    igh
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::igh;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::igh::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Interrupted Goode Homolosine";
    $self->{proj_code} = "igh";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::igh::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7233 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    imw_p
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::imw_p;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::imw_p::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "International Map of the World Polyconic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "imw_p";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 lon_1 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::imw_p::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7282 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    isea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::isea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::isea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area";
    $self->{proj_code} = "isea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::isea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7331 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    kav5
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::kav5;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::kav5::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Kavraisky V";
    $self->{proj_code} = "kav5";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::kav5::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7380 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    kav7
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::kav7;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::kav7::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Kavraisky VII";
    $self->{proj_code} = "kav7";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::kav7::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7429 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    krovak
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::krovak;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::krovak::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Krovak";
    $self->{proj_code} = "krovak";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::krovak::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7478 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    labrd
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::labrd;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::labrd::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Laborde";
    $self->{proj_code} = "labrd";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::labrd::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7527 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    laea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::laea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::laea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area";
    $self->{proj_code} = "laea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::laea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7576 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    lagrng
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::lagrng;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::lagrng::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lagrange";
    $self->{proj_code} = "lagrng";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( W ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::lagrng::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7625 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    larr
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::larr;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::larr::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Larrivee";
    $self->{proj_code} = "larr";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::larr::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7674 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    lask
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::lask;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::lask::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Laskowski";
    $self->{proj_code} = "lask";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::lask::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7723 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    latlon
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::latlon;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::latlon::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lat/long (Geodetic alias)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "latlon";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::latlon::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7772 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    latlong
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::latlong;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::latlong::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lat/long (Geodetic alias)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "latlong";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::latlong::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7821 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    lcc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::lcc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::lcc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lambert Conformal Conic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "lcc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 lat_0 k_0 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::lcc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7870 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    lcca
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::lcca;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::lcca::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative";
    $self->{proj_code} = "lcca";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_0 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::lcca::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7919 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    leac
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::leac;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::leac::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lambert Equal Area Conic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "leac";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 south ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::leac::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 7968 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    lee_os
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::lee_os;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::lee_os::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lee Oblated Stereographic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "lee_os";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::lee_os::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8017 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    longlat
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::longlat;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::longlat::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lat/long (Geodetic alias)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "longlat";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::longlat::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8066 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    lonlat
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::lonlat;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::lonlat::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Lat/long (Geodetic)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "lonlat";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::lonlat::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8115 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    loxim
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::loxim;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::loxim::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Loximuthal";
    $self->{proj_code} = "loxim";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::loxim::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8164 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    lsat
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::lsat;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::lsat::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Space oblique for LANDSAT";
    $self->{proj_code} = "lsat";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lsat path ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::lsat::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8213 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    mbt_fps
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbt_fps;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbt_fps::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "mbt_fps";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::mbt_fps::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8262 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    mbt_s
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbt_s;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbt_s::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "mbt_s";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::mbt_s::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8311 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    mbtfpp
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfpp;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfpp::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "mbtfpp";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::mbtfpp::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8360 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    mbtfpq
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfpq;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfpq::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "mbtfpq";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::mbtfpq::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8409 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    mbtfps
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfps;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::mbtfps::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal";
    $self->{proj_code} = "mbtfps";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::mbtfps::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8458 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    merc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::merc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::merc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Mercator";
    $self->{proj_code} = "merc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_ts ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::merc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8507 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    mil_os
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::mil_os;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::mil_os::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Miller Oblated Stereographic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "mil_os";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::mil_os::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8556 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    mill
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::mill;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::mill::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Miller Cylindrical";
    $self->{proj_code} = "mill";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::mill::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8605 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    misrsom
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::misrsom;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::misrsom::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Space oblique for MISR";
    $self->{proj_code} = "misrsom";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( path ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::misrsom::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8654 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    moll
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::moll;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::moll::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Mollweide";
    $self->{proj_code} = "moll";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::moll::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8703 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    molobadekas
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::molobadekas;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::molobadekas::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Molodensky-Badekas transformation";
    $self->{proj_code} = "molobadekas";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::molobadekas::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8752 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    molodensky
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::molodensky;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::molodensky::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Molodensky transform";
    $self->{proj_code} = "molodensky";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::molodensky::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8801 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    murd1
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd1;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd1::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Murdoch I";
    $self->{proj_code} = "murd1";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::murd1::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8850 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    murd2
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd2;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd2::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Murdoch II";
    $self->{proj_code} = "murd2";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::murd2::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8899 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    murd3
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd3;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::murd3::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Murdoch III";
    $self->{proj_code} = "murd3";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::murd3::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8948 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    natearth
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::natearth;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::natearth::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Natural Earth";
    $self->{proj_code} = "natearth";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::natearth::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 8997 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    natearth2
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::natearth2;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::natearth2::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Natural Earth 2";
    $self->{proj_code} = "natearth2";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::natearth2::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9046 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    nell
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::nell;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::nell::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Nell";
    $self->{proj_code} = "nell";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::nell::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9095 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    nell_h
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::nell_h;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::nell_h::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Nell-Hammer";
    $self->{proj_code} = "nell_h";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::nell_h::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9144 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    nicol
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::nicol;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::nicol::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Nicolosi Globular";
    $self->{proj_code} = "nicol";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::nicol::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9193 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    noop
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::noop;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::noop::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "No operation";
    $self->{proj_code} = "noop";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::noop::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9242 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    nsper
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::nsper;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::nsper::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Near-sided perspective";
    $self->{proj_code} = "nsper";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( h ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::nsper::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9291 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    nzmg
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::nzmg;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::nzmg::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "New Zealand Map Grid";
    $self->{proj_code} = "nzmg";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::nzmg::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9340 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    ob_tran
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::ob_tran;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::ob_tran::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "General Oblique Transformation";
    $self->{proj_code} = "ob_tran";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( o_proj o_lat_p o_lon_p o_alpha o_lon_c o_lat_c o_lon_1 o_lat_1 o_lon_2 o_lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::ob_tran::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9389 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    ocea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::ocea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::ocea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area";
    $self->{proj_code} = "ocea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 lon_1 lon_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::ocea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9438 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    oea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::oea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::oea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Oblated Equal Area";
    $self->{proj_code} = "oea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( n m theta ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::oea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9487 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    omerc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::omerc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::omerc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Oblique Mercator";
    $self->{proj_code} = "omerc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( alpha gamma no_off lonc lon_1 lat_1 lon_2 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::omerc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9536 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    ortel
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::ortel;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::ortel::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Ortelius Oval";
    $self->{proj_code} = "ortel";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::ortel::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9585 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    ortho
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::ortho;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::ortho::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Orthographic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "ortho";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::ortho::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9634 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    patterson
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::patterson;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::patterson::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Patterson Cylindrical";
    $self->{proj_code} = "patterson";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::patterson::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9683 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    pconic
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::pconic;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::pconic::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Perspective Conic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "pconic";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::pconic::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9732 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    pipeline
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::pipeline;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::pipeline::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Transformation pipeline manager";
    $self->{proj_code} = "pipeline";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::pipeline::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9781 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    poly
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::poly;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::poly::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Polyconic (American)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "poly";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::poly::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9830 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    pop
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::pop;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::pop::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack";
    $self->{proj_code} = "pop";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::pop::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9879 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    push
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::push;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::push::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Save coordinate value on pipeline stack";
    $self->{proj_code} = "push";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::push::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9928 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp1
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp1;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp1::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P1";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp1";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp1::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 9977 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp2
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp2;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp2::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P2";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp2";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp2::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10026 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp3
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp3;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp3::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P3";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp3";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp3::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10075 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp3p
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp3p;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp3p::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P3'";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp3p";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp3p::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10124 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp4p
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp4p;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp4p::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P4'";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp4p";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp4p::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10173 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp5
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp5;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp5::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P5";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp5";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp5::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10222 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp5p
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp5p;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp5p::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P5'";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp5p";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp5p::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10271 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp6
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp6;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp6::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P6";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp6";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp6::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10320 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    putp6p
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp6p;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::putp6p::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Putnins P6'";
    $self->{proj_code} = "putp6p";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::putp6p::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10369 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    qsc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::qsc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::qsc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube";
    $self->{proj_code} = "qsc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::qsc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10418 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    qua_aut
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::qua_aut;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::qua_aut::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Quartic Authalic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "qua_aut";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::qua_aut::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10467 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    rhealpix
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::rhealpix;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::rhealpix::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "rHEAPJ_LPix";
    $self->{proj_code} = "rhealpix";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( north_square south_square ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::rhealpix::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10516 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    robin
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::robin;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::robin::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Robinson";
    $self->{proj_code} = "robin";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::robin::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10565 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    rouss
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::rouss;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::rouss::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Roussilhe Stereographic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "rouss";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::rouss::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10614 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    rpoly
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::rpoly;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::rpoly::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Rectangular Polyconic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "rpoly";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_ts ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::rpoly::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10663 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    sch
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::sch;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::sch::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Spherical Cross-track Height";
    $self->{proj_code} = "sch";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( plat_0 plon_0 phdg_0 h_0 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::sch::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10712 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    sinu
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::sinu;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::sinu::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "sinu";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::sinu::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10761 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    somerc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::somerc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::somerc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Swiss. Obl. Mercator";
    $self->{proj_code} = "somerc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::somerc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10810 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    stere
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::stere;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::stere::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Stereographic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "stere";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_ts ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::stere::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10859 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    sterea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::sterea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::sterea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Oblique Stereographic Alternative";
    $self->{proj_code} = "sterea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::sterea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10908 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    tcc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::tcc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::tcc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Transverse Central Cylindrical";
    $self->{proj_code} = "tcc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::tcc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 10957 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    tcea
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::tcea;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::tcea::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area";
    $self->{proj_code} = "tcea";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::tcea::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11006 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    times
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::times;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::times::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Times";
    $self->{proj_code} = "times";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::times::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11055 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    tissot
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::tissot;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::tissot::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Tissot";
    $self->{proj_code} = "tissot";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::tissot::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11104 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    tmerc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::tmerc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::tmerc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Transverse Mercator";
    $self->{proj_code} = "tmerc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( approx ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::tmerc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11153 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    tobmerc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::tobmerc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::tobmerc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Tobler-Mercator";
    $self->{proj_code} = "tobmerc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::tobmerc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11202 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    tpeqd
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::tpeqd;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::tpeqd::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Two Point Equidistant";
    $self->{proj_code} = "tpeqd";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lon_1 lat_2 lon_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::tpeqd::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11251 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    tpers
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::tpers;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::tpers::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Tilted perspective";
    $self->{proj_code} = "tpers";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( tilt azi h ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::tpers::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11300 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    unitconvert
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::unitconvert;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::unitconvert::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Unit conversion";
    $self->{proj_code} = "unitconvert";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::unitconvert::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11349 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    ups
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::ups;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::ups::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Universal Polar Stereographic";
    $self->{proj_code} = "ups";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( south ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::ups::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11398 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    urm5
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::urm5;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::urm5::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Urmaev V";
    $self->{proj_code} = "urm5";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( n q alpha ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::urm5::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11447 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    urmfps
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::urmfps;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::urmfps::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal";
    $self->{proj_code} = "urmfps";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( n ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::urmfps::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11496 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    utm
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::utm;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::utm::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "utm";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( zone south approx ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::utm::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11545 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    vandg
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "van der Grinten (I)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "vandg";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::vandg::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11594 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    vandg2
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg2;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg2::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "van der Grinten II";
    $self->{proj_code} = "vandg2";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::vandg2::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11643 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    vandg3
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg3;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg3::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "van der Grinten III";
    $self->{proj_code} = "vandg3";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::vandg3::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11692 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    vandg4
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg4;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::vandg4::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "van der Grinten IV";
    $self->{proj_code} = "vandg4";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::vandg4::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11741 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    vgridshift
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::vgridshift;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::vgridshift::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Vertical grid shift";
    $self->{proj_code} = "vgridshift";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::vgridshift::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11790 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    vitk1
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::vitk1;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::vitk1::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Vitkovsky I";
    $self->{proj_code} = "vitk1";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 lat_2 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::vitk1::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11839 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wag1
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag1;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag1::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Wagner I (Kavraisky VI)";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wag1";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wag1::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11888 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wag2
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag2;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag2::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Wagner II";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wag2";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wag2::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11937 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wag3
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag3;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag3::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Wagner III";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wag3";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_ts ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wag3::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 11986 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wag4
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag4;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag4::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Wagner IV";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wag4";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wag4::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12035 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wag5
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag5;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag5::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Wagner V";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wag5";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wag5::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12084 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wag6
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag6;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag6::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Wagner VI";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wag6";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wag6::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12133 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wag7
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag7;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wag7::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Wagner VII";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wag7";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wag7::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12182 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    webmerc
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::webmerc;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::webmerc::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator";
    $self->{proj_code} = "webmerc";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::webmerc::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12231 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    weren
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::weren;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::weren::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Werenskiold I";
    $self->{proj_code} = "weren";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw(  ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::weren::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12280 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wink1
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wink1;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wink1::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Winkel I";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wink1";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_ts ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wink1::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12329 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wink2
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wink2;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wink2::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Winkel II";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wink2";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wink2::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12378 "Proj4.pm"

#line 434 "Proj4.pd"

#line 379 "Proj4.pd"
# Autogenerated code for the Proj4 projection code: 
#    wintri
package PDL::Transform::Proj4::wintri;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = ( 'PDL::Transform::Proj4' );

sub new
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $sub = "PDL::Transform::Proj4::wintri::new()";
    #print STDERR "$sub: ARGS: [" . join(", ", @_ ) . "]\n";
    my $self  = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
    bless ($self, $class);
    my $o = $_[0];
    unless( (ref $o) ) 
        { $o = {@_}; }
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #my $dd2 = Data::Dumper->new( [$o], ["$sub: o"] );
    #print STDERR $dd2->Dump();
    $self->{name} = "Winkel Tripel";
    $self->{proj_code} = "wintri";
    # Make sure proj is set in the options:
    $self->{params}->{proj} = $self->{proj_code};
    # Grab our projection specific options:
    $self->{projection_params} = [ qw( lat_1 ) ];
    foreach my $param ( @{ $self->{projection_params} } )
        { $self->{params}->{$param} = PDL::Transform::_opt( $o, [ $param ] ); }
    #my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [$self->{params}], ["$sub: params"] );
    #print STDERR $dd->Dump();
    #print STDERR "$sub: Final proj_params: \'" . $self->{params}->{proj_params} . "\'\n";
    return $self;
} # End of PDL::Transform::wintri::new()...

#line 477 "Proj4.pd"
#line 12427 "Proj4.pm"

#line 486 "Proj4.pd"


Judd Taylor, Orbital Systems, Ltd.
judd dot t at orbitalsystems dot com

#line 12439 "Proj4.pm"

# Exit with OK status
