Revision history for Perl module Net::Curl::Promiser
0.13 Sat 25 Jul 2020
- BREAKING CHANGE: The subclass interface has changed, and the new
interface is no longer documented. Only the event interfaces that the
distribution knows about are supported. (Patches to support additional
interfaces will be considered.)
- BUG FIX: We no longer process pending requests within a callback.
That processing caused libcurl corruption because we were removing handles
within the callbacks. (cf. curl_multi_remove_handle(3))
- BUG FIX: Allow reuse of $easy within a promise callback.
- BUG FIX: Memory leaks are fixed; detection is added to prevent regressions.
0.12 Sun 5 Jul 2020
- Fix regression in IO::Async test.
0.11 Sat 4 Jul 2020
- Make fail_handle() and cancel_handle() detect non-pending requests.
- Make cancel_handle() act immediately rather than on the next
event loop run. This fixes a bug that caused the event loop to hang.
0.10 Sat 9 May 2020
- Make event loop tests use distributed (pure-Perl) event loops.
- Tweak internal debug code
0.09 Fri 8 May 2020
- Add cancel_handle() method.
- Lazy-load modules platform-neutrally (rather than assuming *nix).
- Tweak docs wording.
0.08 Wed 26 Feb 2020
- Remove redundant stat() checks on file descriptors.
- Clarify event loop requirement not to close FDs.
0.07 Thu 6 Feb 2020
- Fix race conditions in AnyEvent and IO::Async.
- Ignore extra stop-poll callbacks. This appears to have been an issue
with old libcurl versions (e.g., 7.29); there seems no reason to care.
- IO::Async - Prevent Perl from closing FDs that libcurl expects to use.
- Make tests work with Promise::XS.
- Tests now print the version of the event loop being used.
0.06 Fri 31 Jan 2020
- Add experimental Promise::XS support.
- Skip Mojo tests if Mojo::Promise->new() can’t take a callback. (Fixed in
Mojolicious 8.15.)
- Clarify in documentation that unless you’re managing a custom event loop
most of the N::C::P interface isn’t relevant.
- Drop Perl 5.8 support.
0.05 Wed 10 Dec 2019
- Add add_handle_p() to Mojo module.
- Update examples/ and POD example to be more idiomatic.
0.04 Wed 10 Dec 2019
- Fix glaring, prominent typo in Mojo module.
0.03 Wed 10 Dec 2019
- Make Mojo module use Mojo::Promise rather than Promise::ES6.
- Remove incorrect text about Mojo module’s status.
0.02 Wed 4 Dec 2019
- Add IO::Async & Mojolicious support.
0.01 Fri 20 Sep 2019
- Initial release