package Test2::Tools::Spec; use strict; use warnings; use Carp qw/croak/; use Test2::Workflow qw/parse_args build current_build root_build init_root build_stack/; use Test2::Workflow::Runner(); use Test2::Workflow::Task::Action(); use Test2::Workflow::Task::Group(); use Test2::Tools::Mock(); use Importer(); use vars qw/@EXPORT @EXPORT_OK/; push @EXPORT => qw{describe cases}; push @EXPORT_OK => qw{include_workflow include_workflows spec_defaults}; my %HANDLED; sub import { my $class = shift; my @caller = caller(0); my %root_args; my %runner_args; my @import; while (my $arg = shift @_) { if ($arg =~ s/^-//) { my $val = shift @_; if (Test2::Workflow::Runner->can($arg)) { $runner_args{$arg} = $val; } elsif (Test2::Workflow::Task::Group->can($arg)) { $root_args{$arg} = $val; } elsif ($arg eq 'root_args') { %root_args = (%root_args, %$val); } elsif ($arg eq 'runner_args') { %runner_args = (%runner_args, %$val); } else { croak "Unrecognized arg: $arg"; } } else { push @import => $arg; } } if ($HANDLED{$caller[0]}++) { croak "Package $caller[0] has already been initialized" if keys(%root_args) || keys(%runner_args); } else { my $root = init_root( $caller[0], frame => \@caller, code => sub { 1 }, %root_args, ); my $runner = Test2::Workflow::Runner->new(%runner_args); Test2::Tools::Mock->add_handler( $caller[0], sub { my %params = @_; my ($class, $caller, $builder, $args) = @params{qw/class caller builder args/}; my $do_it = eval "package $caller->[0];\n#line $caller->[2] \"$caller->[1]\"\nsub { \$runner\->add_mock(\$builder->()) }"; # Running if (@{$runner->stack}) { $do_it->(); } else { # Not running my $action = Test2::Workflow::Task::Action->new( code => $do_it, name => "mock $class", frame => $caller, scaffold => 1, ); my $build = current_build() || $root; $build->add_primary_setup($action); $build->add_stash($builder->()) unless $build->is_root; } return 1; } ); my $stack = Test2::API::test2_stack; $stack->top; # Insure we have a hub my ($hub) = Test2::API::test2_stack->all; $hub->set_active(1); $hub->follow_up( sub { return unless $root->populated; my $g = $root->compile; $runner->push_task($g); $runner->run; } ); } Importer->import_into($class, $caller[0], @import); } { no warnings 'once'; *cases = \&describe; *include_workflows = \&include_workflow; } sub describe { my @caller = caller(0); my $want = wantarray; my $build = build(args => \@_, caller => \@caller, stack_stop => defined $want ? 1 : 0); return $build if defined $want; my $current = current_build() || root_build($caller[0]) or croak "No current workflow build!"; $current->add_primary($build); } sub include_workflow { my @caller = caller(0); my $build = current_build() || root_build(\$caller[0]) or croak "No current workflow build!"; for my $task (@_) { croak "include_workflow only accepts Test2::Workflow::Task objects, got: $task" unless $task->isa('Test2::Workflow::Task'); $build->add_primary($task); } } sub defaults { my %params = @_; my ($package, $tool) = @params{qw/package tool/}; my @stack = (root_build($package), build_stack()); return unless @stack; my %out; for my $build (@stack) { %out = () if $build->stack_stop; my $new = $build->defaults->{$tool} or next; %out = (%out, %$new); } return \%out; } # Generate a bunch of subs that only have minor differences between them. BEGIN { @EXPORT = qw{ tests it case before_all around_all after_all before_case around_case after_case before_each around_each after_each }; @EXPORT_OK = qw{ mini iso miso async masync }; my %stages = ( case => ['add_variant'], tests => ['add_primary'], it => ['add_primary'], iso => ['add_primary'], miso => ['add_primary'], async => ['add_primary'], masync => ['add_primary'], mini => ['add_primary'], before_all => ['add_setup'], after_all => ['add_teardown'], around_all => ['add_setup', 'add_teardown'], before_case => ['add_variant_setup'], after_case => ['add_variant_teardown'], around_case => ['add_variant_setup', 'add_variant_teardown'], before_each => ['add_primary_setup'], after_each => ['add_primary_teardown'], around_each => ['add_primary_setup', 'add_primary_teardown'], ); my %props = ( case => [], tests => [], it => [], iso => [iso => 1], miso => [iso => 1, flat => 1], async => [async => 1], masync => [async => 1, flat => 1], mini => [flat => 1], before_all => [scaffold => 1], after_all => [scaffold => 1], around_all => [scaffold => 1, around => 1], before_case => [scaffold => 1], after_case => [scaffold => 1], around_case => [scaffold => 1, around => 1], before_each => [scaffold => 1], after_each => [scaffold => 1], around_each => [scaffold => 1, around => 1], ); sub spec_defaults { my ($tool, %params) = @_; my @caller = caller(0); croak "'$tool' is not a spec tool" unless exists $props{$tool} || exists $stages{$tool}; my $build = current_build() || root_build($caller[0]) or croak "No current workflow build!"; my $old = $build->defaults->{$tool} ||= {}; $build->defaults->{$tool} = { %$old, %params }; } my $run = ""; for my $func (@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK) { $run .= <<" EOT"; #line ${ \(__LINE__ + 1) } "${ \__FILE__ }" sub $func { my \@caller = caller(0); my \$args = parse_args(args => \\\@_, caller => \\\@caller); my \$action = Test2::Workflow::Task::Action->new(\@{\$props{$func}}, %\$args); return \$action if defined wantarray; my \$build = current_build() || root_build(\$caller[0]) or croak "No current workflow build!"; if (my \$defaults = defaults(package => \$caller[0], tool => '$func')) { for my \$attr (keys \%\$defaults) { next if defined \$action->\$attr; my \$sub = "set_\$attr"; \$action->\$sub(\$defaults->{\$attr}); } } \$build->\$_(\$action) for \@{\$stages{$func}}; } EOT } my ($ok, $err); { local $@; $ok = eval "$run\n1"; $err = $@; } die $@ unless $ok; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test2::Tools::Spec - RSPEC implementation on top of Test2::Workflow =head1 DESCRIPTION This uses L<Test::Workflow> to implement an RSPEC variant. This variant supports isolation and/or concurrency via forking or threads. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test2::Bundle::Extended; use Test2::Tools::Spec; describe foo => sub { before_all once => sub { ... }; before_each many => sub { ... }; after_all once => sub { ... }; after_each many => sub { ... }; case condition_a => sub { ... }; case condition_b => sub { ... }; tests foo => sub { ... }; tests bar => sub { ... }; }; done_testing; =head1 EXPORTS All of these use the same argument pattern. The first argument must always be a name for the block. The last argument must always be a code reference. Optionally a configuration hash can be inserted between the name and the code reference. FUNCTION "name" => sub { ... }; FUNCTION "name" => {...}, sub { ... }; =over 4 =item NAME The first argument to a Test2::Tools::Spec function MUST be a name. The name does not need to be unique. =item PARAMS This argument is optional. If present this should be a hashref. Here are the valid keys for the hashref: =over 8 =item flat => $bool If this is set to true then the block will not render as a subtest, instead the events will be inline with the parent subtest (or main test). =item async => $bool Set this to true to mark a block as being capable of running concurrently with other test blocks. This does not mean the block WILL be run concurrently, just that it can be. =item iso => $bool Set this to true if the block MUST be run in isolation. If this is true then the block will run in its own thread or fork. =item todo => $reason Use this to mark an entire block as TODO. =item skip => $reason Use this to prevent a block from running at all. =back =item CODEREF This argument is required. This should be a code reference that will run some assertions. =back =head2 ESSENTIALS =over 4 =item tests NAME => sub { ... } =item tests NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item tests($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) =item it NAME => sub { ... } =item it NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item it($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) This defines a test block. Test blocks are essentially subtests. All test blocks will be run, and are expected to produce events. Test blocks can run multiple times if the C<case()> function is also used. C<it()> is an alias to C<tests()>. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks. =item case NAME => sub { ... } =item case NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item case($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) This lets you specify multiple conditions in which the test blocks should be run. Every test block within the same group (C<describe>) will be run once per case. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks, but nested describe blocks will be executed once per case. =item before_each NAME => sub { ... } =item before_each NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item before_each($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Specify a codeblock that should be run multiple times, once before each C<tests()> block is run. These will run AFTER C<case()> blocks but before C<tests()> blocks. These ARE inherited by nested describe blocks. =item before_case NAME => sub { ... } =item before_case NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item before_case($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Same as C<before_each()>, except these blocks run BEFORE C<case()> blocks. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks. =item before_all NAME => sub { ... } =item before_all NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item before_all($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Specify a codeblock that should be run once, before all the test blocks run. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks. =item around_each NAME => sub { ... } =item around_each NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item around_each($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Specify a codeblock that should wrap around each test block. These blocks are run AFTER case blocks, but before test blocks. around_each wrapit => sub { my $cont = shift; local %ENV = ( ... ); $cont->(); ... }; The first argument to the codeblock will be a callback that MUST be called somewhere inside the sub in order for nested items to run. These ARE inherited by nested describe blocks. =item around_case NAME => sub { ... } =item around_case NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item around_case($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Same as C<around_each> except these run BEFORE case blocks. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks. =item around_all NAME => sub { ... } =item around_all NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item around_all($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Same as C<around_each> except that it only runs once to wrap ALL test blocks. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks. =item after_each NAME => sub { ... } =item after_each NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item after_each($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Same as C<before_each> except it runs right after each test block. These ARE inherited by nested describe blocks. =item after_case NAME => sub { ... } =item after_case NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item after_case($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Same as C<after_each> except it runs right after the case block, and before the test block. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks. =item after_all NAME => sub { ... } =item after_all NAME => \%params, sub { ... } =item after_all($NAME, \%PARAMS, \&CODE) Same as C<before_all> except it runs after all test blocks have been run. These ARE NOT inherited by nested describe blocks. =back =head2 SHORTCUTS These are shortcuts. Each of these is the same as C<tests()> except some parameters are added for you. These are NOT exported by default/. =over 4 =item mini NAME => sub { ... } Same as: tests NAME => { flat => 1 }, sub { ... } =item iso NAME => sub { ... } Same as: tests NAME => { iso => 1 }, sub { ... } =item miso NAME => sub { ... } Same as: tests NAME => { mini => 1, iso => 1 }, sub { ... } =item async NAME => sub { ... } Same as: tests NAME => { async => 1 }, sub { ... } B<Note:> This conflicts with the C<async()> exported from L<threads>. Don't import both. =item masync NAME => sub { ... } Same as: tests NAME => { minit => 1, async => 1 }, sub { ... } =back =head2 CUSTOM ATTRIBUTE DEFAULTS Sometimes you want to apply default attributes to all C<tests()> or C<case()> blocks. This can be done, and is lexical to your describe or package root! use Test2::Bundle::Extended; use Test2::Tools::Spec ':ALL'; # All 'tests' blocks after this declaration will have C<<iso => 1>> by default spec_defaults tests => (iso => 1); tests foo => sub { ... }; # isolated tests foo, {iso => 0}, sub { ... }; # Not isolated spec_defaults tests => (iso => 0); # Turn it off again Defaults are inherited by nested describe blocks. You can also override the defaults for the scope of the describe: spec_defaults tests => (iso => 1); describe foo => sub { spec_defaults tests => (async => 1); # Scoped to this describe and any child describes tests bar => sub { ... }; # both iso and async }; tests baz => sub { ... }; # Just iso, no async. You can apply defaults to any type of blocks: spec_defaults case => (iso => 1); # All cases are 'iso'; Defaults are not inherited when a builder's return is captured. spec_defaults tests => (iso => 1); # Note we are not calling this in void context, that is the key here. my $d = describe foo => { tests bar => sub { ... }; # Not iso }; =head1 EXECUTION ORDER As each function is encountered it executes, just like any other function. The C<describe()> function will immedietly execute the codeblock it is given. All other functions will stash their codeblocks to be run later. When C<done_testing()> is run the workflow will be compiled, at which point all other blocks will run. Here is an overview of the order in which blocks get called once compiled (at C<done_testing()>). before_all for-each-case { before_case case after_case # AND/OR nested describes before_each tests after_each } after_all =head1 SOURCE The source code repository for Test2-Workflow can be found at F<>. =head1 MAINTAINERS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item Chad Granum E<lt>exodist@cpan.orgE<gt> =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2016 Chad Granum E<lt>exodist7@gmail.comE<gt>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See F<> =cut