package App::Yath::Command::watch;
use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.999004'; # TRIAL

use Time::HiRes qw/sleep/;

use Test2::Harness::Util::File::JSON;

use App::Yath::Util qw/find_pfile/;
use Test2::Harness::Util qw/open_file/;

use parent 'App::Yath::Command';
use Test2::Harness::Util::HashBase;

sub group { 'persist' }

sub summary { "Monitor the persistent test runner" }
sub cli_args { "" }

sub description {
    return <<"    EOT";
This command will tail the logs from a persistent instance of yath. STDOUT and
STDERR will be printed as seen, so may not be in proper order.

sub run {
    my $self = shift;

    my $args     = $self->args;
    shift @$args if @$args && $args->[0] eq '--';
    my $stop = 1 if @$args && $args->[0] eq 'STOP';

    my $pfile = find_pfile($self->settings)
        or die "No persistent harness was found for the current path.\n";

    print "\nFound: $pfile\n";
    my $data = Test2::Harness::Util::File::JSON->new(name => $pfile)->read();
    print "  PID: $data->{pid}\n";
    print "  Dir: $data->{dir}\n";
    print "\n";

    my $err_f = File::Spec->catfile($data->{dir}, 'error.log');
    my $out_f = File::Spec->catfile($data->{dir}, 'output.log');

    my $err_fh = open_file($err_f, '<');
    my $out_fh = open_file($out_f, '<');

    while (1) {
        my $count = 0;
        while (my $line = <$out_fh>) {
            print STDOUT $line;
        while (my $line = <$err_fh>) {
            print STDERR $line;

        next if $count;
        last if $stop;
        last unless -f $pfile;
        sleep 0.02;

    return 0;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

App::Yath::Command::watch - Monitor the persistent test runner


This command will tail the logs from a persistent instance of yath. STDOUT and
STDERR will be printed as seen, so may not be in proper order.

=head1 USAGE



=head3 Developer

=over 4

=item --dev-lib

=item --dev-lib=lib

=item -D

=item -D=lib

=item -Dlib

=item --no-dev-lib

Add paths to @INC before loading ANYTHING. This is what you use if you are developing yath or yath plugins to make sure the yath script finds the local code instead of the installed versions of the same code. You can provide an argument (-Dfoo) to provide a custom path, or you can just use -D without and arg to add lib, blib/lib and blib/arch.

Can be specified multiple times


=head3 Environment

=over 4

=item --persist-dir ARG

=item --persist-dir=ARG

=item --no-persist-dir

Where to find persistence files.

=item --persist-file ARG

=item --persist-file=ARG

=item --pfile ARG

=item --pfile=ARG

=item --no-persist-file

Where to find the persistence file. The default is /{system-tempdir}/project-yath-persist.json. If no project is specified then it will fall back to the current directory. If the current directory is not writable it will default to /tmp/yath-persist.json which limits you to one persistent runner on your system.

=item --project ARG

=item --project=ARG

=item --project-name ARG

=item --project-name=ARG

=item --no-project

This lets you provide a label for your current project/codebase. This is best used in a .yath.rc file. This is necessary for a persistent runner.


=head3 Help and Debugging

=over 4

=item --show-opts

=item --no-show-opts

Exit after showing what yath thinks your options mean

=item --version

=item -V

=item --no-version

Exit after showing a helpful usage message


=head3 Plugins

=over 4

=item --no-scan-plugins

=item --no-no-scan-plugins

Normally yath scans for and loads all App::Yath::Plugin::* modules in order to bring in command-line options they may provide. This flag will disable that. This is useful if you have a naughty plugin that it loading other modules when it should not.

=item --plugins PLUGIN

=item --plugins +App::Yath::Plugin::PLUGIN

=item --plugins PLUGIN=arg1,arg2,...

=item --plugin PLUGIN

=item --plugin +App::Yath::Plugin::PLUGIN

=item --plugin PLUGIN=arg1,arg2,...

=item -pPLUGIN

=item --no-plugins

Load a yath plugin.

Can be specified multiple times



=head3 Help and Debugging

=over 4

=item --dummy

=item -d

=item --no-dummy

Dummy run, do not actually execute anything

Can also be set with the following environment variables: C<T2_HARNESS_DUMMY>

=item --help

=item -h

=item --no-help

exit after showing help information

=item --keep-dirs

=item --keep_dir

=item -k

=item --no-keep-dirs

Do not delete directories when done. This is useful if you want to inspect the directories used for various commands.

=item --summary

=item --summary=/path/to/summary.json

=item --no-summary

Write out a summary json file, if no path is provided 'summary.json' will be used. The .json extention is added automatically if omitted.


=head1 SOURCE

The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at


=over 4

=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>


=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt>



Copyright 2020 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See F<>
