package Test2::Harness::Runner::Job; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '0.999005'; # TRIAL use Carp qw/confess croak/; use Config qw/%Config/; use Scalar::Util qw/weaken blessed/; use Test2::Util qw/CAN_REALLY_FORK/; use Time::HiRes qw/time/; use File::Spec(); use File::Temp(); use Test2::Harness::Util qw/fqmod clean_path write_file_atomic write_file mod2file open_file parse_exit process_includes/; use Test2::Harness::IPC; use parent 'Test2::Harness::IPC::Process'; use Test2::Harness::Util::HashBase( qw{ <task <runner <run <settings }, # required qw{ <fork_callback <last_output_size +output_changed +via +run_dir +job_dir +tmp_dir +event_dir +ch_dir +unsafe_inc +use_fork +use_w_switch +includes +runner_includes +switches +use_stream +cli_includes +cli_options +smoke +retry +retry_isolated +is_try +args +file +out_file +err_file +in_file +bail_file +load +load_import +event_uuids +mem_usage +io_events +env_vars +event_timeout +post_exit_timeout +use_timeout +switches_from_env +et_file +pet_file } ); sub category { 'job' } sub init { my $self = shift; croak "'runner' is a required attribute" unless $self->{+RUNNER}; croak "'run' is a required attribute" unless $self->{+RUN}; croak "'settings' is a required attribute" unless $self->{+SETTINGS}; delete $self->{+JOB_DIR}; # Avoid a ref cycle #weaken($self->{+RUNNER}); my $task = $self->{+TASK} or croak "'task' is a required attribute"; delete $self->{+LAST_OUTPUT_SIZE}; confess "Task does not have a job ID" unless $task->{job_id}; confess "Task does not have a file" unless $task->{file}; } sub job_id { $_[0]->{+TASK}->{job_id} } sub prepare_dir { my $self = shift; $self->job_dir(); $self->tmp_dir(); $self->event_dir(); } sub via { my $self = shift; return undef if $self->{+SETTINGS}->debug->dummy; return $self->{+VIA} if exists $self->{+VIA}; my $task = $self->{+TASK}; return $self->{+VIA} = $task->{via} if $task->{via}; return $self->{+VIA} = $self->{+FORK_CALLBACK} if $self->{+FORK_CALLBACK} && $self->use_fork; return $self->{+VIA} = undef; } sub spawn_params { my $self = shift; my $task = $self->{+TASK}; my $file = $self->ch_dir ? $self->file : $self->rel_file; my $command; if ($task->{binary} || $task->{non_perl}) { $command = [clean_path($file), $self->args]; } else { $command = [ $^X, $self->cli_includes, $self->switches, $self->cli_options, $self->{+SETTINGS}->debug->dummy ? ('-e', 'print "1..0 # SKIP dummy mode"') : ($file), $self->args, ]; } my $out_fh = open_file($self->out_file, '>'); my $err_fh = open_file($self->err_file, '>'); my $in_fh = open_file($self->in_file, '<'); return { command => $command, stdin => $in_fh, stdout => $out_fh, stderr => $err_fh, chdir => $self->ch_dir(), env => $self->env_vars(), }; } sub switches_from_env { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{+SWITCHES_FROM_ENV}} if $self->{+SWITCHES_FROM_ENV}; return @{$self->{+SWITCHES_FROM_ENV} = []} unless $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES}; return @{$self->{+SWITCHES_FROM_ENV} = [split /\s+/, $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES}]}; } my %JSON_SKIP = ( SETTINGS() => 1, TASK() => 1, RUNNER() => 1, RUN() => 1, CLI_INCLUDES() => 1, CLI_OPTIONS() => 1, ERR_FILE() => 1, ET_FILE() => 1, EVENT_DIR() => 1, EXIT() => 1, EXIT_TIME() => 1, IN_FILE() => 1, JOB_DIR() => 1, LAST_OUTPUT_SIZE() => 1, OUT_FILE() => 1, BAIL_FILE() => 1, OUTPUT_CHANGED() => 1, PET_FILE() => 1, RUN_DIR() => 1, TMP_DIR() => 1, ); sub TO_JSON { my $self = shift; my $out = { %{$self->{+TASK}} }; for my $attr (Test2::Harness::Util::HashBase::attr_list(blessed($self))) { next if $JSON_SKIP{$attr}; $self->$attr unless defined $self->{$attr}; $out->{$attr} = $self->{$attr}; } delete $out->{+FORK_CALLBACK}; delete $out->{+VIA} if ref($out->{+VIA}) eq 'CODE'; $out->{job_name} //= $out->{job_id}; $out->{abs_file} = clean_path($self->file); return $out; } sub rel_file { File::Spec->abs2rel($_[0]->file) } sub file { $_[0]->{+FILE} //= clean_path($_[0]->{+TASK}->{file}, 0) } sub err_file { $_[0]->{+ERR_FILE} //= clean_path(File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->job_dir, 'stderr')) } sub out_file { $_[0]->{+OUT_FILE} //= clean_path(File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->job_dir, 'stdout')) } sub bail_file { $_[0]->{+BAIL_FILE} //= clean_path(File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->event_dir, 'bail')) } sub et_file { $_[0]->{+ET_FILE} //= clean_path(File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->job_dir, 'event_timeout')) } sub pet_file { $_[0]->{+PET_FILE} //= clean_path(File::Spec->catfile($_[0]->job_dir, 'post_exit_timeout')) } sub run_dir { $_[0]->{+RUN_DIR} //= clean_path(File::Spec->catdir($_[0]->{+RUNNER}->dir, $_[0]->{+RUN}->run_id)) } sub bailed_out { my $self = shift; if(-f $self->bail_file) { my $fh = open_file($self->bail_file, '<'); my $reason = <$fh> || 1; return $reason; } my $fh = open_file($self->out_file, '<'); while (my $line = <$fh>) { next unless $line =~ m/^Bail out!\s*(.*)$/; return $1 || 1; } return ""; } sub output_size { my $self = shift; my $size = 0; $size += -s $self->err_file || 0; $size += -s $self->out_file || 0; return $self->{+LAST_OUTPUT_SIZE} = $size; } sub output_changed { my $self = shift; my $last = $self->{+LAST_OUTPUT_SIZE}; my $size = $self->output_size(); # Output changed, update time return $self->{+OUTPUT_CHANGED} = time() if $last && $size != $last; # Return the last recorded time, if there is no previously recorded time then the record starts now return $self->{+OUTPUT_CHANGED} //= time(); } sub is_try { $_[0]->{+IS_TRY} //= $_[0]->{+TASK}->{is_try} // 0 } sub ch_dir { $_[0]->{+CH_DIR} //= $_[0]->{+TASK}->{ch_dir} // '' } sub unsafe_inc { $_[0]->{+UNSAFE_INC} //= $_[0]->{+RUNNER}->unsafe_inc } sub event_uuids { $_[0]->{+EVENT_UUIDS} //= $_[0]->run->event_uuids } sub mem_usage { $_[0]->{+MEM_USAGE} //= $_[0]->run->mem_usage } sub io_events { $_[0]->{+IO_EVENTS} //= $_[0]->_fallback(io_events => 1, qw/task run/) } sub smoke { $_[0]->{+SMOKE} //= $_[0]->_fallback(smoke => 0, qw/task/) } sub retry_isolated { $_[0]->{+RETRY_ISOLATED} //= $_[0]->_fallback(retry_isolated => 0, qw/task run/) } sub use_stream { $_[0]->{+USE_STREAM} //= $_[0]->_fallback(use_stream => 1, qw/task run/) } sub use_timeout { $_[0]->{+USE_TIMEOUT} //= $_[0]->_fallback(use_timeout => 1, qw/task/) } sub retry { $_[0]->{+RETRY} //= $_[0]->_fallback(retry => undef, qw/task run/) } sub event_timeout { $_[0]->{+EVENT_TIMEOUT} //= $_[0]->_fallback(event_timeout => undef, qw/task runner/) } sub post_exit_timeout { $_[0]->{+POST_EXIT_TIMEOUT} //= $_[0]->_fallback(post_exit_timeout => undef, qw/task runner/) } sub args { @{$_[0]->{+ARGS} //= $_[0]->_fallback(test_args => [], qw/task run/)} } sub load { @{$_[0]->{+LOAD} //= [@{$_[0]->run->load // []}]} } sub cli_includes { my $self = shift; # '.' is handled via the PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC env var set later $self->{+CLI_INCLUDES} //= [map { "-I$_" } grep { $_ ne '.' } $self->includes]; return @{$self->{+CLI_INCLUDES}}; } sub runner_includes { @{$_[0]->{+RUNNER_INCLUDES} //= [$_[0]->{+RUNNER}->all_libs]} } sub _fallback { my $self = shift; my ($name, $default, @from) = @_; my @vals; for my $from (@from) { my $source = $self->$from; my $val = blessed($source) ? $source->$name : $source->{$name}; push @vals => $val if defined $val; } return $default unless @vals; # If the default is a ref we will just return the first value we found, truthiness check is useless return shift @vals if ref $default || !defined($default) || $default !~ m/^(0|1)$/; # If the default is true, then we only return true if none of the vals are false return !grep { !$_ } @vals if $default; # If the default is false, then we return true if any of the valse are true return grep { $_ } @vals; } sub job_dir { my $self = shift; return $self->{+JOB_DIR} if $self->{+JOB_DIR}; my $job_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->run_dir, $self->{+TASK}->{job_id} . '+' . $self->is_try); mkdir($job_dir) or die "$$ $0 Could not create job directory '$job_dir': $!"; $self->{+JOB_DIR} = $job_dir; } sub tmp_dir { my $self = shift; return $self->{+TMP_DIR} if $self->{+TMP_DIR}; my $tmp_dir = File::Temp::tempdir("XXXXXX", DIR => $self->runner->tmp_dir); $self->{+TMP_DIR} = clean_path($tmp_dir); } sub make_event_dir { $_[0]->event_dir } sub event_dir { my $self = shift; return $self->{+EVENT_DIR} if $self->{+EVENT_DIR}; my $events_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->job_dir, 'events'); unless (-d $events_dir) { mkdir($events_dir) or die "$$ $0 Could not create events directory '$events_dir': $!"; } $self->{+EVENT_DIR} = $events_dir; } sub in_file { my $self = shift; return $self->{+IN_FILE} if $self->{+IN_FILE}; my $from_run = $self->run->input_file; return $self->{+IN_FILE} = $from_run if $from_run; my $stdin = File::Spec->catfile($self->job_dir, 'stdin'); my $content = $self->run->input // ''; write_file($stdin, $content); return $self->{+IN_FILE} = $stdin; } sub use_fork { my $self = shift; return $self->{+USE_FORK} if defined $self->{+USE_FORK}; my $task = $self->{+TASK}; return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 0 unless CAN_REALLY_FORK; return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 0 if $task->{binary}; return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 0 if $task->{non_perl}; return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 0 if defined($task->{use_fork}) && !$task->{use_fork}; return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 0 if defined($task->{use_preload}) && !$task->{use_preload}; # -w switch is ok, otherwise it is a no-go return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 0 if grep { !m/\s*-w\s*/ } $self->switches; my $runner = $self->{+RUNNER}; return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 0 unless $runner->use_fork; return $self->{+USE_FORK} = 1; } sub includes { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{+INCLUDES}} if $self->{+INCLUDES}; $self->{+INCLUDES} = [ process_includes( list => [$self->runner_includes, @{$self->{+SETTINGS}->harness->orig_inc}], include_dot => $self->unsafe_inc, include_current => 1, clean => 1, $self->{+CH_DIR} ? (ch_dir => $self->{+CH_DIR}) : (), ) ]; return @{$self->{+INCLUDES}}; } sub cli_options { my $self = shift; my $event_dir = $self->event_dir; my $job_id = $self->job_id; return ( $self->use_stream ? ("-MTest2::Formatter::Stream=dir,$event_dir,job_id,$job_id") : (), $self->event_uuids ? ('-MTest2::Plugin::UUID') : (), $self->mem_usage ? ('-MTest2::Plugin::MemUsage') : (), $self->io_events ? ('-MTest2::Plugin::IOEvents') : (), (map { @{$_->[1]} ? "-M$_->[0]=" . join(',' => @{$_->[1]}) : "-M$_->[0]" } $self->load_import), (map { "-m$_" } $self->load), ); } sub switches { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{+SWITCHES}} if $self->{+SWITCHES}; my @switches; my %seen; for my $s (@{$self->{+TASK}->{switches} // []}) { $seen{$s}++; $self->{+USE_W_SWITCH} = 1 if $s =~ m/\s*-w\s*/; push @switches => $s; } my %seen2; for my $s (@{$self->{+RUNNER}->switches // []}) { next if $seen{$s}; $seen2{$s}++; $self->{+USE_W_SWITCH} = 1 if $s =~ m/\s*-w\s*/; push @switches => $s; } for my $s ($self->switches_from_env) { next if $seen{$s}; next if $seen2{$s}; $self->{+USE_W_SWITCH} = 1 if $s =~ m/\s*-w\s*/; push @switches => $s; } return @{$self->{+SWITCHES} = \@switches}; } sub env_vars { my $self = shift; return $self->{+ENV_VARS} if $self->{+ENV_VARS}; my $from_run = $self->run->env_vars; my $from_task = $self->{+TASK}->{env_vars}; my @p5l = ($from_task->{PERL5LIB}, $from_run->{PERL5LIB}); push @p5l => $self->includes if $self->{+TASK}->{binary} || $self->{+TASK}->{non_perl}; push @p5l => $ENV{PERL5LIB} if $ENV{PERL5LIB}; my $p5l = join $Config{path_sep} => grep { defined $_ && $_ ne '.' } @p5l; return $self->{+ENV_VARS} = { $from_run ? (%$from_run) : (), $from_task ? (%$from_task) : (), $self->use_stream ? (T2_FORMATTER => 'Stream', T2_STREAM_DIR => $self->event_dir, T2_STREAM_JOB_ID => $self->job_id) : (), PERL5LIB => $p5l, PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC => $self->unsafe_inc, TEST2_JOB_DIR => $self->job_dir, TEST2_RUN_DIR => $self->run_dir, TMPDIR => $self->tmp_dir, TEMPDIR => $self->tmp_dir, HARNESS_ACTIVE => 1, TEST2_HARNESS_ACTIVE => 1, T2_HARNESS_JOB_NAME => $self->{+TASK}->{job_name}, T2_HARNESS_JOB_IS_TRY => $self->{+IS_TRY} // 0, }; } sub load_import { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{+LOAD_IMPORT}} if $self->{+LOAD_IMPORT}; my $from_run = $self->run->load_import; my @out; for my $mod (@{$from_run->{'@'} // []}) { push @out => [$mod, $from_run->{$mod} // []]; } return @{$self->{+LOAD_IMPORT} = \@out}; } sub use_w_switch { my $self = shift; return $self->{+USE_W_SWITCH} if defined $self->{+USE_W_SWITCH}; $self->switches; return $self->{+USE_W_SWITCH}; } sub set_exit { my $self = shift; my ($runner, $exit, $time, @args) = @_; $self->SUPER::set_exit(@_); my $file = File::Spec->catfile($self->job_dir, 'exit'); my $e = parse_exit($exit); write_file_atomic($file, join(" " => $exit, $e->{err}, $e->{sig}, $e->{dmp}, $time, @args)); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test2::Harness::Runner::Job - Representation of a test job. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module takes all the data from a test file queue item, a run, and runner settings, and mashes them together to figure out what is actually needed to run a job. =head1 METHODS Note, this object subclasses L<Test2::Harness::IPC::Process>. =over 4 =item $arrayref = $job->args Get the arguments for the test either formt he queue item, or from the run. =item $path = $job->bail_file Path to the events-file used in case of a bail-out =item $bool = $job->bailed_out True if the test job bailed out. =item $cat $job->category Process category, always 'job' unless overriden in a subclass. =item $path = $job->ch_dir If this job first requires a change in directory before running, this will return the path. =item @list = $job->cli_includes List of includes for a command line launch of this job. =item @list = $job->cli_options List of options for a command line launch of this job. =item $hashref = $job->env_vars Get environment variables to set when launching this job. =item $path = $job->out_file File to which all STDOUT for the job will be written. =item $path = $job->err_file File to which all STDERR for the job will be written. =item $path = $job->et_file File to which event timeout notifications will be written. =item $path = $job->pet_file File to which post exit timeout events will be written. =item $path = $job->event_dir Directory to which L<Test2::Formatter::Stream> events will be written. =item $time = $job->event_timeout Event timeout specification, if any, first from test queue item, then from runner. =item $time = $job->post_exit_timeout Post exit timeout specification, if any, first from test queue item, then from runner. =item $bool = $job->event_uuids Use L<Test2::Plugin::UUID> inside the test. =item $path = $job->file Test file the job will be running. =item $coderef = $job->fork_callback If the job is to be launched via fork, use this callback. =item $path = $job->in_file File containing STDIN to be provided to the test. =item @list = $job->includes Paths to add to @INC for the test. =item $bool = $job->io_events True if L<Test2::Plugin::IOEvents> should be used. =item $int = $job->is_try This starts at 0 and will be incremented for every retry of the job. =item $path = $job->job_dir Temporary directory housing all files related to this job when it runs. =item $uuid = $job->job_id UUID for this job. =item @list = $job->load Modules to load when starting this job. =item @list = $job->load_import Modules to load and import when starting this job. =item $bool = $job->mem_usage True if the L<Test2::Plugin::MemUsage> plugin should be used. =item $path = $job->rel_file Relative path to the file. =item $int = $job->retry How many times the test should be retried if it fails. =item $bool = $job->retry_isolated True if the test should be retried in isolation if it fails. =item $run = $job->run The L<Test2::Harness::Runner::Run> instance. =item $path = $job->run_dir Path to the temporary directory housing all the data about the run. =item $runner = $job->runner The L<Test2::Harness::Runner> instance. =item @list = $job->runner_includes Search path includes provided directly by the runner. =item $settings = $job->settings The L<Test2::Harness::Settings> instance. =item $bool = $job->smoke True if the test is a priority smoke test. =item $hashref = $job->spawn_params Parameters for C<run_cmd()> in L<Test2::Harness::Util::IPC> when launching this job. =item @list = $job->switches Command line switches for perl when running this test. =item $hashref = $job->task Task data from the queue. =item $path = $job->tmp_dir Temp dir created specifically for this job. =item $bool = $job->unsafe_inc True if '.' should be added to C<@INC>. =item $bool = $job->use_fork True if this job should be launched via fork. =item $bool = $job->use_stream True if this job should use L<Test2::Formatter::Stream>. =item $bool = $job->use_timeout True if this job should timeout due to lack of activity. =item $bool = $job->use_w_switch True if the C<-w> switch should be used for this test. =back =head1 SOURCE The source code repository for Test2-Harness can be found at F<>. =head1 MAINTAINERS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2020 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See F<> =cut