package Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Sniff; $Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Sniff::VERSION = '6.80_01'; # TRIAL $Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Sniff::VERSION = '6.8001';use Moo::Role; with 'Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool'; requires 'next_cxn', 'sniff'; use namespace::clean; use Search::Elasticsearch::Util qw(parse_params); use List::Util qw(min); use Try::Tiny; has 'sniff_interval' => ( is => 'ro', default => 300 ); has 'next_sniff' => ( is => 'rw', default => 0 ); has 'sniff_max_content_length' => ( is => 'ro' ); #=================================== sub BUILDARGS { #=================================== my ( $class, $params ) = parse_params(@_); $params->{sniff_max_content_length} = !$params->{max_content_length} unless defined $params->{sniff_max_content_length}; return $params; } #=================================== sub schedule_check { #=================================== my $self = shift; $self->logger->info("Require sniff before next request"); $self->next_sniff(-1); } #=================================== sub parse_sniff { #=================================== my $self = shift; my $nodes = shift or return; my @live_nodes; my $max = 0; my $sniff_max = $self->sniff_max_content_length; for my $node_id ( keys %$nodes ) { my $data = $nodes->{$node_id}; my $addr = $data->{http}{publish_address} || $data->{http_address}; my $host = $self->_extract_host($addr) or next; $host = $self->should_accept_node( $host, $node_id, $data ) or next; push @live_nodes, $host; next unless $sniff_max and $data->{http}; my $node_max = $data->{http}{max_content_length_in_bytes} || 0; $max = $node_max == 0 ? $max : $max == 0 ? $node_max : min( $node_max, $max ); } return unless @live_nodes; $self->cxn_factory->max_content_length($max) if $sniff_max and $max; $self->set_cxns(@live_nodes); my $next = $self->next_sniff( time() + $self->sniff_interval ); $self->logger->infof( "Next sniff at: %s", scalar localtime($next) ); return 1; } #=================================== sub _extract_host { #=================================== my $self = shift; my $host = shift || return; $host =~ s{^inet\[(.+)\]$}{$1}; $host =~ s{^[^/]*/}{}; return $host; } #=================================== sub should_accept_node { return $_[1] } #=================================== 1; =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool::Sniff - A CxnPool role for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list =head1 VERSION version 6.80_01 =head1 CONFIGURATION =head2 C<sniff_interval> How often should we perform a sniff in order to detect whether new nodes have been added to the cluster. Defaults to `300` seconds. =head2 C<sniff_max_content_length> Whether we should set the L<max_content_length|Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn/max_content_length> dynamically while sniffing. Defaults to true unless a fixed C<max_content_length> was specified. =head1 METHODS =head2 C<schedule_check()> $cxn_pool->schedule_check Schedules a sniff before the next request is processed. =head2 C<parse_sniff()> $bool = $cxn_pool->parse_sniff(\%nodes); Parses the response from a sniff request and extracts the hostname/ip of all listed nodes, filtered through L</should_accept_node()>. If any live nodes are found, they are passed to L<Search::Elasticsearch::Role::CxnPool/set_cxns()>. The L<max_content_length|Search::Elasticsearch::Role::Cxn/max_content_length> is also detected if L</sniff_max_content_length> is true. =head2 C<should_accept_node()> $host = $cxn_pool->should_accept_node($host,$node_id,\%node_data) This method serves as a hook which can be overridden by the user. When a sniff is performed, this method is called with the C<host> (eg C<>), the C<node_id> (the ID assigned to the node by Elasticsearch) and the C<node_data> which contains the information about the node that Elasticsearch has returned, eg: { "transport_address" => "inet[]", "http" : { "publish_address" => "inet[/]", "max_content_length" => "100mb", "bound_address" => "inet[/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:9200]", "max_content_length_in_bytes" : 104857600 }, "version" => "0.90.4", "name" => "Silver Sable", "hostname" => "", "http_address" => "inet[/]" } If the node should be I<accepted> (ie used to serve data), then it should return the C<host> value to use. By default, nodes are always accepted. =head1 AUTHOR Enrico Zimuel <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2020 by Elasticsearch BV. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut __END__ # ABSTRACT: A CxnPool role for connecting to a local cluster with a dynamic node list