revision : 0.09
date : 2009/09/ 24 15:53:14 2009 +0200
fix a warning when getting the size of an empty queue
revision : 0.08
date : 2009/09/24 11:49:39
add a flag to prevent insertion of undef value
revision : 0.07
date : 2009/08/12 12:10:37
fix an error when calculation size on a non initialized queue
revision : 0.06
date : 2009/07/17 10:47:33
add STORESIZE to allow undef
really delete item from the queue with SHIFT and POP
revision : 0.05
date : 2009/07/17 08:51:17
typo error in POP
revision : 0.04
date : 2009/07/15 19:18:24
don't do autosync by default
add paramter for autosync
revision : 0.03
date : 2009/07/10 16:33:20
remove some debug warning
revision : 0.02
date : 2009/07/10 15:52:17
add namespace and a small header on each queue (to check validity of a previuous queue)
revision : 0.01
date : 2009/07/10 11:10:20
first full functional version