#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # File: WriteCanonRaw.pl # # Description: Write Canon RAW (CRW and CR2) meta information # # Revisions: 01/25/2005 - P. Harvey Created # 09/16/2010 - PH Added ability to write XMP in CRW images #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION $AUTOLOAD %crwTagFormat); use Image::ExifTool::Fixup; # map for adding directories to CRW my %crwMap = ( XMP => 'CanonVRD', CanonVRD => 'Trailer', ); # mappings to from RAW tagID to MakerNotes tagID # (Note: upper two bits of RawTagID are zero) my %mapRawTag = ( # RawTagID => Canon TagID 0x080b => 0x07, # CanonFirmwareVersion 0x0810 => 0x09, # OwnerName 0x0815 => 0x06, # CanonImageType 0x1028 => 0x03, # (unknown if no tag name specified) 0x1029 => 0x02, # FocalLength 0x102a => 0x04, # CanonShotInfo 0x102d => 0x01, # CanonCameraSettings 0x1033 => 0x0f, # CanonCustomFunctions (only verified for 10D) 0x1038 => 0x12, # CanonAFInfo 0x1039 => 0x13, 0x1093 => 0x93, 0x10a8 => 0xa8, 0x10a9 => 0xa9, # WhiteBalanceTable 0x10aa => 0xaa, 0x10ae => 0xae, # ColorTemperature 0x10b4 => 0xb4, # ColorSpace 0x10b5 => 0xb5, 0x10c0 => 0xc0, 0x10c1 => 0xc1, 0x180b => 0x0c, # SerialNumber 0x1817 => 0x08, # FileNumber 0x1834 => 0x10, 0x183b => 0x15, ); # translation from Rotation to Orientation values my %mapRotation = ( 0 => 1, 90 => 6, 180 => 3, 270 => 8, ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Initialize buffers for building MakerNotes from RAW data # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference sub InitMakerNotes($) { my $et = shift; $$et{MAKER_NOTE_INFO} = { Entries => { }, # directory entries keyed by tagID ValBuff => "\0\0\0\0", # value data buffer (start with zero nextIFD pointer) FixupTags => { }, # flags for tags with data in value buffer }; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Build maker notes from CanonRaw information # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) raw tag ID, 2) reference to tagInfo # 3) reference to value, 4) format name, 5) count # Notes: This will build the directory in the order the tags are found in the CRW # file, which isn't sequential (but Canon's version isn't sequential either...) sub BuildMakerNotes($$$$$$) { my ($et, $rawTag, $tagInfo, $valuePt, $formName, $count) = @_; my $tagID = $mapRawTag{$rawTag} || return; $formName or warn(sprintf "No format for tag 0x%x!\n",$rawTag), return; # special case: ignore user comment because it gets saved in EXIF # (and has the same raw tagID as CanonFileDescription) return if $tagInfo and $$tagInfo{Name} eq 'UserComment'; my $format = $Image::ExifTool::Exif::formatNumber{$formName}; my $fsiz = $Image::ExifTool::Exif::formatSize[$format]; my $size = length($$valuePt); my $value; if ($count and $size != $count * $fsiz) { if ($size < $count * $fsiz) { warn sprintf("Value too short for raw tag 0x%x\n",$rawTag); return; } # shorten value appropriately $size = $count * $fsiz; $value = substr($$valuePt, 0, $size); } else { $count = $size / $fsiz; $value = $$valuePt; } my $offsetVal; my $makerInfo = $$et{MAKER_NOTE_INFO}; if ($size > 4) { my $len = length $makerInfo->{ValBuff}; $offsetVal = Set32u($len); $makerInfo->{ValBuff} .= $value; # pad to an even number of bytes $size & 0x01 and $makerInfo->{ValBuff} .= "\0"; # set flag indicating that this tag needs a fixup $makerInfo->{FixupTags}->{$tagID} = 1; } else { $offsetVal = $value; $size < 4 and $offsetVal .= "\0" x (4 - $size); } $makerInfo->{Entries}->{$tagID} = Set16u($tagID) . Set16u($format) . Set32u($count) . $offsetVal; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Finish building and save MakerNotes # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference sub SaveMakerNotes($) { my $et = shift; # save maker notes my $makerInfo = $$et{MAKER_NOTE_INFO}; delete $$et{MAKER_NOTE_INFO}; my $dirEntries = $makerInfo->{Entries}; my $numEntries = scalar(keys %$dirEntries); my $fixup = new Image::ExifTool::Fixup; return unless $numEntries; # build the MakerNotes directory my $makerNotes = Set16u($numEntries); my $tagID; # write the entries in proper tag order (even though Canon doesn't do this...) foreach $tagID (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$dirEntries) { $makerNotes .= $$dirEntries{$tagID}; next unless $makerInfo->{FixupTags}->{$tagID}; # add fixup for this pointer $fixup->AddFixup(length($makerNotes) - 4); } # save position of maker notes for pointer fixups $fixup->{Shift} += length($makerNotes); $$et{MAKER_NOTE_FIXUP} = $fixup; $$et{MAKER_NOTE_BYTE_ORDER} = GetByteOrder(); # add value data $makerNotes .= $makerInfo->{ValBuff}; # get MakerNotes tag info my $tagTablePtr = Image::ExifTool::GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::Exif::Main'); my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, 0x927c, \$makerNotes); # save the MakerNotes $et->FoundTag($tagInfo, $makerNotes); # save the garbage collection some work later delete $makerInfo->{Entries}; delete $makerInfo->{ValBuff}; delete $makerInfo->{FixupTags}; # also generate Orientation tag since Rotation isn't transferred from RAW info my $rotation = $et->GetValue('Rotation', 'ValueConv'); if (defined $rotation and defined $mapRotation{$rotation}) { $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr, 0x112); $et->FoundTag($tagInfo, $mapRotation{$rotation}); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check CanonRaw information # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) tagInfo hash reference, # 2) raw value reference # Returns: error string or undef (and may change value) on success sub CheckCanonRaw($$$) { my ($et, $tagInfo, $valPtr) = @_; my $tagName = $$tagInfo{Name}; if ($tagName eq 'JpgFromRaw' or $tagName eq 'ThumbnailImage') { unless ($$valPtr =~ /^\xff\xd8/ or $et->Options('IgnoreMinorErrors')) { return '[Minor] Not a valid image'; } } else { my $format = $$tagInfo{Format}; my $count = $$tagInfo{Count}; unless ($format) { my $tagType = ($$tagInfo{TagID} >> 8) & 0x38; $format = $crwTagFormat{$tagType}; } $format and return Image::ExifTool::CheckValue($valPtr, $format, $count); } return undef; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write CR2 file # Inputs: 0) ExifTool ref, 1) dirInfo reference (must have read first 16 bytes) # 2) tag table reference # Returns: true on success sub WriteCR2($$$) { my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_; my $dataPt = $$dirInfo{DataPt} or return 0; my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile} or return 0; $$dirInfo{RAF} or return 0; # check CR2 signature if ($$dataPt !~ /^.{8}CR\x02\0/s) { my ($msg, $minor); if ($$dataPt =~ /^.{8}CR/s) { $msg = 'Unsupported Canon RAW file. May cause problems if rewritten'; $minor = 1; } elsif ($$dataPt =~ /^.{8}\xba\xb0\xac\xbb/s) { $msg = 'Can not currently write Canon 1D RAW images'; } else { $msg = 'Unrecognized Canon RAW file'; } return 0 if $et->Error($msg, $minor); } # CR2 has a 16-byte header $$dirInfo{NewDataPos} = 16; my $newData = $et->WriteDirectory($dirInfo, $tagTablePtr); return 0 unless defined $newData; unless ($$dirInfo{LastIFD}) { $et->Error("CR2 image IFD may not be deleted"); return 0; } if (length($newData)) { # build 16 byte header for Canon RAW file my $header = substr($$dataPt, 0, 16); # set IFD0 pointer (may not be 16 if edited by PhotoMechanic) Set32u(16, \$header, 4); # last 4 bytes of header is pointer to last IFD Set32u($$dirInfo{LastIFD}, \$header, 12); Write($outfile, $header, $newData) or return 0; undef $newData; # free memory # copy over image data now if necessary if (ref $$dirInfo{ImageData}) { $et->CopyImageData($$dirInfo{ImageData}, $outfile) or return 0; delete $$dirInfo{ImageData}; } } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Write CanonRaw (CRW) information # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) source dirInfo reference, # 2) tag table reference # Returns: true on success # Notes: Increments ExifTool CHANGED flag for each tag changed This routine is # different from all of the other write routines because Canon RAW files are # designed well! So it isn't necessary to buffer the data in memory before # writing it out. Therefore this routine doesn't return the directory data as # the rest of the Write routines do. Instead, it writes to the dirInfo # OutFile on the fly --> much faster, efficient, and less demanding on memory! sub WriteCanonRaw($$$) { my ($et, $dirInfo, $tagTablePtr) = @_; $et or return 1; # allow dummy access to autoload this package my $blockStart = $$dirInfo{DirStart}; my $blockSize = $$dirInfo{DirLen}; my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF} or return 0; my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile} or return 0; my $outPos = $$dirInfo{OutPos} or return 0; my $outBase = $outPos; my $verbose = $et->Options('Verbose'); my $out = $et->Options('TextOut'); my ($buff, $tagInfo); # 4 bytes at end of block give directory position within block $raf->Seek($blockStart+$blockSize-4, 0) or return 0; $raf->Read($buff, 4) == 4 or return 0; my $dirOffset = Get32u(\$buff,0) + $blockStart; $raf->Seek($dirOffset, 0) or return 0; $raf->Read($buff, 2) == 2 or return 0; my $entries = Get16u(\$buff,0); # get number of entries in directory # read the directory (10 bytes per entry) $raf->Read($buff, 10 * $entries) == 10 * $entries or return 0; my $newDir = ''; # get hash of new information keyed by tagID my $newTags = $et->GetNewTagInfoHash($tagTablePtr); # generate list of tags to add or delete (currently, we only allow JpgFromRaw # and ThumbnailImage, to be added or deleted from the root CanonRaw directory) my (@addTags, %delTag); if ($$dirInfo{Nesting} == 0) { my $tagID; foreach $tagID (keys %$newTags) { my $permanent = $newTags->{$tagID}->{Permanent}; push(@addTags, $tagID) if defined($permanent) and not $permanent; } } my $index; for ($index=0; ; ++$index) { my ($pt, $tag, $size, $valuePtr, $ptr, $value); if ($index<$entries) { $pt = 10 * $index; $tag = Get16u(\$buff, $pt); $size = Get32u(\$buff, $pt+2); $valuePtr = Get32u(\$buff, $pt+6); $ptr = $valuePtr + $blockStart; # all pointers relative to block start } # add any required new tags # NOTE: can't currently add tags where value is stored in directory if (@addTags and (not defined($tag) or $tag >= $addTags[0])) { my $addTag = shift @addTags; $tagInfo = $$newTags{$addTag}; my $newVal = $et->GetNewValue($tagInfo); if (defined $newVal) { # pad value to an even length (Canon ImageBrowser and ZoomBrowser # version 6.1.1 have problems with odd-sized embedded JPEG images # even if the value is padded to maintain alignment, so do this # before calculating the size for the directory entry) $newVal .= "\0" if length($newVal) & 0x01; # add new directory entry $newDir .= Set16u($addTag) . Set32u(length($newVal)) . Set32u($outPos - $outBase); # write new value data Write($outfile, $newVal) or return 0; $outPos += length($newVal); # update current position $verbose > 1 and print $out " + CanonRaw:$$tagInfo{Name}\n"; ++$$et{CHANGED}; } # set flag to delete this tag if found later $delTag{$addTag} = 1; } last unless defined $tag; # all done if no more directory entries return 0 if $tag & 0x8000; # top bit should not be set my $tagID = $tag & 0x3fff; # get tag ID my $tagType = ($tag >> 8) & 0x38; # get tag type my $valueInDir = ($tag & 0x4000); # flag for value in directory my $tagInfo = $et->GetTagInfo($tagTablePtr,$tagID); my $format = $crwTagFormat{$tagType}; my ($count, $subdir); if ($tagInfo) { $subdir = $$tagInfo{SubDirectory}; $format = $$tagInfo{Format} if $$tagInfo{Format}; $count = $$tagInfo{Count}; } if ($valueInDir) { $size = 8; $value = substr($buff, $pt+2, $size); # set count to 1 by default for normal values in directory $count = 1 if not defined $count and $format and $format ne 'string' and not $subdir; } else { if ($tagType==0x28 or $tagType==0x30) { # this type of tag specifies a raw subdirectory my $name; $tagInfo and $name = $$tagInfo{Name}; $name or $name = sprintf("CanonRaw_0x%.4x", $tagID); my %subdirInfo = ( DirName => $name, DataLen => 0, DirStart => $ptr, DirLen => $size, Nesting => $$dirInfo{Nesting} + 1, RAF => $raf, Parent => $$dirInfo{DirName}, OutFile => $outfile, OutPos => $outPos, ); my $result = $et->WriteDirectory(\%subdirInfo, $tagTablePtr); return 0 unless $result; # set size and pointer for this new directory $size = $subdirInfo{OutPos} - $outPos; $valuePtr = $outPos - $outBase; $outPos = $subdirInfo{OutPos}; } else { # verify that the value data is within this block $valuePtr + $size <= $blockSize or return 0; # read value from file $raf->Seek($ptr, 0) or return 0; $raf->Read($value, $size) == $size or return 0; } } # set count from tagInfo count if necessary if ($format and not $count) { # set count according to format and size my $fnum = $Image::ExifTool::Exif::formatNumber{$format}; my $fsiz = $Image::ExifTool::Exif::formatSize[$fnum]; $count = int($size / $fsiz); } # edit subdirectory if necessary if ($tagInfo) { if ($subdir and $$subdir{TagTable}) { my $name = $$tagInfo{Name}; my $newTagTable = Image::ExifTool::GetTagTable($$subdir{TagTable}); return 0 unless $newTagTable; my $subdirStart = 0; #### eval Start () $subdirStart = eval $$subdir{Start} if $$subdir{Start}; my $dirData = \$value; my %subdirInfo = ( Name => $name, DataPt => $dirData, DataLen => $size, DirStart => $subdirStart, DirLen => $size - $subdirStart, Nesting => $$dirInfo{Nesting} + 1, RAF => $raf, Parent => $$dirInfo{DirName}, ); #### eval Validate ($dirData, $subdirStart, $size) if (defined $$subdir{Validate} and not eval $$subdir{Validate}) { $et->Warn("Invalid $name data"); } else { $subdir = $et->WriteDirectory(\%subdirInfo, $newTagTable); if (defined $subdir and length $subdir) { if ($subdirStart) { # add header before data directory $value = substr($value, 0, $subdirStart) . $subdir; } else { $value = $subdir; } } } } elsif ($$newTags{$tagID}) { if ($delTag{$tagID}) { $verbose > 1 and print $out " - CanonRaw:$$tagInfo{Name}\n"; ++$$et{CHANGED}; next; # next since we already added this tag } my $oldVal; if ($format) { $oldVal = ReadValue(\$value, 0, $format, $count, $size); } else { $oldVal = $value; } my $nvHash = $et->GetNewValueHash($tagInfo); if ($et->IsOverwriting($nvHash, $oldVal)) { my $newVal = $et->GetNewValue($nvHash); my $verboseVal; $verboseVal = $newVal if $verbose > 1; # convert to specified format if necessary if (defined $newVal and $format) { $newVal = WriteValue($newVal, $format, $count); } if (defined $newVal) { $value = $newVal; ++$$et{CHANGED}; $et->VerboseValue("- CanonRaw:$$tagInfo{Name}", $oldVal); $et->VerboseValue("+ CanonRaw:$$tagInfo{Name}", $verboseVal); } } } } if ($valueInDir) { my $len = length $value; if ($len < 8) { # pad with original garbage in case it contained something useful $value .= substr($buff, $pt+2+8-$len, 8-$len); } elsif ($len > 8) { # this shouldn't happen warn "Value too long! -- trucated\n"; $value = substr($value, 0, 8); } # create new directory entry $newDir .= Set16u($tag) . $value; next; # all done this entry } if (defined $value) { # don't allow value to change length unless Writable is 'resize' my $writable = $$tagInfo{Writable}; my $diff = length($value) - $size; if ($diff) { if ($writable and $writable eq 'resize') { $size += $diff; # allow size to change } elsif ($diff > 0) { $value .= ("\0" x $diff); } else { $value = substr($value, 0, $size); } } # pad value if necessary to align on even-byte boundary (as per CIFF spec) $value .= "\0" if $size & 0x01; $valuePtr = $outPos - $outBase; # write out value data Write($outfile, $value) or return 0; $outPos += length($value); # update current position in outfile } # create new directory entry $newDir .= Set16u($tag) . Set32u($size) . Set32u($valuePtr); } # add the directory counts and offset to the directory start, $entries = length($newDir) / 10; $newDir = Set16u($entries) . $newDir . Set32u($outPos - $outBase); # write directory data Write($outfile, $newDir) or return 0; # update current output file position in dirInfo $$dirInfo{OutPos} = $outPos + length($newDir); # save outfile directory start (needed for rewriting VRD trailer) $$dirInfo{OutDirStart} = $outPos - $outBase; return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # write Canon RAW (CRW) file # Inputs: 0) ExifTool object reference, 1) dirInfo reference # Returns: 1 on success, 0 if this wasn't a valid CRW file, # or -1 if a write error occurred sub WriteCRW($$) { my ($et, $dirInfo) = @_; my $outfile = $$dirInfo{OutFile}; my $raf = $$dirInfo{RAF}; my $rtnVal = 0; my ($buff, $err, $sig); $raf->Read($buff,2) == 2 or return 0; SetByteOrder($buff) or return 0; $raf->Read($buff,4) == 4 or return 0; $raf->Read($sig,8) == 8 or return 0; # get file signature $sig =~ /^HEAP(CCDR|JPGM)/ or return 0; # validate signature my $type = $1; my $hlen = Get32u(\$buff, 0); # get header length if ($$et{DEL_GROUP}{MakerNotes}) { if ($type eq 'CCDR') { $et->Error("Can't delete MakerNotes group in CRW file"); return 0; } else { ++$$et{CHANGED}; return 1; } } # make XMP the preferred group for CRW files if ($$et{FILE_TYPE} eq 'CRW') { $et->InitWriteDirs(\%crwMap, 'XMP'); } # write header $raf->Seek(0, 0) or return 0; $raf->Read($buff, $hlen) == $hlen or return 0; Write($outfile, $buff) or $err = 1; $raf->Seek(0, 2) or return 0; # seek to end of file my $filesize = $raf->Tell() or return 0; # build directory information for main raw directory my %dirInfo = ( DataLen => 0, DirStart => $hlen, DirLen => $filesize - $hlen, Nesting => 0, RAF => $raf, Parent => 'CRW', OutFile => $outfile, OutPos => $hlen, ); # process the raw directory my $tagTablePtr = Image::ExifTool::GetTagTable('Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw::Main'); my $success = $et->WriteDirectory(\%dirInfo, $tagTablePtr); my $trailPt; while ($success) { # check to see if trailer(s) exist(s) my $trailInfo = Image::ExifTool::IdentifyTrailer($raf) or last; # rewrite the trailer(s) $buff = ''; $$trailInfo{OutFile} = \$buff; $success = $et->ProcessTrailers($trailInfo) or last; $trailPt = $$trailInfo{OutFile}; # nothing to write if trailers were deleted undef $trailPt if length($$trailPt) < 4; last; } if ($success) { # add CanonVRD trailer if writing as a block $trailPt = $et->AddNewTrailers($trailPt,'CanonVRD'); if (not $trailPt and $$et{ADD_DIRS}{CanonVRD}) { # create CanonVRD from scratch if necessary my $outbuff = ''; my $saveOrder = GetByteOrder(); require Image::ExifTool::CanonVRD; if (Image::ExifTool::CanonVRD::ProcessCanonVRD($et, { OutFile => \$outbuff }) > 0) { $trailPt = \$outbuff; } SetByteOrder($saveOrder); } # write trailer if ($trailPt) { # must append DirStart pointer to end of trailer my $newDirStart = Set32u($dirInfo{OutDirStart}); my $len = length $$trailPt; my $pad = ($len & 0x01) ? ' ' : ''; # add pad byte if necessary Write($outfile, $pad, substr($$trailPt,0,$len-4), $newDirStart) or $err = 1; } $rtnVal = $err ? -1 : 1; } else { $et->Error('Error rewriting CRW file'); } return $rtnVal; } 1; # end __END__ =head1 NAME Image::ExifTool::WriteCanonRaw.pl - Write Canon RAW (CRW and CR2) information =head1 SYNOPSIS These routines are autoloaded by Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw. =head1 DESCRIPTION This file contains routines used by ExifTool to write Canon CRW and CR2 files and metadata. =head1 NOTES The CRW format is a pleasure to work with. All pointer offsets are relative to the start of the data for each directory. If TIFF/EXIF had implemented pointers in this way, it would be MUCH easier to read and write TIFF/JPEG files, and would lead to far fewer problems with corrupted metadata. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2003-2017, Phil Harvey (phil at owl.phy.queensu.ca) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw(3pm)|Image::ExifTool::CanonRaw>, L<Image::ExifTool(3pm)|Image::ExifTool>, L<http://owl.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/canon_raw.html> =cut