0.03  Mon, 09 Apr 2012 12:36:02 -0400
    - Performance optimizations for frame deserialization [https://github.com/ewaters/net-amqp/pull/3]

0.02  Fri, 11 Nov 2011 07:16:09 -0700
    - note File::Temp version requirement [https://github.com/joodie]
    - additional field 'content' from spec [https://github.com/teftin]
    - Ignore partial frames until they're complete; inspired by Steve Fink [https://github.com/chipdude]
    - Support field type "A" - field array [https://github.com/chipdude]

0.01.1  Wed, 05 Aug 2009 09:33:09 -0600
    - Fixed typo in t/02_ruby_protocol_doc.t for detecting skip
    - Added version requirement for Test::More to support done_testing()

0.01  Wed, 15 Jul 2009 14:33:48 -0600
    - First working version released to CPAN