Revision history for Perl extension Business-eWAY-RapidAPI

0.09    2014-10-10
        handle response error like 401 Unauthorized

0.08    2014-10-05
        error code updates

0.07    2014-10-05
        add Transaction method

0.06    2014-03-23
        fix requirment for IO::Socket::SSL

0.05    2014-03-21
        remove warnings with SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE (BAD)

0.04    2013.03.19
        fix 'You cannot overwrite a locally defined method (Value) with an accessor' (RT 84034)

0.03    2013.01.30
        fix NAME from ABSTRACT

0.02    2012.10.16
        Eway -> eWAY

0.01    2012.10.14
        a start