1.0.1 2017-06-09 (faraco)
- bugfix for WebService::Client malformed JSON has been patched
- using the latest WebService::Client whenever possible
- update the doc (removing duplicates and a few improvements)
1.0.0 2017-06-08 (faraco)
- first major update
- add method chaining functionality for quick one liner OO
- ensure to use strict 0.0502 WebService::Client version because of the malformed json issue - https://github.com/ironcamel/WebService-Client/issues/13
- updated doc
0.0.6 2017-05-25 (faraco)
- fix doc typo
0.0.5 2017-05-25 (faraco)
- added more doc
0.0.4 2017-04-25 (faraco)
- added modern perl module
0.0.3 2017-04-25 (faraco)
- Updated
0.0.2 2017-04-23 (faraco)
- Fixed POD unorganized output
- Add more descriptive documentations
0.0.1 2017-04-23 (faraco)
- First release