package Net_ACME2_Example;

use strict;
use warnings;

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";

use Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::Generate ();
use Crypt::Perl::PKCS10 ();

use HTTP::Tiny ();

# Used to report failed challenges.
use Data::Dumper;

use Net::ACME2::LetsEncrypt ();

use constant {
    _ECDSA_CURVE => 'secp384r1',
    CAN_WILDCARD => 0,

sub run {
    my ($class) = @_;

    my $_test_key = Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::Generate::by_name(_ECDSA_CURVE())->to_pem_with_curve_name();

    my $acme = Net::ACME2::LetsEncrypt->new(
        environment => 'staging',
        key => $_test_key,

    #conditional is for if you want to modify this example to use
    #a pre-existing account.
    if (!$acme->key_id()) {
        print "$/Indicate acceptance of the terms of service at:$/$/";
        print "\t" . $acme->get_terms_of_service() . $/ . $/;
        print "… by hitting ENTER now.$/";

        my $created = $acme->create_account(
            termsOfServiceAgreed => 1,

    my @domains = $class->_get_domains();

    my $order = $acme->create_order(
        identifiers => [ map { { type => 'dns', value => $_ } } @domains ],

    my @authzs = map { $acme->get_authorization($_) } $order->authorizations();
    my $valid_authz_count = 0;

    for my $authz_obj (@authzs) {
        my $domain = $authz_obj->identifier()->{'value'};

        if ($authz_obj->status() eq 'valid') {
            print "$/This account is already authorized on $domain.$/";

        my $challenge = $class->_authz_handler($acme, $authz_obj);


    while (1) {
        for my $authz (@authzs) {
            next if $authz->status() eq 'valid';

            my $status = $acme->poll_authorization($authz);

            my $name = $authz->identifier()->{'value'};
            substr($name, 0, 0, '*.') if $authz->wildcard();

            if ($status eq 'valid') {

                print "$/“$name” has passed validation.$/";
            elsif ($status eq 'pending') {
                print "$/“$name”’s authorization is still pending …$/";
            else {
                if ($status eq 'invalid') {
                    my $challenge = $class->_get_challenge_from_authz($authz);
                    print Dumper($challenge);

                die "$/“$name”’s authorization is in “$status” state.";

        $valid_authz_count = grep { $_->status() eq 'valid' } @authzs;
        last if $valid_authz_count == @authzs;

        sleep 1;

    my ($key, $csr) = _make_key_and_csr_for_domains(@domains);

    print "Finalizing order …$/";

    $acme->finalize_order($order, $csr);

    while ($order->status() ne 'valid') {
        sleep 1;

    print "Certificate key:$/$key$/$/";

    print "Certificate chain:$/$/";

    print $acme->get_certificate_chain($order);


sub _get_challenge_from_authz {
    my ($class, $authz_obj) = @_;

    my $challenge_type = $class->_CHALLENGE_TYPE();

    my ($challenge) = grep { $_->type() eq $challenge_type } $authz_obj->challenges();

    if (!$challenge) {
        die "No “$challenge_type” challenge for “$authz_obj”!\n";

    return $challenge;

sub _get_domains {
    my ($self) = @_;

    print $/;

    my @domains;
    while (1) {
        print "Enter a domain for the certificate (or ENTER if you’re done): ";
        my $d = <STDIN>;
        chomp $d;

        if (!defined $d || !length $d) {
            last if @domains;

            warn "Give at least one domain.$/";
        else {
            if ($d =~ tr<*><> && !$self->CAN_WILDCARD) {
                warn "This authorization type can’t do wildcard!\n";
            else {
                push( @domains, $d );

    return @domains;

sub _make_key_and_csr_for_domains {
    my (@domains) = @_;


    #ECDSA is used here because it’s quick enough to run in pure Perl.
    #If you need/want RSA, look at Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA, and/or
    #install Math::BigInt::GMP (or M::BI::Pari) and use
    #Crypt::Perl::RSA::Generate. Or just do qx<openssl genrsa>. :)
    my $key = Crypt::Perl::ECDSA::Generate::by_name(_ECDSA_CURVE());

    my $pkcs10 = Crypt::Perl::PKCS10->new(
        key => $key,

        subject => [
            commonName => $domains[0],

        attributes => [
            [ 'extensionRequest',
                [ 'subjectAltName', map { ( dNSName => $_ ) } @domains ],

    return ( $key->to_pem_with_curve_name(), $pkcs10->to_pem() );
