Revision history for Perl extension Bio-Community.

0.1.4 2014-02-10
  - Changes to script bc_measure_distance:
    * Renamed to bc_measure_beta
    * Can now be passed a list of metrics to compute
  - New script to calculate alpha diversity, bc_measure_alpha
  - Alpha diversity metrics in Bio::Community::Alpha more robust to special cases
  - Bio::Community::Gamma can now use the same metrics as Bio::Community::Alpha
  - bc_manage_samples script now supports wildcards
  - More accurate arithmetic comparisons in Bio::Community::Tools::Summarizer

0.1.3 2014-01-23
  - Added new Beta diversity measures: Sorensen, Jaccard and Morisita-Horn
  - Implemented a Rarefier pseudo-random number generator seed option
  - Fixed bc_correct_mis_assignments script crash under perl 5.12 (reported
    by an anonymous reviewer)
  - Windows compatibility fix in the Table role (patched by Francisco J.
  - Removed an "undefined value" warning in the Table role

0.1.2 2013-11-28
  - Fixed code that does not work with released BioPerl version

0.1.1 2013-11-22
  - Use a released version of BioPerl

0.1.0 2013-10-28
  - Initial release