This file documents the revision history for Foorum.

0.1.5 Sun Jun 15 15:37:00
        - Sphinx::Search improvements
        - change DATETIME to INT(11) for tables.
        - because 'mark ResultSetManager as deprecated and undocument it' in DBIx-Class, we switch back to ResultSet/*.pm
        - Foorum::Search with Database or Sphinx backend

0.1.4 Sat Apr 12 14:26:00
        - $topic->url/print
        - Sphinx::Search support (EXPERIMENTAL)

0.1.3 Mon Jan 28 9:17:21 2008
        - copy index.html to new created upload dir (protection)
        - add requires 'Sub::Install'; # thanks for sai
        - move some Model/ module into ResultSet/ scope and add tests for them
        - new t/lib/Foorum/ and schema/*.t
        - use URI::Find::UTF8 instead of URI::Find
        - more Model/ modules to ResultSet/ (Visit, Message, Upload etc.) with more test cases.
        - use HTML::BBCode::Strict by vti

0.1.2 Sat Jan 12 9:39:21 2008
        - preview function
        - use jquery.lightbox for comments photos
        - options for create threads or replies
        - send request email for private forum
        - add require Authentication verion (thanks for viacheslav.t)
        - Scraper::MailMan, hmm, just a scrapper test
        - thread mode for Topic/Comments
        - configurable PageCache
        - add CSS::Minifier

0.1.1 Sun Dec 30 16:19:11 2007
        - use Perl::Critic to fix some errors, bin/misc/
        - use JavaScript::Minifier to minify js files, bin/misc/
        - bug fix for message permission check (r160)
        - add requires 'Cache::FileCache'; in Makefile.PL (reported by hotsnow)
        - use Config::YAML instead of ConfigLoader because Config::YAML is simpler and faster
        - new table 'user_settings' & /settings for 'SendUpdateNotification for MyStarredItems' (r208)
        - new settings 'show_email_public': can hide email from public (r215)
        - Topic RSS && RSS title bug fix.
        - What's New page
        - Site Admin Settings: /admin/settings to change foorum_local.yml

0.1.0 Fri Dec 24 20:56:00 2007
        - move trunk to
        - use jQuery to deal with browser time zone
        - UBB js localize
        - use Catalyst::Plugin::Cache instead of Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Memcached
        - use jQuery validate.js for register etc. (add validate/messages_cn.js)
        - rewrite Model/ to send email after compose a message
        - add Plain/Textile Formatter to post/reply/edit
        - add Text::GooglewikiFormat
        - new language: Chinese Traditional
        - add =pod formatter supports
        - My Shared Items

0.08  Sun Dec 9 16:30:30 2007
        - I18N encoding fix
        - use the lastest Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication (Store::FromSub::Hash)
        - use jQuery flot to do daily chart
        - bin/
        - RSS text fix

0.07  Fri Oct 5 18:33:21 2007
        - use TheSchwartz to queue cron scirpt.
        - resize profile photo using Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::ResizeProfilePhoto
        - cache topic and a new controller
        - daily report cron
        - ban user
        - remove and use template to create RSS feed.

0.06  Mon Oct 1 21:02:00 2007
        - Plugin::FoorumUtils load_once in TT. (5/8/2007)
        - db Schema improvements.
        - use jquery.ui tabs
        - profile photo
        - email login

0.05  Sat Aug 4 09:10:15 2007
        - use Net::IP::Match::Regexp to ban IP range from registration (5/6/2007)
        - an admin tool for ban ip (17/6/2007)
        - perltidy -b -ci=4 *.pm (17/6/2007)
        - User cache (17/6/2007)
        - change email add 'password' check
        - js minifier
        - use jquery instead of prototype

0.04  Sat Jun 3 15:55:55 2007
        - add log_error table and Foorum::Log for both Model and /bin/cron (20/5/2007)
        - move script/ to bin/ (20/5/2007)
        - add a new INSTALL file (20/5/2007)
        - Admin tool for log_error (20/5/2007)
        - bin/cron/ and conf/cron.yml to remove old db data (20/5/2007)
        - add a new Model/ and remove 'FormValidator::Simple::Plugin::DBIC::Unique' (26/5/2007)
        - add cache for comments (26/5/2007)
        - Foorum::Filter: add textile support and remove 'Template::Plugin::HTML::BBCode' (26/5/2007)
        - more sane change_email (2/6/2007)

0.03  Sat May 19 13:24:00 2007
        - remove Plugin::Email. insert into table scheduled_email and use a cron script to send. (19/5/2007)
        - remove Plugin::Scheduler. all cron scripts goes to /bin/cron (19/5/2007)
        - bug fixes (19/5/2007)
        - add /word/$word step one! (DEPERCATED) (19/5/2007)

0.02  Fri Apr 20 12:00:00 2007
        - sub delete (20/4/2007)
        - PageCache with I18N (7/5/2007)
        - Merge Forums in Admin Interface (7/5/2007)

0.01  Thu Feb 23 16:32:50 2006
        - initial revision, generated by Catalyst