package t::Crypt::Perl::PKCS10::Attribute::extensionRequest; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { if ( $^V ge v5.10.1 ) { require autodie; } } use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use Test::More; use Test::FailWarnings; use Test::Deep; use Test::Exception; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; use parent qw( TestClass ); use Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::subjectAltName (); use Crypt::Perl::PKCS10::Attribute::extensionRequest (); __PACKAGE__->new()->runtests() if !caller; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub test_encode : Tests(2) { my $vector_str = '30.1d.30.1b.'; my $san_obj = Crypt::Perl::X509::Extension::subjectAltName->new( [ dNSName => '' ], [ dNSName => '' ], ); my $ext_r_obj = Crypt::Perl::PKCS10::Attribute::extensionRequest->new($san_obj); my $ext_r_enc = $ext_r_obj->encode(); is( sprintf( '%v.02x', $ext_r_enc ), $vector_str, 'encode() as expected - subjectAltName with two dNSName entries', ); #---------------------------------------------------------------------- $vector_str = ''; my $crit_obj = Crypt::Perl::PKCS10::Attribute::extensionRequest->new( { extension => $san_obj, critical => 1, }, ); my $crit_enc = $crit_obj->encode(); is( sprintf( '%v.02x', $crit_enc ), $vector_str, 'encode() as expected - critical subjectAltName with two dNSName entries', ); return; } 1;