Revision history for PDL-Opt-Simplex-Simple
1.6	2022-11-13T22:37:33-08:00
	- Hopefully fixed ->sclr regression reported by some testers.

1.5	2022-11-10T18:46:56-08:00
	- Added option to reduce simplex search space (reduce_search)
	- Fixed min/max clipping bug when handling PDL-valued variables
	- Updated C<log> hash.  Added {best_minima} and {best_vars}.
	- Fixed {minima}, which is now the same as {best_minima} for backwards
	  compatiblity because {minima} was invalid.

1.4	2022-06-18T18:37:08-07:00
	- Updated documentation, usecase examples and links.
	- Fixed version regression, cpan saw 1.3.1 as 1.003001 but
	- previous versions were seen as 1.3 so 1.003 looked smaller. oops.

1.3.1	2022-06-18T17:39:57-07:00
	- Fixed srand handling, added git repo info

1.3	2022-06-17T18:21:05-07:00
	- Use die to cancel if simplex is not making progress.

1.2	2022-06-14T17:33:09-07:00
	- Flagged PDL srand issue

1.1	2022-06-10T14:02:46-07:00
	- First public release, released on an unsuspecting world.  This release
	- has lots of great documentation.

1.0	2021-11-17T20:21:53-08:00
	- Initial internal release