Revision history for RF::Component
1.004 2022-11-13T21:36:24-08:00
- Added support for saving MDIF files.
- Updated documentation
- Added get_wsnp_list()
1.003 2022-11-08T14:33:04-08:00
- Added RF::Component::Multi
- Updated PDL::IO::Touchstone version dependency
- Fixed changelog format
1.002 2022-10-30T18:31:27-07:00
- Added support to save Touchstone files (.s2p, .sNp, etc.)
- Moved load_options into %opts (not backwards-compatible)
- Fixed documentation related to calling conventions
1.001 2022-08-05T17:36:28-07:00
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.