package PDL::Graphics::OpenGL::Perl::OpenGL;

use OpenGL ();
use OpenGL::Config;
use OpenGL::GLUT ();

   eval 'OpenGL::ConfigureNotify()';
   if ($@) {
      # Set up some X11 and GLX constants for fake XEvent emulation
         no warnings 'redefine';
         eval "sub OpenGL::GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER    () { 5 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::GLX_RGBA            () { 4 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::GLX_RED_SIZE        () { 8 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::GLX_GREEN_SIZE      () { 9 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::GLX_BLUE_SIZE       () { 10 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::GLX_DEPTH_SIZE      () { 12 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::KeyPressMask        () { (1<<0 ) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::KeyReleaseMask      () { (1<<1 ) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::ButtonPressMask     () { (1<<2 ) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::ButtonReleaseMask   () { (1<<3 ) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::PointerMotionMask   () { (1<<6 ) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::Button1Mask         () { (1<<8 ) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::Button2Mask         () { (1<<9 ) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::Button3Mask         () { (1<<10) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::Button4Mask         () { (1<<11) }";  # scroll wheel
         eval "sub OpenGL::Button5Mask         () { (1<<12) }";  # scroll wheel
         eval "sub OpenGL::ButtonMotionMask    () { (1<<13) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::ExposureMask        () { (1<<15) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::StructureNotifyMask    { (1<<17) }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::KeyPress            () { 2 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::KeyRelease          () { 3 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::ButtonPress         () { 4 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::ButtonRelease       () { 5 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::MotionNotify        () { 6 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::Expose              () { 12 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::GraphicsExpose      () { 13 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::NoExpose            () { 14 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::VisibilityNotify    () { 15 }";
         eval "sub OpenGL::ConfigureNotify     () { 22 }";

use warnings;
use strict;

=head1 NAME

PDL::Graphics::OpenGL::Perl::OpenGL - PDL TriD OpenGL interface using POGL

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01_10


our $VERSION = '0.01_10';


This module provides the glue between the Perl
OpenGL functions and the API defined by the internal
PDL::Graphics::OpenGL one. It also supports any
miscellaneous OpenGL or GUI related functionality to
support PDL::Graphics::TriD refactoring.

You should eventually be able to replace:

    use PDL::Graphics::OpenGL
    use PDL::Graphics::OpenGL::Perl::OpenGL;

This module also includes support for FreeGLUT and
GLUT instead of X11+GLX as mechanism for creating
windows and graphics contexts.

=head1 EXPORT

See the documentation for the OpenGL module.
More details to follow as the refactored TriD module
interface and build environment matures


=head2 TBD


=head2 TBD


package PDL::Graphics::OpenGL::OO;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD::Window qw();
use PDL::Options;
use strict;

$PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose //= 0;

my (@fakeXEvents) = ();
my (@winObjects) = ();
# This is a list of all the fields of the opengl object
#use fields qw/Display Window Context Options GL_Vendor GL_Version GL_Renderer/;

=head2 new

=for ref

Returns a new OpenGL object.

=for usage


  Attributes are specified in the $options field; the 3d $window_type is optionsl. The attributes are:


=item x,y - the position of the upper left corner of the window (0,0)

=item width,height - the width and height of the window in pixels (500,500)

=item parent - the parent under which the new window should be opened (root)

=item mask - the user interface mask (StructureNotifyMask)

=item attributes - attributes to pass to glXChooseVisual


Allowed 3d window types, case insensitive, are:


=item glut - use Perl OpenGL bindings and GLUT windows (no Tk)

=item x11  - use Perl OpenGL (POGL) bindings with X11 (disabled)



sub new {
   my($class_or_hash,$options,$window_type) = @_;

   my $isref = ref($class_or_hash);  
   my $p;
#  OpenGL::glpSetDebug(1);

   if($isref and defined $class_or_hash->{Options}){
      $p = $class_or_hash->{Options};
      my $opt = new PDL::Options(default_options());
      $opt->options($options) if(defined $options);
      $p = $opt->options;

   # Use GLUT windows and event handling as the TriD default
   $window_type ||= $PDL::Config{POGL_WINDOW_TYPE};
   # $window_type ||= 'x11';       # use X11 default until glut code is ready

   my $self;
   if ( $window_type =~ /x11/i ) {       # X11 windows
      print STDERR "Creating X11 OO window\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
      $self =  OpenGL::glpcOpenWindow(
         $p->{parent},$p->{mask}, $p->{steal}, @{$p->{attributes}});
   } else {                              # GLUT or FreeGLUT windows
      print STDERR "Creating GLUT OO window\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
      OpenGL::GLUT::glutInit() unless OpenGL::GLUT::done_glutInit();        # make sure glut is initialized
      $self = bless {
        xevents => \@fakeXEvents,
        winobjects => \@winObjects,
        windowparams => $p,
      }, ref($class_or_hash)||$class_or_hash;
   die "Could not create OpenGL window" if !$self;
   $self->{Options} = $p;
   $self->{window_type} = $window_type;
      return $self if defined $class_or_hash->{Options};
      @$class_or_hash{keys %$self} = values %$self;
      return $class_or_hash;

sub _init_glut_window {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $p = $self->{windowparams};
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutInitWindowPosition( $p->{x}, $p->{y} );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutInitWindowSize( $p->{width}, $p->{height} );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutInitDisplayMode( OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_RGBA() | OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_DOUBLE() | OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_DEPTH() );        # hardwire for now
  if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' and not $OpenGL::Config->{DEFINE} =~ /-DHAVE_W32API/) { # skip these MODE checks on win32, they don't work
     if (not OpenGL::GLUT::glutGet(OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_DISPLAY_MODE_POSSIBLE()))
        warn "glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_ALPHA) not possible";
        warn "...trying without GLUT_ALPHA";
        # try without GLUT_ALPHA
        OpenGL::GLUT::glutInitDisplayMode( OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_RGBA() | OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_DOUBLE() | OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_DEPTH() );
        if ( not OpenGL::GLUT::glutGet( OpenGL::GLUT::GLUT_DISPLAY_MODE_POSSIBLE() ) )
           die "display mode not possible";
  $self->{glutwindow} = OpenGL::GLUT::glutCreateWindow( "GLUT TriD" );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutSetWindowTitle("GLUT TriD #$self->{glutwindow}");
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutReshapeFunc( \&_pdl_fake_ConfigureNotify );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutCloseFunc( \&_pdl_fake_exit_handler );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutKeyboardFunc( \&_pdl_fake_KeyPress );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutMouseFunc( \&_pdl_fake_button_event );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutMotionFunc( \&_pdl_fake_MotionNotify );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutDisplayFunc( \&_pdl_display_wrapper );
  OpenGL::GLUT::glutMainLoopEvent();       # pump event loop so window appears

  my ($self) = @_;
  delete $self->{glutwindow};

=head2 default GLUT callbacks

These routines are set as the default GLUT callbacks for when GLUT windows
are used for PDL/POGL.  Their only function at the moment is to drive a
fake XEvent queue to feed the existing TriD GUI controls.  At some point,
the X11 stuff will be deprecated and we can rewrite this more cleanly.


sub _pdl_display_wrapper {
   my ($win) = OpenGL::GLUT::glutGetWindow();
   if ( defined($win) and defined($winObjects[$win]) ) {

sub _pdl_fake_exit_handler {
   my ($win) = shift;
   print "_pdl_fake_exit_handler: clicked for window $win\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
   push @fakeXEvents, [ 17, @_ ];

sub _pdl_fake_ConfigureNotify {
   print "_pdl_fake_ConfigureNotify: got (@_)\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
   push @fakeXEvents, [ 22, @_ ];

sub _pdl_fake_KeyPress {
   print "_pdl_fake_KeyPress: got (@_)\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
   push @fakeXEvents, [ 2, chr($_[0]) ];

   my @button_to_mask = (1<<8, 1<<9, 1<<10, 1<<11, 1<<12);
   my $fake_mouse_state = 16;  # default have EnterWindowMask set;
   my $last_fake_mouse_state;

   sub _pdl_fake_button_event {
      print "_pdl_fake_button_event: got (@_)\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
      $last_fake_mouse_state = $fake_mouse_state;
      if ( $_[1] == 0 ) {       # a press
         $fake_mouse_state |= $button_to_mask[$_[0]];
         push @fakeXEvents, [ 4, $_[0]+1, @_[2,3], -1, -1, $last_fake_mouse_state ];
      } elsif ( $_[1] == 1 ) {  # a release
         $fake_mouse_state &= ~$button_to_mask[$_[0]];
         push @fakeXEvents, [ 5, $_[0]+1 , @_[2,3], -1, -1, $last_fake_mouse_state ];
      } else {
         die "ERROR: _pdl_fake_button_event got unexpected value!";

   sub _pdl_fake_MotionNotify {
      print "_pdl_fake_MotionNotify: got (@_)\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose;
      push @fakeXEvents, [ 6, $fake_mouse_state, @_ ];


=head2 default_options

default options for object oriented methods


sub default_options{
   {  'x'     => 0,
      'y'     => 0,
      'width' => 500,
      'height'=> 500,
      'parent'=> 0,
      'mask'  => eval '&OpenGL::StructureNotifyMask',
      'steal' => 0,
      'attributes' => eval '[ &OpenGL::GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, &OpenGL::GLX_RGBA ]',

=head2 XPending()

OO interface to XPending


sub XPending {
   my($self) = @_;
   if ( $self->{window_type} eq 'glut' ) {
      # monitor state of @fakeXEvents, return number on queue
      print STDERR "OO::XPending: have " .  scalar( @{$self->{xevents}} ) . " xevents\n" if $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose > 1;
      scalar( @{$self->{xevents}} );
   } else {

=head2 XResizeWindow

OO interface to XResizeWindow

=for usage



sub XResizeWindow {
  my($self,$x,$y) = @_;

=head2 glpXNextEvent()

OO interface to glpXNextEvent


sub glpXNextEvent {
   my($self) = @_;
   if ( $self->{window_type} eq 'glut' ) {
      while ( !scalar( @{$self->{xevents}} ) ) {
         # If no events, we keep pumping the event loop
      # Extract first event from fake event queue and return
      return @{ shift @{$self->{xevents}} };
   } else {
      return OpenGL::glpXNextEvent($self->{Display});

=head2 glpRasterFont()

OO interface to the glpRasterFont function


sub glpRasterFont{
   my($this,@args) = @_;


If the function is not prototyped in OO we assume there is
no explicit mention of the three identifying parameters (Display, Window, Context)
and try to load the OpenGL function.


  my($self,@args) = @_;
  use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);
  my $sub = $AUTOLOAD; 
  return if($sub =~ /DESTROY/);
  $sub =~ s/.*:://;
  $sub = "OpenGL::$sub";
  if(defined $PDL::Graphics::TriD::verbose){
    print "In AUTOLOAD: $sub at ",__FILE__," line ",__LINE__,".\n";
  no strict 'refs';

=head2 glXSwapBuffers

OO interface to the glXSwapBuffers function


sub glXSwapBuffers {
	my($this,@args) = @_;
	OpenGL::glXSwapBuffers($this->{Window},$this->{Display});  # Notice win and display reversed [sic]

=head1 AUTHOR

Chris Marshall, C<< <devel dot chm dot 01 at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Bugs and feature requests may be submitted through the PDL GitHub
project page at L<> .

=head1 SUPPORT

PDL uses a mailing list support model.  The Perldl mailing list
is the best for questions, problems, and feature discussions with
other PDL users and PDL developers.

To subscribe see the page at L<>


TBD including PDL TriD developers and POGL developers...thanks to all.


Copyright 2009 Chris Marshall.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.


1; # End of PDL::Graphics::OpenGL::Perl::OpenGL