Revision history for Perl extension Table.
1.21 Fri Mar 9 21:04:30 PST 2001
rowMask method added
A bug in html, html2 fixed, where table element 0 is not displayed
Thanks to Sven Neuhaus
1.20 Wed Feb 28 12:38:53 PST 2001
A bug in match_string is fixed.
This will affect results if you change your "string" value in the program;
Also add a caseIgnore control argument to match_string method.
Thanks to Bryan Coon.
1.19 Sat Feb 24 23:23:37 PST 2001
A bug in fromSQL is fixed (caused by typo)
This happens when user use the third argument (a reference to an array).
The old package will show an error message in some cases.
Add $header option for csv and tsv, output header or not
Add the following instant methods
so that these methods can be inherited.
Thanks to Michael Schlueter
Update new method, so that it can be used as an instant method as well.
Add method
which returns a copy of a table row in hash reference.
Officially support TSV format via the following three methods
Read "TSV FORMAT" section for details.
Fix the problem in Data::Table::fromCSV caused by null trailing fields.
E.g., a line "a,b,," in a csv file was split into two fields before.
Thanks to Karsten
Fix the warning message in Data::Table::match_string, when table contains
an undef element.
Add Data::Table::fromTSV and Data::Table:tsv
TSV - tab-deliminated file format. TSV preserves NULL element and line-break
chars in a table.
\0, \\, \r, \b, \n, \t are slash-escaped.
undef is escaped into \N.
This is based on MySQL specification.
1.16 Fri Sep 29 22:18:06 PDT 2000
Package name changed from Table to Data::Table, due to
name collision with PerlQt
first official release version
1.15 Tue Sep 26 18:32:52 PDT 2000
submitted to CPAN