Revision history for Acme-PlayCode

0.08    2008.10.28
        fix HereDoc thing

0.07    2008.10.28
        fix PrintComma with 'print'
        do with PPI::Token::HereDoc

0.06    2008.10.28
        fix DoubleToSingle with "skip all '\' because I don't know which is fine"

0.05    2008.10.25
        fix Acme::PlayCode::Plugin::Averything

0.04    2008.10.25
        pod fix

0.03    2008.10.20
        add Acme::PlayCode::Plugin::Averything

0.02    2008.10.19
        API changed
        add Acme::PlayCode::Plugin::PrintComma

0.01    Date/time
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.