Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::Han::PinYin.

0.22  2015-10-10
    - update unihan database

0.21  2015-05-22
    - update unihan database

0.20  2013-12-08
    - add capitalize patch from Tong Sun (code and tests)

0.19  2013-11-11
    - for ǘ etc. to 'v'

0.18  2013-11-11
    - for unicode ǚ

0.17  2013-10-11
    - update db to '26-Feb-2013 15:49'

0.16  2013-03-28
    - update db to '08-Aug-2011 17:45'
    - new args unicode added
    - duoyinzi removed

0.15  2010-06-07
    - update to lastest Unihan database

0.14  2009-08-10
    - add option duoyinzi

0.12  2008-08-22
    - Change 6C49 YI4 HAN4 to 6C49 HAN4 YI4, Thanks, nsnake

0.11  2008-04-09
    - require Lingua::Han::Utils 0.10 and more test cases

0.10  2008-04-09
    - require Lingua::Han::Utils 0.08

0.09  2008-04-08
    - use the recent Unihan.txt

0.07  2006-09-10
    - Update to Unicode 5.0

0.01  2005-01-06
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
    - AXn Lingua::Han::PinYin
    - change name from Lingua::Han2PinYin