package DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL; @ISA = 'DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria'; use strict; ######################################################################## sub new { my $package = shift; bless [ @_ ], $package; } ######################################################################## sub sql_where { my $self = shift; @$self; } ######################################################################## 1; ######################################################################## ######################################################################## =head1 NAME DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL - Criteria with SQL snippets =head1 SYNOPSIS my $crit = DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL->new( "name = 'Dave'" ); =head1 DESCRIPTION DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL objects are built around an array of a SQL string, followed by values to be bound the the '?' placeholders in the string, if any. =cut =head1 REFERENCE =head2 Constructor =over 4 =item new DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL->new( $sql ) : $comparison DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::LiteralSQL->new( $sql, @params ) : $comparison Constructor. =back =head2 SQL Where Generation =over 4 =item sql_where() $criteria->sql_where() : $sql, @params Returns the SQL fragment and parameters stored by the constructor. =back =cut =head1 SEE ALSO See L<DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria> and L<DBIx::SQLEngine::Criteria::Comparison> for more information on using these objects. See L<DBIx::SQLEngine> for the overall interface and developer documentation. See L<DBIx::SQLEngine::Docs::ReadMe> for general information about this distribution, including installation and license information. =cut