# # (c) 2011 Jan Gehring <jan.gehring@gmail.com> # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0: # vim: set expandtab: # =head1 NAME Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect - An Expect like module for Net::SSH2 =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a module to have expect like features for Net::SSH2. This is the first version of this module. Please report bugs at GitHub L<https://github.com/krimdomu/net-ssh2-expect> =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over 4 =item * L<Net::SSH2> =back =head1 SYNOPSIS use Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect; my $exp = Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect->new($ssh2); $exp->spawn("passwd"); $exp->expect($timeout, [ qr/Enter new UNIX password:/ => sub { my ($exp, $line) = @_; $exp->send($new_password); } ], [ qr/Retype new UNIX password:/ => sub { my ($exp, $line) = @_; $exp->send($new_password); } ], [ qr/passwd: password updated successfully/ => sub { my ($exp, $line) = @_; $exp->hard_close; } ]); =head1 CLASS METHODS =cut package Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = ''; # TRIAL VERSION =head2 new($ssh2) Constructor: You need to parse an connected Net::SSH2 Object. =cut our $Log_Stdout = 1; sub new { my $that = shift; my $proto = ref($that) || $that; my $self = {}; bless( $self, $proto ); $self->{"__shell"} = $_[0]->channel(); $self->{"__shell"}->pty("vt100"); $self->{"__shell"}->shell; $self->{"__log_stdout"} = $Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect::Log_Stdout; $self->{"__log_to"} = sub { }; return $self; } =head2 log_stdout(0|1) Log on STDOUT. =cut sub log_stdout { my ( $self, $log ) = @_; $self->{"__log_stdout"} = $log; } =head2 log_file($file) Log everything to a file. $file can be a filename, a filehandle or a subRef. =cut sub log_file { my ( $self, $file ) = @_; $self->{"__log_to"} = $file; } sub shell { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"__shell"}; } =head2 spawn($command, @parameters) Spawn $command with @parameters as parameters. =cut sub spawn { my ( $self, $command, @parameters ) = @_; my $cmd = "$command " . join( " ", @parameters ); $self->shell->write("$cmd\n"); } =head2 soft_close() Currently only an alias to hard_close(); =cut sub soft_close { my ($self) = @_; $self->hard_close; } =head2 hard_close(); Stops the execution of the process. =cut sub hard_close { my ($self) = @_; die; } =head2 expect($timeout, @match_patters) This method controls the execution of your process. =cut sub expect { my ( $self, $timeout, @match_patterns ) = @_; eval { local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { die; }; alarm $timeout; my $line = ""; while (1) { my $buf; $self->shell->read( $buf, 1 ); # log to stdout if wanted print $buf if $self->{"__log_stdout"}; $self->_log($buf); if ( $self->_check_patterns( $line, @match_patterns ) ) { $line = ""; alarm $timeout; next; } $line .= $buf; } }; } =head2 send($string) Send a string to the running command. =cut sub send { my ( $self, $str ) = @_; $self->shell->write($str); } sub _check_patterns { my ( $self, $line, @match_patterns ) = @_; for my $pattern (@match_patterns) { if ( $line =~ $pattern->[0] ) { my $code = $pattern->[1]; &$code( $self, $line ); return 1; } } } sub _log { my ( $self, $str ) = @_; my $log_to = $self->{"__log_to"}; if ( ref($log_to) eq "CODE" ) { &$log_to($str); } elsif ( ref($log_to) eq "GLOB" ) { print $log_to $str; } else { # log to a file open( my $fh, ">>", $log_to ) or die($!); print $fh $str; close($fh); } } 1;