Revision history for PDL-Dims
0.005 2014-3-14
* pos2i was faulty for evenly-spaced values
0.004 2014-2-24
* added a dummy=> option to initdim
* fixes and improvements in nagg
* ncop now can handle scalars (converts them to 1-element piddles)
* documentation update
0.003 2014-2-21
* added a function for sanity check
* native aggregate function support
* fixes to copy_dim/initdim - hash keys are now the same as expected arguments
* added a spacing function
* cleanup of min/max/inc/vals - either you have equal spacing (spacing ==1) with inc
or vals, never both
* support for non-evenly spaced and non-numeric dims
* davg name clash - going away
* internal routine _fix_old for converting old data
* many fixes
0.002 2014-2-17
* many fixes in ncop,nreduce,nop,sln
* added nsqueeze - updating (removing) dims when squeezing
* added active_slice - returns selected (as in call to idx) slice, ignores list of dims
0.001_001 2014-2-17
* fixed nop
0.001 2014-2-13
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.